(Supeman in Spikes)Dave Sime

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Here is a short article about the silver medal winner for the US in the 1960 Olympics. He should have won the gold. The guy was a legend. One of the fastest guys in the world at that time. He had some bad luck but he handled it with class and integrity. I hope his grandon(running back son of E.McCaffrey) has the same talent Dave and Ed had. Back in these days, track was even between blacks and whites. We need to get back to that point. The guy that won the gold was a white sprinter by the name of Armin Harry. Enjoy the article guys.

http://www.northjersey.com/news/health/92033819_Intriguing_People__Dave_Sime.htmlEdited by: white lightning
great find!
Interesting to note in that Rome 100 final the White guys finished 1,2,3 and the black guys finished 4,5,6.Try explaining that to the DWF of today.
The questions people never ask. Why did whites used to win gold medals in the sprints and also set world records? Then all of a sudden over the last 4 decades plus they have went backwards for the most part. How can blacks keep getting faster while whites on the average keep getting slower? The tracks are faster now a days. The training, diets, equipment and coaching is also better. There is no reason whites should not be running sub 10's on a regular basis.

The biggest hurdles are the stereotypes and the lack of interest. This leads to less whites on the average not taking up athletics or going into other sports where they believe they have a better chance of success. We need to change the thinking.

Dave Sime, Bobby Morrow, and many others were sprinters to look up to for american kids. Other than Wariner, who do they have now a days to emulate? We need more white sprinters in track. Especially in America.Edited by: white lightning
It could be lack of interest in sprinting for whites. Since blacks dominate the shorter sprints other black kids think they can do the same hence you have lots of interest. White kids may feel that they don't have a chance so they don't even compete.
Here's a video of Sime racing Hary: http://uk.video.yahoo.com/watch/215227/887507

Note the info on Hary's reaction time and later on when they show his fantastically fast first, second, third steps.

You also can't help but notice the lack of trash talk from Sim - then again, here's a sprinter who went on to become a top tier ophthalmologist. Don't see much of that these days.

I should add that going into the '60 Games, the bolshevik run press was pushing for Ray Norton, the noble black, against the evil German Hary, who was somehow cheating. Norton ended up the goat of the games, being shut out (after the press hyped the "negro" as the sure winner in the 100/200) and then fouling up the US 4 x 100 meter team. They were disqualified because Norton screwed up his exchange. A harbinger of things to come for afflete dominated relay teams from the US. Yes, he's the same Norton who played a few seasons for the SF 49'ers.

As a side note, if you watch films of Dave Sime and another top notch white sprinter, Bobby Morrow (1956 100/200 champ with Sime injured before the games) you can't help but notice how smooth they both are. So much for whites being awkward.

Here's one more point on Sime: He went to Duke on a baseball scholarship - he had never run track in his life until college! His speed was noticed right away, the track coaches begged to have him come out and run, and in his first ever meet he ran the 100 yards in 9.6. The record at the time was 9.3. Probably no coach today would ever pull some fast white kid aside, from another sport, and see him as a top sprinter. That's how far we've sunk. Once can't help but wonder how many Simes, Morrows, Harys, Wariners and more have been overlooked or never even took up the sport at all.

Why? It's lack of interest, after decades of brainwashing. Up through 1967, white sprinters in the US were not considered out of the ordinary. But the people now in charge kicked off their revolution with the US public completely unaware, and they went to town on many aspects of US culture, including sports, via their media control. Way back when I can remember mentioning 1968 as the turning point - as it seemed to me after much reading (I was a little kid in '68, not exactly interested in politics) and Don chimed in with the info that 1968 was in fact the worst and bloodiest, the most vicious year of the whole bolshevik revolution that most people didn't realize was happening. Sports Illustrated, when you thumb through old issues, literally turned on a dime, going from even handed stories and positive news on white athletes, to suddenly stating the superiority of blacks in all sports, not just certain areas. Hyping American blacks over all others.

Despite all the 'scientific' probing, not one bit of work has shown that whites can't sprint. All that has been shown is that different populations, like blacks, might have a higher incidence of certain traits that will allow them to do well in a particular event. But that doesn't mean other cannot compete at the same level.

Anything that has been discovered to be in whites' favor is not mentioned, as in the fact that whites have faster reactions on average than blacks. Ignored by the MSM. Anything positive in favor of whites is never to be mentioned, anything remotely positive in favor of blacks and most non-whites is exaggerated.
David Sime was considered better than Bobby Morrow before the injury that knocked him out of the 1956 Olympics. I have mentioned this before but Google "David Sime, SI Vault." See the cover story for the July 2, 1956 issue of Sports Illustrated.
Yes, Ray Norton was favored to win the sprints in the 1960 Olympics and the press hoped it would turn out that way. Sime was considered over the hill but almost saved the day. Norton ruined the 4x100 relay. Again, find the 1956 SI article I referenced above and notice how favorably Sime and Morrow were written about. Things did change around 1968. I was a college freshman that fall.
A big thanks to both of you for giving us some more history that alot of younger folks would not know. That is what is scary. Too many young kids grow up these days thinking that whites are not athletic. It's not as bad in Europe however. I'm sure the powers that be are working on it. We need a revolution of white sprinters. We dominate the high jump and do good in the triple and long jump. The 400 is a strength of whites too. We need to get more youngsters into the short sprints from around the globe. One thing great about track is that the stop watch doesn't lie.

If we can get a few more Lemaitre, Guliyev and Herring types, we will be on the right track. We need to give the future generations growing up now legends to emulate like Morrow, Borzov and Wells were. Young kids need that! Hell even the old guys need to see that. Bring things back to where they should be in all sports.Edited by: white lightning
excellen stuff guys. education of the pretenders of todays young men need to know just how good these guys in the past were
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