Students Defend 'Holocaust Denier'

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A Las Vegas gym teacher commits the crime against humanity of voicing her opinion that the Holocaust didn't happen the way history books say it did, and is immediately excoriated locally and nationally and suspended from her job. (Gee isn't it easy to become a national figure just by voicingcertain unapproved opinions in the "Land of the Free." Then again,unapproved opinionsregarding that certain one and only one historical eventcan land one in prison in a number of other "free and open democracies.")

What's encouraging is that, reading between the lines of the local rag's Pravda-like coverage of the orchestrated hysteria, it's clear that a number of students are defending the teacher and her right to free speech. Imagine that, in post-9/11 America yet!

Now a Facebook page has been created that has the totalitarians in an uproar:

Facebook posting has swastika, peace signs

Students create site after Holocaust controversy

Edited by: Don Wassall
May 1, 2006
Maybe our youth are not as brainwashed as I thought. This is almost good enough to qualify as a Christmas present.


Nov 25, 2004
Lets just say I have a fairly close relative that is a teacher. Holocaust novels are part of the required curriculum about every single year in elementary as well as in High School. Probably the most well known are The Diary of Anne Frank and Night. Not only are these two books boring as Heil, but they are poorly written peices of fiction passed off as non-fiction. They are filled with many glaring inaccuracies that make reading the book in class an utter joke. How does a teacher answer a student who asks questions exposing the rather obvious discrepancies in the writing? Be nice to have a student's guide to asking these questions in class chapter by chapter. You want to examine these books in class after class then lets examine them. A critical thinking guide. Anybody know of any out there?Edited by: Kaptain Poop

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
Don't expect Amnesty International to have your back if you deny the holocaust, they wont. Below is what Amnesty Int. wrote in response to David Irvings case.

"Amnesty International's position on the issue of 'Holocaust denial' is based on international human rights standards. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states, in Article 19, that everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression, but that certain restrictions may be placed on that right if they are necessary for the respect of the rights of others; Article 20 states that any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law."
Nov 8, 2006
The Hollowco$t is nothing but a cudgel used by our jewish enemy to silence criticism. I don't know how any logical person willing to do a little research could find it at all plausible. Just a simple examination of population numbers is enough to disprove the claims made and it gets far worse once you dig beneath the surface: the jew that was gassed six times, different color smoke belching from crematories depending on the ethnicity of the victims (blue, must be Ukranians!), electrocution belts, blood fountains, gas chambers with wooden doors and glass windows, diesel gas vans, etc, etc, etc.

I can imagine a critical thinking session with Ann Frank's diary. "Now class, they didn't want to attract attention so they put up curtains over all the windows. Can anyone tell me why this doesn't make any sense?"

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Well, questions about weather or not the Holocaust ever happened continue being asked. Once there are questions about a particular subject, they better be answered reasonable and logically or you've got yourself a problem. The more people try and shout another person down and not answer the questions, the more questions arise.

As far as my own thoughts on the subject go, I don't think the Germans had the logistical abilities to pull off such a project. They were fighting in N. Africa, Russia, and had to have troops sitting on the western front ready for action. Where are the resources coming from to kill all these people? Just couldn't have been done, even if the Germans wanted to exterminate the Jews whuch I don't believe they did.

I don't blame Jews for this though. I blame the lousy zionists. They're everybodies enemies, including faithful Orthodox Jews. Once the zionist project implodes, many of the problems in this world will disappear.

Tom Iron...


Nov 25, 2004
Resources to kill isn't the question. The bolsheviks proved its pretty easy to kill millions of unarmed people. The question is if the Nazi's intended to extreminate all Jews, then why did so many survive for years in so-called death camps? Moreover, why did so many not only survive for years, but why did they look so well-fed? Many photos show these so-called "death camp" survivors with what appears to be healthy baby fat.

When Germans chased out the Bolsheviks from Eastern Europe, it wasn't the Nazis who killed the local Jewish population it was the native Lavians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians etc. Why? The local Jewish population were Bolshevik partisans and sent hundreds of thousands of Christians to real labor and death camps in the Soviet Union. It's a fact of history. Of course, Stalin in cohoots with the world media, sold the exact opposite story that we have bought ever since; blaming the Germans for the Bolsheviks atrocities. The truth has trickled out since and now is undenable. The fall of Soviet Union in 1991 helped bring light on the archived truth.
May 1, 2006
Whether the persecution of European Jews happened should not be an issue. At at academic institution any subject should be open for discussion with out fear of retribution.