I would suppose people watching around the world might get the idea
that the US is the most prosperous black country on the planet, with all
the attention and center stage space afforded these noble people.
The anthem reminded me of a "Simpsons" episode in which "Bleeding
Gums Murphy", a black jazz musician, sings the anthem at a baseball
game. It takes him almost half an hour and the crowd is falling asleep. It
was funny to see because it was so true to life - "Murphy" was mangling
the anthem as well as taking so long to get through it.
Neville, Aretha and Stevie aren't missing many meals, that's for sure. I
feel that the pre-show "extravaganza" with Stevie Wonder and others
singing Motown hits should have had better visuals - you know, images
of burned out Detroit, crime, riots, floating across screen during the
tunes. (I am originally from Detroit so I am well aware of the contributions
of blacks to this once great town)
Katrina victims, Coretta Scott King, the old commie-fraud-jewtool Rosa
Are they pushing the Superbowl into February to make sure it coincides
with "Black History Month"? WIll October be made "Hispanic" history
month, with MLB making sure latino stacked teams are in the Fall Classic?
Or will they extend the MLB season into November, make that Hispanic
history month, and overshadow a hideously "White" holiday like
I'm getting way off the beam. The anthem was darn close to being, if not
being, the most pathetic rendition yet at a championship sporting event.
The "elites' ram it down our throats 24/7, I'll give them that.