Super Bowl Security


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Are the Arabs/Muslims in Dearborn relatively peaceful? Would the authorities have any concerns about the Super Bowl, especially in light of the - cartoon - revolts in other parts of the world? Jaxvid?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Odd thing about the Arabs in Detroit, they seem to be the classic example of immigrants who come to this country establish ethnic enclaves, embrace the freedom of America, and then after one or two generations assimlilate without any problems. You know, like the Italians, Polish, Ukranians, etc. of couple of generations ago.

There is virtually NO anti-American sentiment. They are similar to the Cubans in Miami. Conservative and repectable members of their people.

I can not think of any protest against the US in Dearborn, the city adjoining Detroit where the Arab population lives. They had a huge celebration there after the fall of Bagdad. They dislike radical muslim fundamentalists. They want to be American.

I have dealt with many of them. They are rabid capitialists, straight forward and honest if tough as hell negotiators. They work hard, commit few crimes, never play the "minority" race card and all in all are the kind of people you would want if you have to have non-white pepole in your country, although a good argument can be made that they are in fact white, certainly Jesus was of the same stock.

It is easy to lump all people of a group or region together. The news from Iraq is all bad. But what is happening there is an internal struggle between two different groups of Arabs. One group likes to kill other Arabs to get back at America, the other group is glad that Saddam and his ilk are gone. That is the group of Arabs in Detroit. That is why there are no car bombings, suicide murders, protests and so on.

If there was anything to happen at the Super Bowl it would most likely be the result of out-of-town Arabs.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I have met a fair amount of Arab Americans, and agree that they have assimilated well. In fact, they are so assimilated that most Americans don't realize that there are several million of them here. An actual community, such as exists in Dearborn, is very rare as they are scattered across the country for the most part and have "Americanized" last names like Cross and Joseph and are mostly Christian. Doug Flutie and former 49ers center Randy Cross both have some Arab ancestry.

There are probably at least half as many Arabs as there are Jews in this country, but the Arabs, much like the European groups, have assimilated so well that they no longer have any organized strength to counter the immense power of the Jewish Lobby in government and the media.

I have no interest in seeing non-European immigration to the U.S. -- if America were again to become an overwhelmingly white country and we returned to our historic foreign policy of armed neutrality we would again be a peaceful, secure nation -- but most Arab Americans have been here for generations and the terrible reputation they've gotten from the media is undeserved.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I know that the New Jersey Muslim clerics are radical from what I've read, but the Lebanese Christians are cut from a different cloth-- so it would seem. Danny Thomas and Jamie Farr are both Lebanese and the actor who portrays the character -Monk- may be also.