Strongest man who ever lived!


Dec 28, 2004
There have been some very strong guys walking this Earth.Here is a list of some who were the strongest of all time-Paul Anderson,Bill Kazmaier,Louis Cyr,Doug Hepburn,Don Reinhoudt,Pat Casy,Leonid Zhabotinsky,Andrei Chemerkin,Vasily Alexeev,Magnus Ver Magnusson and Jon Pall Sigmarsson.At one time experts said only a Kodiak Bear or full grown male gorilla would beat able to lift 500 lbs overhead until the Russian Alexeev did it.Chemerkin is working on 600 lbs.! What other names would you put on this roll of honor?
If he would ever win the WSM, I think Hugo Girard is one of the strongest guys around.
What aboutHossein Rezazadeh the olympic Super heavyweight Weightlifting champion. the OFFICIAL strongest man in the world . And holder of the world Super Heavyweight Record.

But then again he does'nt waste his time competing in ''WSM' competions so you would know who he is.
I know who he is. I also know that in the WSM contest he wouldnt stand a chance because he's too fat! But, since you didnt even take time to read, this is about the strongest man who ever lived, and that goes to Paul Anderson.
I know about him-he's not black-whats a matter the blacks to weak to compete?You got an Arabhero.Well there's one in a row.Hey fool the Russians have dominated this class in weightlifting for 50 years.No black man has ever been Worlds strongest man!EVER!!! Edited by: Gary
Sean said:
I know who he is. I also know that in the WSM contest he wouldnt stand a chance because he's too fat! But, since you didnt even take time to read, this is about the strongest man who ever lived, and that goes to Paul Anderson.
Your right he should waste his time competing in the WSM competion instead of competing in legit sports like weightlifting.

WSM where the Roided out losers who could'nt cut it in legit sports go
Actually, many Europeans consider Hossein Rezazadeh to be
white. In Europe, hispanics and Iranians are considered white;
they just think of hispanic to be a person of Spanish descent and not
Aztec/Mayan. Rezazadeh is not Arab!!! He is Persian</span>. They are very different ethnically.

The name Iran actually means "Aryan" as the country was settled by
Aryans long ago. This is shown by language similiarities(compare
mother to the Farsi Matir). Compare brother to the Farsi
brahtar. Of course, they have intermarried and are a very
different race now.

However, Rezazadeh's genetics that determine strength came from being Aryan probably.

Strongman is much better than Olympic weightlifting
as it measure functional strength. Strongmen do every day labor
to an extreme degree. As a result, one can understand the purpose
of strength. Strongman competitions are about function.
Weightlifting is not. Rezazadeh would struggle in the tire flip
and farmer's walk.

P.S. I hate Iran as a nation, and just because
I think they should be recognized for white routes does not mean I do
not think they are America's biggest threat.
You mean steroids users like Sosa and Bonds!These strong guys come from nations can eat on a daily basis-plus genetics-that is why black men can't compete-plus there is no affirmation action-either you can lift the stones or not and the weak black men cannot!!! End of discussion
godking said:
Sean said:
I know who he is. I also know that in the WSM contest he wouldnt stand a chance because he's too fat! But, since you didnt even take time to read, this is about the strongest man who ever lived, and that goes to Paul Anderson.
Your right he should waste his time competing in the WSM competion instead of competing in legit sports like weightlifting.

WSM where the Roided out losers who could'nt cut it in legit sports go

There not on roids, they are tested!
The really strong guys are all white-hard to say who was the strongest-Kazmaier,Anderson,Cyr,Hepburn?The Africans are to skinny to compete with the Europeans in strong man contests and weightlifting has been totally dominated by Russians since the 1950's.Black men can't win strength contests they don't have the genes.
Ever notice the World's Strongest Man contest-there all white?Every time a black guy gets into the contest he chokes like Mama Cass on a ham sandwich.Many white males have genetics to be huge and strong.Come on my white brothers live up to your full potential.You can succeed beyond your dreams.Our forefathers were Vikings and Knights,even today in the military the white guys go for the Rangers,Seals and Recon Marines while the blacks go for cooking and baking.Go ahead make your grandfather proud!!!
Most of the worlds strongest men of late have been white Europeans and Americans. As for the worlds tallest midget, I'd have to say I have that distinction. At 5-6, I'm a giant of a little person.
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