Super Bowl- Fixed


Oct 21, 2004
Well, I guess there was some reason behind the strange reemergence of the "spygate" story during the week before the Super Bowl.

First, let me say that, imho, this Super Bowl, like nearly all of them, was boring and poorly played. That being said, there were many, many eye-opening plays during this game. First, Belichek opting to go for it on 4th and 13 at the Giants' 31 yard line. Huh? You don't trust your kicker with a 48 yard field goal attempt, in a low scoring game like that? Caste clowns Joe Buck and Troy Aikman barely questioned this idiotic, inexplicable decision. Second, Tom Brady looked like someone who was being paid to play poorly. Never have I seen him so off-target. On one play, he threw a ball about 10 yards over a wide open Wes Welker, then yelled at him afterwards! The jock-sniffers didn't question the throw at all, and said it must have been a pattern run wrong. Yeah, what pattern can you run where the WR can jump over 10 feet in the air to catch the ball? Third, the Patriots' offensive line was terrible. They were barely putting forth an effort to pass or run block. The image of that all-white line, which was dominant all season, being steamrolled over by the all-black Giants' defense will ingrain itself into the minds of American viewers just like all the other disappointed white- exhultant black scenes we've been been inundated with over the past 35 years or so.

Other puzzling plays; how did #58 on the Patriots not recover a first-half fumble? He fell right on top of the ball, but somehow allowed the scrawny Ahmad Bradshaw to pry it out from under him (and why would that be allowed, anyhow- isn't possession determined by who has control of the ball on the ground first, not by some tug of war?). The refs were not as much a factor in this game as they normally are. However, as I've said so often, they use penalties that occur on every play (holding, pass interference, illegal block in the back) to help determine outcomes of games. There was a holding call against the Patriots at a key point, when they were driving the ball (not sure if it was the 1st or 2nd half, but this penalty killed that drive), and another illegal block during a nice kick return by Maroney, that set them back to their own 10 yard line.

There will be a lot of joyous fans over this huge upset. Belicheck and the Patriots were villified in the media throughout the course of this season, and many people will be happy about their comeuppance.

The only good thing about the Giants' victory is that they can't really criticize Eli Manning now. I'm happy for him. Also, we weren't treated to any scenes of Mercury Morris and co. dancing in celebration.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I agree, the game was poorly played. It's almost inexplicable how the Patriots steamrolled practically everyone in route to an 18-0 record, but lost to the lowest seeded NFC team to ever make it to the Super Bowl.

One of the fellows I watched the game with referred to the old saw that the refs change the way they call the game because it's an important game. They 'let it get decided on the field.' Well, they certainly did this game. There were plenty of calls that should have been made - Toomer pushing the NE defensive back in the face to get separation and catching a pass to keep a NY drive alive is another call among those that bigunreal has already mentioned that should have been called. There were was one pass play where the defender bumped and interfered with Welker for about 15 yards while he was running a route across the middle, before finally taking him down as the ball was thrown. No flag.

One call that made everyone laugh with it's obvious hint of payback was the false start penalty two plays after Belicheck threw the red flag to challenge a play in which the Giants had 12 men on the field. The Pats won the challenge, gained five yards and a first down. Two plays later they were called for a false start on a play in which the defensive player made the lineman jump. Everyone at the party laughed and said, 'Payback's a bitch. There's five yards for you.'

A few of us noticed that it seemed like Moss was taking plays off. He appeared to give up on a few plays. I can't say he would have caught the ball had he tried, but it seemed like he didn't get it much of an effort. There were two guys on the Patriots who seemed to want it more than anybody - Wes Welker and Kevin Faulk. Other than that, the whole Patriots team looked a little lackluster to me.

The biggest disappointment of the game was watching the Patriots line get manhandled in the first half.

I wonder how long Eli will be forgiven. It took only half a season for the MSM to begin criticizing his brother Peyton again. I doubt Eli's respite will last through the off season.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
bigunreal said:
First, Belichek opting to go for it on 4th and 13 at the Giants' 31 yard line. Huh? You don't trust your kicker with a 48 yard field goal attempt, in a low scoring game like that? Caste clowns Joe Buck and Troy Aikman barely questioned this idiotic, inexplicable decision.

Perplexing. You've got to attempt to kick that field goal. Strange going ons.

When Tyree came down with that catch where the ball was pinned against his helmet, did the tip of the ball hit the ground? It was very close. I thought it would be an incomplete pass if it had. I'm not clear about the rule under that circumstance. The booth should have reviewed that in my opinion if the rule says it would be incomplete.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
I wouldn't say it was fixed but it was definitely poorly played. What really p_ssed me off was how after the Patriots lost the drunk white fans and the media wasted no time in attacking Belichek. The first thing I saw when I logged on to Yahoo was a headline "Patriots coach a sore loser?" with about the grumpiest looking picture of Belichek they could find. Of course the hack writer barely made any mention that the first thing coach Belichek did was run over to congratulate coach Coughlin and left the field and headed for the tunnel when police were ushering him away and they were clearing the field so the final snap could take place. I really despise the media and drunk caste worshiping white fans. They act like Bill Belichek is Satan, when all he is a guy who doesn't show alot of emotion and doesn't postrate himself like most of the media whores who are head coaches in the NFL. Belichek is one of the most successufl head coaches in the modern era, but the scumbags will never be satisfied until he is out of the league or gets down on his knees and offers to favor them.


Nov 15, 2007
one of the best/most unpredictable super bowls ever. i wasnt rooting for either team. ny played a great game and the pats shot themselves in the foot too many times. yeah i wish the giants were a little less black but im not going to yell "the fix is in!" just out of spite. eli and co. played a hell of a game and seized their opportunity. kudos to them.
May 1, 2006
Did any one else notice that the referees had unusually well developed tans ( extreme sarcasm )


Nov 7, 2004
bigunreal said:
There will be a lot of joyous fans over this huge upset.

My mother (like me an Eagles fan) is one of them. Mainly because of Brady's open fly. This despite the fact that she herself is a divorcee (she's remarried).

The only good thing about the Giants' victory is that they can't really criticize Eli Manning now. I'm happy for him.

As am I.

Also, we weren't treated to any scenes of Mercury Morris and co. dancing in celebration.

I'll have to take your word for that. I didn't stay tuned for any postgame festivities.



Nov 7, 2004
Quiet Speed said:
bigunreal said:
First, Belichek opting to go for it on 4th and 13 at the Giants' 31 yard line. Huh? You don't trust your kicker with a 48 yard field goal attempt, in a low scoring game like that? Caste clowns Joe Buck and Troy Aikman barely questioned this idiotic, inexplicable decision.

Perplexing. You've got to attempt to kick that field goal. Strange going ons.

Well, had Gostkowski missed, the ball would have been spotted at the 38, not the 31. That's seven yards, the better part of a first down. It CAN affect strategy.

Dec 18, 2004
Yawn. How much money could the fixers offer Brady above what he already makes and would make if he won? Who provides the money? Or would the fixers tell Brady that they would pay Gisele Bundchen (highest paid model in the world) to leave him?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
sport historian said:
Yawn. How much money could the fixers offer Brady above what he already makes and would make if he won? Who provides the money? Or would the fixers tell Brady that they would pay Gisele Bundchen (highest paid model in the world) to leave him?

Just to play Devil's Advocate, who says it was Brady? How about the NE defensive back who left Burress wide open in the end zone? Or the refs who didn't call the pushing off penalties on Giants' receivers, or interference calls on the Giants' defensive backs?

Not to mention that fixing a game may not entail paying money; it could involve black mail.

I don't necessarily believe the game was 'fixed,' or scripted before hand by Goodell or the owners or anyone. Nor do I believe that those plays that I cited were 'fixed' plays. But I do believe it somewhat naive to think that corruption of a few players or referees is not possible.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
A couple of big defensive breakdowns that are hard to understand. Both of the last 2 TD catches went to the No. 1 receiver on each team that was in single coverge, and both times were left nearly ungaurded. How do the Pats not have help for the corner in the end zone on a wideout who has to score to win the game? Bizarre! Good thing there were no white guys in the defensive backfield to blame for those breakdowns!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Although the superbowl was a big dissapointment, there were MANY positives....

1) St. Tiki Barber is eating his words, bigtime. I trust his room-brightening smile has turned to a embarressed frown. Obviously, not a single media clown would even hint at suggesting that Tiki was dead wrong about his never-ending Eli-bashing. I suppose that burning all your bridges after you retire is now considered "classy," as long as Barber is the one doing it.
Haha, no championship for Tiki!

2) Wes Welker (and Kevin Faulk) came off as the only Patriot heros. Welker just assured himself a big contract with the Pats in the future. With Tom Brady most likely his QB for the remainder of his career! Just check google news articles, there are about 50 concerning Welker's valuable performance written in the past couple hours.

3) The Manning brothers both get the praise they deserve. Also, white QB's are shown as even more elite than ever in the past 10 seasons (while 2007-2008 was pathetic for black QB's).

4) The Patriots very black defense was exposed (like most black defenses) for what they are. Perhaps the Pats will think twice about drafting and signing any more "affletes." There's a very good possibility of the Pats drafting Chris Long or Dan Connor.

I was dissapointed for the Pats loss....but something tells me this loss is going to unleash Bellichick and Brady's fury upon the league for years to come...Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Shogun said:
One of the fellows I watched the game with referred to the old saw that the refs change the way they call the game because it's an important game. They 'let it get decided on the field.' Well, they certainly did this game. There were plenty of calls that should have been made - Toomer pushing the NE defensive back in the face to get separation and catching a pass to keep a NY drive alive is another call among those that bigunreal has already mentioned that should have been called. There were was one pass play where the defender bumped and interfered with Welker for about 15 yards while he was running a route across the middle, before finally taking him down as the ball was thrown. No flag.

One call that made everyone laugh with it's obvious hint of payback was the false start penalty two plays after Belicheck threw the red flag to challenge a play in which the Giants had 12 men on the field. The Pats won the challenge, gained five yards and a first down. Two plays later they were called for a false start on a play in which the defensive player made the lineman jump. Everyone at the party laughed and said, 'Payback's a bitch. There's five yards for you.'

We have talked about this sort of thing often. Perhaps the word - fixed - is too strong for most people. It is plain to see however, that games can be easily manipulated or tinkered with in a number of ways to influence a desiredresult. One penalty flag thrown or not thrown can often determine the outcome of a close game.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Thrashen said:
Although the superbowl was a big dissapointment, there were MANY positives....

1) St. Tiki Barber is eating his words, bigtime. I trust his room-brightening smile has turned to a embarressed frown. Obviously, not a single media clown would even hint at suggesting that Tiki was dead wrong about his never-ending Eli-bashing. I suppose that burning all your bridges after you retire is now considered "classy," as long as Barber is the one doing it.
Haha, no championship for Tiki!

2) Wes Welker (and Kevin Faulk) came off as the only Patriot heros. Welker just assured himself a big contract with the Pats in the future. With Tom Brady most likely his QB for the remainder of his career! Just check google news articles, there are about 50 concerning Welker's valuable performance written in the past couple hours.

3) The Manning brothers both get the praise they deserve. Also, white QB's are shown as even more elite than ever in the past 10 seasons (while 2007-2008 was pathetic for black QB's).

4) The Patriots very black defense was exposed (like most black defenses) for what they are. Perhaps the Pats will think twice about drafting and signing any more "affletes." There's a very good possibility of the Pats drafting Chris Long or Dan Connor.

I was dissapointed for the Pats loss....but something tells me this loss is going to unleash Bellichick and Brady's fury upon the league for years to come...

Good points.

Also, isn't the Giants' O-Line mostly White?

It just sucks that OUR player's are spread around. You know, those few player's "allowed" to play in the league.

Tony Scheffler on Denver
Jared Allen on KC
Steve Hutchinson on Minnesota
Patrick Kerney on Seattle
Kyle Vanden Bosch on Tennessee
Jason Witten on Dallas
Kevin Curtis on Philadelphia

This was a good year of White athleticism; a glimpse of what could be. Athletic White youth are inspired, motivated and hungrier than ever!!

The White community has lost a lot, but they can't take our PRIDE! Go Balls-to-the-Wall or go home...

The "new" White athlete is in town! We'll have to think of some new superlatives to describe them.