Super Bowl XLVIII

This is utter horse ****! I and many CFers see the the truth. As well as other of my friends not on here. NO!!! I will not blame us(here). WTF are you talking about. We (White ppl as a individuals ) are not to blame?? Individuals who see what is happening? and alerting our families and friends. If every White individual or family would do the rudimentary effort and educate our people then we could be ready against this onslaught . But no, we have posters who want to to blame the culprits. Unreal. on this forum! Do not blame me, every time I interact with our peeps I put out the vibe of us being played. But that is the point! Why are we being played? Because we are lazy or don't give a rats ass. Point blank, I am not forgetting anything.Sorry Lew, I do not mean to get personnel. Frustrating. Please forgive my mean spirited phrases.
I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying we're to blame, I'm saying the you know who are to blame. But if you insist that they are not fully to blame then I say you can't blame the masses because they're in a state of deep sleep. So IF you absolutely feel the need to blame someone else then blame those of who are awake for failing to wake up everyone else. But I disagree with blaming us because all of us are no match for the mass media. Maybe if we're lucky we can reach a few people but we don't have the capability to reach hundreds of millions of people like they can.
Well, if that wasn't the worst Super Bowl ever. (It was). And I thought last year's Coal Bowl was bad. At least the white QB won that time. I'm glad I had to work during the game, although listening to the updates on the radio was painful. If Satan were ever to design a Super Bowl, it would probably go exactly like this one, minus Welker's good game.The only good thing about many things were horrible that it is for statistical purposes impossible for next year's to be any worse.
No Pam it could be much worse, imagine if someone like Cam Newton wins a super bowl. At least Wilson seems to be the only black quarterback who's a decent person.
Absolutely, positively, undeniably correct!

If theres one thing Ive learned about the generation of older guys, it is that they are the MOST self righteous people on earth. They LOVE to call people "weak, stupid, cowardly, lazy", and so on.

"Boy back in my day we walked uphill in the snow to work, and back both ways barefoot blah blah blah".

I wish I had a dollar for every time Ive heard an ol timer say "They dont make men like they use to back in our day".Hardly ever taking into account that when they were young the world was MUCH better, and easier to get ahead in. The propaganda, although existing, was FAR less ferocious than it is now!

Of course Whites themselves are responsible for their own destruction to an extent, but its not logical to just thrust blame on them alone. The undeniable fact is that the tribe does indeed control the media, the education system, and the banks. Therefore the minds of the masses, and therefore politics.

Look at it like this fellas. A kid gets captured at birth by a tribe of evil anti whites. They feed him, and cloth him, but never let him leave the basement. They start as early as possible brainwashing him to hate his Whiteness. For his whole life thats ALL his mind gets saturated with. Then when hes 18 or 19 they turn him loose into society.

Now, is it at all fair to put any fault on him what so ever? I say hell no! Blaming that kid would be horrible. You blame the kidnapping evil brainwashing criminals. If you must blame Whites for it blame the kids parents for letting him get kidnapped.

I understand peoples dislike of "blaming the jews for everything", but I dont understand not blaming them for at least a large portion of everything. They are guilty, and they brag about it openly. Why not go ahead and point them out?They are the kidnappers, and those of us born in the last four decades are the kids in the basement being forced to take propaganda.

WW, love ya brother, but I'm not sure what time period you're speaking of when you say it was easier to get ahead in.. Before I say anything else, I was born in the late 60's and growing up there were some good times and some bad times. The early and late 70's were tough economically, Vietnam, etc. but we came out of it a little during the 80's. Just when things were looking good for my family in the early 2000's, I lost almost everything, but my home!

Why am saying is this, every generation goes through tough times at one time or another and there's plenty of blame to go around.

For better or worse, whether you agree with some of the wars we've been in or not, My grandfather left my grandmother for 24 straight months to go to fight in WWII and survived Iwo Jima. He saw things you will never see or understand in your lifetime and lived to tell about it. My grandmother stayed faithful to him the whole time and wrote him everyday! When I was in the Marines, 80's, women would cheat and leave their husbands if they were gone on a 6 month float!

My point is they don't make men or women like they used to, however, there are things that, that generation as well as my parents generation, did or didn't do that I don't understand. It seemed they just sat back and let liberals/crooked jews take over this country, but it doesn't retract from the difficult times many men and women of that era went through.

....and now it seems for us we don't know what to do. We may say we would have done this or that, but would we have? Really? I don't know, but one things for sure; this country sure is being flushed down a toilet!
That Super Bowl was strange especially when you consider how the NFL has engineered the games to be close at the end and the Super Bowl turns out to be a boring blow-out.

The Seahawks were all over the Broncos. On offense there was never a time that the Broncos had a guy wide open, never a time Manning wasn't pressured. It looked like the Seahawks were on crack. The Bronco's would try to take advantage of the Seahawks over-aggressiveness by running a screen, but the Seahawks would come back and blow it up. Manning receivers were blanketed (and held), Decker was invisible, there was never any time for him to run a deep pattern. Even an occasional draw play was stuffed.

Manning had to force the ball out quickly, there was nothing there for him even when he delayed. He tried to hang in and wait for something to develop but nothing big ever was available. And so the Seahawks got a hand on him and pressured him into bad passes. Of course after the game got out of hand the Bronco's were screwed. There was no run option but even when it was a clear passing down and the Seahawk's went into the prevent and rushed three they still got pressure on Manning.

On the other side of the ball the Denver defense was bad, which is as expected. They aren't very good. A dominant offense carried them through the regular season. Wilson was never under pressure, when he dropped and rolled out there wasn't a guy within 10 yards of him, he could wait and play pitch and catch as his guys were always open. When they weren't he had time to scramble and keep the chains moving. On the ground the Seahawks were able to rip off good chunks of yardage at times and for some reason (injury perhaps) the back up guy got a lot of carries for Lynch. Lynch was stuffed a few times but that just meant that Wilson had to throw a 10 yard third down completion.

The two worst plays, the missed snap for a safety and the botched pooch kick off that went for a TD were also killers as they sapped energy out of the Bronco's and pumped up the Seahawks. It was a perfect storm of awfulness as even the casual fan had to be distressed at the one-sided aspect of the game.

The game went from bad to worse. Opps, poor decision to run the kick out, first snap of the game a blown play for a safety, a 3 and out, an interception, an interception for TD, a fumble, a kick return for TD. It was actually funny after a while, with a 'how much worse can it get' vibe. I didn't have much emotion invested in the game, I liked the Bronco's and Manning, but the all black defense meant that this was not going to be any kind of a "racial" referendum.

If this had been the Patriots I would have been raging, but not so much for the Broncos. Still I hoped that somehow someway Manning could have made some sort of comeback. He managed to force them down the field a few times by what seemed sheer will as his only dependable option was a series of low passes to a well covered Welker, who can still make those catches but other then move the chains they don't do much when you are 3, 4, 5, TD's down. They needed big passes with guys busting open in the seams and getting behind defenders for big gainers.

Why they could never do that when the Seahawks were exerting so much pressure at the line is the reason they lost. In the NFL you should either be able to go short or go long. Run for yards, dink for yards, or if that's taken away. Strike deep occasionally and hurt the other team. Virtually every team in the league can do that to the other team for parts of a game but that hardly ever seemed to be the case in this game for Denver.

Manning gets another shot next year and maybe a couple of more. It would be nice to see him get another shot at the Super Bowl and win to wash this one away.

That's pretty much a spot on analysis as I see it.
I think it might be fair to say that this game was an argument in favor of the idea that a good football team with a decent quarterback will beat a sh*tty team with a great quarterback nine times out of ten.

The Broncos are basically a crap team of mostly Black players (I'm not going to cast too much blame on Welker and Decker as they were not really targeted much) with a fantastic quarterback whose sheer force of will hemmed and hawed them into the Superbowl, where they were executed like bovines by a GOOD team of mostly Black players with an okay quarterback at the helm.

If Manning were the QB of the Seahawks they would be unstoppable, of course.

If Wilson were QB of the Broncos they would be lucky to win five games the whole year.
I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying we're to blame, I'm saying the you know who are to blame. But if you insist that they are not fully to blame then I say you can't blame the masses because they're in a state of deep sleep. So IF you absolutely feel the need to blame someone else then blame those of who are awake for failing to wake up everyone else. But I disagree with blaming us because all of us are no match for the mass media. Maybe if we're lucky we can reach a few people but we don't have the capability to reach hundreds of millions of people like they can. No Pam it could be much worse, imagine if someone like Cam Newton wins a super bowl. At least Wilson seems to be the only black quarterback who's a decent person.

Lew, I blame a large segment of the tribe and the millions of White sheeple. That was my point. How come us CFers see whats going on? because we are intelligent and think outside of the box with a little effort. The hordes of Whites in Amerika only care about superficial things or interest. Case in point, those friggen blackhawk DWFs. If only half of the masses would exercise some research and see their freedoms are being taken away and the current regime is not in their self interest, then individuals of the TEA party and conservatives would take over and bring back prosperity and pride back to being a White American.

Again, I apologize in my rant and mean spirit towards you.
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Lew, I blame a large segment of the tribe and the millions of White sheeple. That was my point. How come us CFers see whats going on? because we are intelligent and think outside of the box with a little effort. The hordes of Whites in Amerika only care about superficial things or interest. Case in point, those friggen blackhawk DWFs. If only half of the masses would exercise some research and see their freedoms are being taken away and the current regime is not in their self interest, then individuals of the TEA party and conservatives would take over and bring back prosperity and pride back to being a White American.

Again, I apologize in my rant and mean spirit towards you.
no apologies necessary

I think a big reason why we here at CF and other sites see it differently is because we're psychologically wired differently than most people. Even before I learned about race I still wasn't afraid to hold and express unpopular opinions among my peer group. I didn't care about my thoughts and opinions conforming with the masses. I was always sort of a natural contrarian. I think a lot of people at CF and on the Alt-Right are like that.

Lemming-hood and being a sheep are natural human tendencies. I think most people are hardwired to conform and be just like everyone else. We probably evolved that way.
It's over for me with the nfl, and i'm actually relieved and glad because I can now do other things with the untold hours I spent that was involving the sport. I enjoyed football for most of my life. I'm done with it. I saw that it was only a matter of time before the nwo, anti-christ, anti-white agenda totally took over, top to bottom. I'm glad to be moving on. The evil powers that be will use this game to further their cause to its' evil end.

I want to wish all of you the very best and thank Don for my almost 10 years contributing and posting here. So long guys.

Blessings to all,


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
I Thessalonians 5:11

I'm not really sure what to say, but I'll try. This aware CF brother has just said he was done! He has said he will stop posting without an encouraging word from any of us, including me. This is unacceptable. The numbers are already low. I will try to PM BeyondFedUp and hope some others here will try and do the same if you haven't already. Thanks.

Hopefully he'll return in time.