Stupid Black Men


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This story illustrates the total insanity pervading our country. How many incompetent blacks have displaced deserving white men? Totally sickeningthat he makes 60 K per year for being a dolt. If it's okay for Michael Moore to use the term "Stupid White Men" we should be able to write about Stupid Black Men! Excerpts below with link.

A Bronx teacher who repeatedly flunked his state certification exam paid a formerly homeless man with a developmental disorder $2 to take the test for him, authorities said yesterday.

The illegal stand-in - who looks nothing like teacher Wayne Brightly - not only passed the high-stakes test, he scored so much better than the teacher had previously that the state knew something was wrong, officials said.
What a flippin moron.Go back to school you idiot!Some
people are always looking for the easy way out.I guess
the nba stay in school thing didn't work!Lol!
Those stay in school spots were almost as ridiculous as the NBC, The more you know spots. Those things had no point at all. Some idiot "celebrity" reading some comment of a card or teleprompter. As for the teacher, Daffy Duck would say it best. What a maroon! After reading that about a New Yorker, I guess Mississippi is doing very well these days.
2 dollars he got ripped off
For those who may have objected to this thread I have posted a photo of stupid white men. Carter and Moore seated in the presidential section at the Democrat convention. Wouldan authorwho wrote a book entitled "Stupid Black Men" or "Stupid Jewish Men " or "Stupid Mexican Men"be invited to any convention let alone be seated ina place of honor? It would be utterly impossible! The outcry from the media and our leadership would be deafening. If whites are disrespected and abused with impunity now while being in the majority what disaster awaits us in the future as our numbers diminsh? Just something to think about.



This story is so typical of the brain dead blacks in this country.It's funny, sad and pathetic at the same time.

[url] 2FMGArticle%2FRTD_BasicArticle&amp;c=MGArticle&amp;cid=11287 68174895&amp;path=%21news&amp;s=1045855934842 [/url]

Clarence Maurice "Boo-man" Coleman was one of 36 children, say those who knew him well.

And Boo-man, as everyone called him in the Fairfield Court housing development, was following in his father's prolific footsteps.

"Papa was a rolling stone. Wherever he laid his hat, a baby was born," said one of the women sharing memories in the 2300 block of Rosetta Street yesterday afternoon.

That's where Boo-man, just 19, was shot in the head Sunday evening. He died later that night at VCU Medical Center.

"He was trying to catch up with his father," said another of the women gathered by a utility pole covered with flowers and photographs of Boo-man and the things he cared about: a girlfriend, his baby boy, dollar bills.

Despite still being a teen-ager, Boo-man had fathered two children and had five on the way by five different girls, one of them just 15.
Daffy Duck would say it best. What a maroon!

I think that was Bugs Bunny, actually. What a maroon!

And there may be more truth to the statement that this guy is, actually, a Maroon:

A Maroon (from the word marronage or American/Spanish cimarrón 'wild, savage, fugitive, runaway' - lit. 'living on mountaintops' - from Spanish cima - 'top, summit') was a runaway slave in the West Indies, Central America, South America, or North America. The jungles around the Caribbean Sea offered food, shelter, and isolation for the escaped slaves. There, the Maroons created their own independent communities which have survived for centuries.

And there you have it, a Maroon by any definition is still a maroon!
That's where Boo-man, just 19, was shot in the head Sunday evening. He died later that night at VCU Medical Center.


Despite still being a teen-ager, Boo-man had fathered two children and had five on the way by five different girls, one of them just 15.

Right here is a prime example in the Racial differences in reproductive strategies. This is total negro R-type reproductive strategy right here. It highly contrasts to K-type strategies employed by Europeans, European-Americans and North-East Asians.

For some more highly entertaining examples of Stupid Black Men I am putting in the link Urban Law 101 which is filled with examples from a defense lawyer.

(Here is my favoite example of Stupid Black Men from the Link:

I once had a client in my office who did not know his own name. He had been called by his nickname for so long he couldn't remember his given name. This is not as shocking as it sounds. Some black names, like Phe-anjoy or Quithreaun or JyesahJhnai, are so odd, it would be no surprise if they were never used and eventually forgotten.


Also there is a list of strange Afro names he encountered and believe it or not he once meet a black named Aryan!)
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