Suing college Football


Aug 8, 2006
Just occured to me. Could an enterprising attorney sue a college on behalf of his client(a victimized white player) as a civil rights violation? If so, imagine the gold mine of stuff who could subpoena, from coaches emails to each other and all kinds of incriminating evidence. That would then end, once and for all, the speculation that there is no discrimination in college football, and other sports for that matter.

Think of the justice that would be done and the legacy that this attorney would leave. We need a white Thurgood Marshall. Think about it.
The problem is that AA establishes that it is okay to discriminate against Whites to "right" past "wrongs". Until AA is struck down, no suit claiming institutionalized racism against Whites will hold merit.
...not to mention the inherent "racist overtones" of even mentioning something like this. People like Bakke are one-in-a-million in terms of courage.
That case would get killed faster than Jimmy Carter killed the B-1 bomber. Not because the case is bad or wrong, but because too much of our country has gone batty.

If it were reported at all in the press, the reporters would instinctively deliver the news about it in biased tones of revulsion, disgust, pity, or mocking humor.
GiovaniMarcon said:
If it were reported at all in the press, the reporters would instinctively deliver the news about it in biased tones of revulsion, disgust, pity, or mocking humor.

Ain't that the dead on truth. The "journalists" in this country, if that's what they're really still called, have been brainwashed by whatever liberal arts college they attended they attended. So even if they came out alive from white guilt education 101 they still have the news editor to battle and fight and needless to say our media is totally biased and would shoot this down in a heart beat. It doesn't matter that this is a legit case. All that matters to them is that there is no way whitey in America could ever be discriminated against.
This is something that's been discussed here periodically. I've gone into it in more detail before, but my basic opinion is that it can be done as a class action suit. But it would take millions of dollars in legal fees in a case that would last for years and be subject to appeals either way. It would also need a "class" of white plaintiffs willingly to publicly band together on behalf of the many (probably hundreds of thousandsby now) white athletes who have been discriminated against by the major I-A college football programs.

Such a suit will take place when public consciousness is sufficiently raised about the existence of the Caste System and how unfair it is to innocent young white people. We're still a ways from that point and may never get there given the sad awareness level of the drunk white fans, but at least this site is trying and I think it's undeniable that at least some progress has been made.