Steroids in Track & Field

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The Balco Labs Steroid program just keeps getting bigger all of the time.US Sprinters have been using steroids since the 1960's and have kicked the whole worlds ass for the most part,especially in the sprints.All of these years,americans claimed only the East Germans and Russians did doping.That is a outright lie.I wouldn't doubt if 95% of our sprinters over the years have been on roids.In 1988,one of the greatest 100 Meter Olympic Finals ever was won by Canadian Ben Johnson.He was busted for roids so they gave the medal to Carl Lewis of the US.We now know that Lewis took stuff and so did 7 out of the 8 guys in the 100 Final!Marion Jones who won 5 medals in the Sydney 2000 Olympics is one of the latest to go down.Also,world record holder in the 100,
Tim Montgomery.Then you have the Harris Twins,Kelli White,Justin Gatlin who won the 2004 gold medal in the 100,John Capel, and even Englands best sprinter Dwain Chambers.One has to wonder if the myth of black superiority is more myth than reality.White sprinters won on a regular basis until steroids and the civil rights movement came around in the late 60's. Only European Athletes have challenged since.Most white american sprinters are not even allowed to compete and
completley discouraged.Hopefully,this will change in the
near future with more athletes like Wariner leading the way.Heres to the return of the white sprinter.
Oct 16, 2004
I know for a fact that US sprinters have been doped since the early 70's - and probably since the '68 games since the drugs weren't illegal then. Blacks are far, far more likely to use drugs like cocaine, heroin, you name it, all over the world. Why would it be any different in sports? Barry Bonds is on an unbelievable drug *******tail. I like the fact that his trainer mentioned Barry had to take Clomid. That's to fight "bitch tits". The growth in his skull, the increase in hat size, is due to combining HGH and steroids. Roids don't do that on their own. I wonder how some other players, like Larry Walker for instance, would do, if they were loaded up on five different drugs like bullsh*tter Barry?


Question do you honestly believe that only black athletes use Steroids ???

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I don't think that anyone believes that only black
athletes have used steroids.Obviously,alot of the
sprinters in the former Eastern Germany and Eastern
Bloc Countries used them.However,many of them were
doped with out knowledge of taking them.Some knew &
some didn't.It was a government started program which
was started by a communist country.Don't be suprised if
China is one of the next big culprits to use steroids on
a wide level.They have already done it with weight
lifters and swimmers.Some of their sprinters have used
them in the past.The point of the matter is that is was
a more level playing field prior to steroids being
used at a broader range in track.I don't think that
many would argue this.I look forward to your reply &
welcome to the board.


white lightning said:
I don't think that anyone believes that only black
athletes have used steroids.Obviously,alot of the
sprinters in the former Eastern Germany and Eastern
Bloc Countries used them.However,many of them were
doped with out knowledge of taking them.Some knew &
some didn't.It was a government started program which
was started by a communist country.Don't be suprised if
China is one of the next big culprits to use steroids on
a wide level.They have already done it with weight
lifters and swimmers.Some of their sprinters have used
them in the past.The point of the matter is that is was
a more level playing field prior to steroids being
used at a broader range in track.I don't think that
many would argue this.I look forward to your reply &
welcome to the board.
But who can you say for sure does'nt use some kind of steroids today ?. Just because some dont get caught does'nt mean that they dont use them it means that they are better at hiding it.

I would guess that at least 80 % of the Track and field athletes out there today have used some kind of performance enhancing drugs. And that is a generous assesment.

And what has the civil right movement have to do with track and Field ?.Edited by: godking

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
If you look at the Civil Rights Movement,it is at around
the same time that the u.s. born white sprinters
started to dissapear.Why is this.There can be many
reasons that we could hypothesize on.My theory is that
most were steered into different directions or sports.
If you look at Football,Basketball,Track,and even
Baseball,things started to change drastically in the
late 1960's. There are no 100% answers to these questions. Todays tests do catch alot more of the drug
cheaters but the WADA System will never be perfect.Do
Athletes of every race cheat,of course some do.We have
to give the benefit of the doubt to the clean ones who
have no history of it.Are you going to tell me that
Marion Jones didn't do roids?How about Flo Jo?Even
Michael Johnson has shattered the 200 & 400 records to
a unthinkable level.No sprinter may come close for 20
to 30 years.Tell me thats not drug incuced.It's only
obviouse when you look at these sprinters bodys.You can
also look at their head size and the teeth.I also notice
changes in the hands alot.If you look at Wariner next
to Brew,you tell me who's on the stuff?


Jan 4, 2005
United States
i have no problem with athletes using steriods as long as they admit it. bonds giambi, owens, sharpe, lewis, sosa. they all ovisioly do steriods. Just don't try to deny it.
Oct 16, 2004
Oh, all kinds of athletes use steroids. However, blacks have enjoyed
tremendous cover by officials and the media for about 40 years,
while whites (like the E. Germans) were always having fingers
pointed at them. I told people this for many years - my involvment
with the sport was far beyond that of casual or even fan. No one
believed me about athletes like Carl Lewis, among others. Then a
little tax investigation into Balco dovetailed nicely with Marion Jones'
old coach turning in a syringe with the residue from a "new" steroid
in it. Sure enough, it turned out the USATF, TAC, AAU, USOC, WADA
etc. had been covering up for blacks for years - not only in the US,
but in other countries as well.

Wariner? He's not on anything right now. That much is obvious. He is
probably the fastest ever runner - clean runner - over that distance.
How many other runners like him have quit the sport due to lack of
encouragement or bias? It's scary to ponder. Whites are
discouraged, blacks are encouraged and handed every advantage.
When I hear stories of "disadvantaged black or brown youth" etc. I
cringe, as they have so many avenues of free help, free facilities, free
training, you name it, here in the US and many places abroad. And
the facilities etc. abroad are many times funded by organizations
from the US!

I will relate the "alleged" (snicker) Michael Johnson story again. In
'92, fans will recall MJ contracted food poisoning, and ended up not
running as well as predicted. He couldn't make it through the rounds
of the 200, but did get a medal in the 4 x 400 relay. Well ...
"allegedly" (I snicker for reasons that will be all out in the open one
day) what really happened was MJ was popped on a random drug
test. The IAAF/IOC freaked. They didn't want another Ben Johnson
situation. So they brokered a deal. MJ would be constantly
monitored. If he stayed clean, he could run. Any hint of further drug
use, out he goes. Folks in the circle say MJ's confidence went down
the tubes - as did his muscular, ripped physique. Well, between '92
and '96, "supposedly", synthetic HGH (Human Growth Hormone) was
added to his drug *******tail by his doctors/sponsors/agent. He
became heavier and faster as we all saw in the Atlanta Games. His
19.32 200 was also the product of an illegally thin/hard track as well
as drugs. Look at the times of the second and third place runners -
who weren't drug free either - they never approached those times
again, never mind MJ. Sure, people will say it's made up. The folks
at Track and Field News know all the details, but won't say a thing,
calling it all rumour. Sure.

Anyway, whites were/are being purposely running out of sports. No
white heroes are wanted. The puppet masters can't control
everything, and the pendulum always swings the other way. I suspect
that we might see more whites succeed in "black" events/positions
simply due to young people rebelling against what they are told - as
long as they can also fight against the psychology that has made so
many whites timid, unwilling to fight or compete - and I'm not only
writing about sports. The internet is a great tool for us - as is the
emergence of DV/HD/DVD editing and creation on the PC. I am
working with some others on a possible project concerning much of
what we see/read on this site.

Back to track - whites were purposely KO'd from the sprints, as the
100 was and is the glamour event (with the mile in second).
Distance running was the next target, with that being almost totally
dominated by Europeans with four or five Kenyans or Ethiopians
making some impact. Once Dr. Gabriele Rosa fled cycling during a
drug investigation (of course, he was just tired of the sport, etc.) and
began training Kenyans, things changed within months. Kenyan
runners began running faster and faster and faster. With no changes
in training or mileage. Hmmmm. Jos Hermens, from the same bunch
as Rosa I might add, goes to Ethiopia and the same things happen.
And of course, E. Africans never undergo random drug tests at
home, always off in some remote village or some such if a tester can
even make out of the airport in Nairobi or Addis Ababa. When E.
Africans have been caught, like Kenya's greatest miler, Bernard
Lagat, politics intervene, and here come the excuses and stories,
such as Lagat's impossible "false positive" test, which then turned
into a "technicality" when the snickers turned to roars.It should
also be noted that Lagat's manager has been warned by the
governing bodies to not mention stories of "false accusations" and
the like under penalty of being barred from the sport. It's all the
same politics that black sprinters (especially American blacks) have
enjoyed for decades. Note that despite all the help, Europeans
managed to get in and scalp them in some distance events, as did
Morocco's Hicham El Guerrouj. (The Kenyans and Ethiopians only
won two golds total on the men's side in the distances)

Enough ranting. Have to concentrate on the playoff game right now ;


Colonel Callan said:
Oh, all kinds of athletes use steroids. However, blacks have enjoyed
tremendous cover by officials and the media for about 40 years,
while whites (like the E. Germans) were always having fingers
pointed at them. I told people this for many years - my involvment
with the sport was far beyond that of casual or even fan. No one
believed me about athletes like Carl Lewis, among others. Then a
little tax investigation into Balco dovetailed nicely with Marion Jones'
old coach turning in a syringe with the residue from a "new" steroid
in it. Sure enough, it turned out the USATF, TAC, AAU, USOC, WADA
etc. had been covering up for blacks for years - not only in the US,
but in other countries as well.

Wariner? He's not on anything right now. That much is obvious. He is
probably the fastest ever runner - clean runner - over that distance.
How many other runners like him have quit the sport due to lack of
encouragement or bias? It's scary to ponder. Whites are
discouraged, blacks are encouraged and handed every advantage.
When I hear stories of "disadvantaged black or brown youth" etc. I
cringe, as they have so many avenues of free help, free facilities, free
training, you name it, here in the US and many places abroad. And
the facilities etc. abroad are many times funded by organizations
from the US!

I will relate the "alleged" (snicker) Michael Johnson story again. In
'92, fans will recall MJ contracted food poisoning, and ended up not
running as well as predicted. He couldn't make it through the rounds
of the 200, but did get a medal in the 4 x 400 relay. Well ...
"allegedly" (I snicker for reasons that will be all out in the open one
day) what really happened was MJ was popped on a random drug
test. The IAAF/IOC freaked. They didn't want another Ben Johnson
situation. So they brokered a deal. MJ would be constantly
monitored. If he stayed clean, he could run. Any hint of further drug
use, out he goes. Folks in the circle say MJ's confidence went down
the tubes - as did his muscular, ripped physique. Well, between '92
and '96, "supposedly", synthetic HGH (Human Growth Hormone) was
added to his drug *******tail by his doctors/sponsors/agent. He
became heavier and faster as we all saw in the Atlanta Games. His
19.32 200 was also the product of an illegally thin/hard track as well
as drugs. Look at the times of the second and third place runners -
who weren't drug free either - they never approached those times
again, never mind MJ. Sure, people will say it's made up. The folks
at Track and Field News know all the details, but won't say a thing,
calling it all rumour. Sure.

Anyway, whites were/are being purposely running out of sports. No
white heroes are wanted. The puppet masters can't control
everything, and the pendulum always swings the other way. I suspect
that we might see more whites succeed in "black" events/positions
simply due to young people rebelling against what they are told - as
long as they can also fight against the psychology that has made so
many whites timid, unwilling to fight or compete - and I'm not only
writing about sports. The internet is a great tool for us - as is the
emergence of DV/HD/DVD editing and creation on the PC. I am
working with some others on a possible project concerning much of
what we see/read on this site.

Back to track - whites were purposely KO'd from the sprints, as the
100 was and is the glamour event (with the mile in second).
Distance running was the next target, with that being almost totally
dominated by Europeans with four or five Kenyans or Ethiopians
making some impact. Once Dr. Gabriele Rosa fled cycling during a
drug investigation (of course, he was just tired of the sport, etc.) and
began training Kenyans, things changed within months. Kenyan
runners began running faster and faster and faster. With no changes
in training or mileage. Hmmmm. Jos Hermens, from the same bunch
as Rosa I might add, goes to Ethiopia and the same things happen.
And of course, E. Africans never undergo random drug tests at
home, always off in some remote village or some such if a tester can
even make out of the airport in Nairobi or Addis Ababa. When E.
Africans have been caught, like Kenya's greatest miler, Bernard
Lagat, politics intervene, and here come the excuses and stories,
such as Lagat's impossible "false positive" test, which then turned
into a "technicality" when the snickers turned to roars.It should
also be noted that Lagat's manager has been warned by the
governing bodies to not mention stories of "false accusations" and
the like under penalty of being barred from the sport. It's all the
same politics that black sprinters (especially American blacks) have
enjoyed for decades. Note that despite all the help, Europeans
managed to get in and scalp them in some distance events, as did
Morocco's Hicham El Guerrouj. (The Kenyans and Ethiopians only
won two golds total on the men's side in the distances)

Enough ranting. Have to concentrate on the playoff game right now ;
In other words if a lback sprinter wins a medal he must automatically be on Steroids but if a white guy wins he did it ''clean'' Guess the Kenteris scandal never happened.
Oct 16, 2004
" In other words if a lback sprinter wins a medal he must
automatically be on Steroids but if a white guy wins he did it ''clean''
Guess the Kenteris scandal never happened."


Where does it say whites are all clean?


Read my first sentence. Read the first paragraph.

Brainwashed idiot. Example of the mini-minds that most media
hypnotized, and academically hypnotized people that fill America
these days. Hilarious.


Jan 4, 2005
United States
all atheletes in one form or another are doing steroids wheather knowingly or unknowingly. the problem is that they haven't started regulatiing it until now. i feel as long as you don't get caught it shouldn't be aproblem. these athletes are already takening a serious long term health risk, it is theirchioce if as long as they except the consequences.


kevin said:
all atheletes in one form or another are doing steroids wheather knowingly or unknowingly. the problem is that they haven't started regulatiing it until now. i feel as long as you don't get caught it shouldn't be aproblem. these athletes are already takening a serious long term health risk, it is theirchioce if as long as they except the consequences.


Colonel Callan said:
" In other words if a lback sprinter wins a medal he must
automatically be on Steroids but if a white guy wins he did it ''clean''
Guess the Kenteris scandal never happened."


Where does it say whites are all clean?


Read my first sentence. Read the first paragraph.

Brainwashed idiot. Example of the mini-minds that most media
hypnotized, and academically hypnotized people that fill America
these days. Hilarious.
Pleazze your agenda is clear and you dont have any ''real'' proof about Micheal Johnson only rumours and your political agenda.


Nov 25, 2004
Kevin, I disagree that we should just say that it is the athletes choice to take steroids as long as they understand the risks. There are some athletes that do not take steroids and they have to compete against those that do - that's unfair. Sports is about fairness. Many athletes stopped pursuing sports because they don't want cheat and take steroids. Most white people grow-up outside the drug culture and simply won't do this to their body. I don't want gold medals to be detemined by the who has the best steriod doctor on their team. The answer to abolishing steroids is simple: enforce harsh punishment on those that cheat. Harsh punishment work to solve gambling problems in sports and it can solve the steroid problem. The public must demand it. To catch those who use the newest and latest undetectable drugs, all you have to do is to store urine or blood samples until science is able to catch up with the new drug - then punish the offender retroactively. Strip away gold medals, kick offending athletes out of sports etc. No second chances!

Despite all the talk of Eastern Europeans and Chinese being the biggest cheaters, something called common sense tells me it was actually the American athlete that was the worst - in particular the black american athlete. Sprinters don't work out their arms and yet black american sprinters in mens and womens track have bodybuilder-like arms. I noticed this as a teenager in the 80's - its obvious and undeniable. Other coutries must laugh at us when we accuse them of using steroids.
Oct 16, 2004
Godking is amusing. His agenda - and his all too typical mindset are clear. He's among the folks who stood for almost 20 years croaking about Carl Lewis, how clean he was, etc. Now what do we have? King Carl shrugging his shoulders and saying his reliance on steroids and other drugs was him just "... doing what everyone else was doing." Great. Yep, I had no "proof" back then either. Actually, many of us had proof, but were cut off. Purposely, by an agenda larger than sports, an agenda that has naive (or worse) folks like 'godking' nodding in agreement to feel smart or with the group.

Away from that, steroids are a real problem. The other problem is the double standard. Blacks are generally left off the hook. Sure, we have Ben Johnson, who basically got the axe because he was felt to unmarketable. These days, his personality would be perfect no doubt. It's galling that those adminstering the drug tests in '88 knew all the finalists save one were on drugs, and that runner finished last.

All kinds of athletes are using drugs - however, your chances of being popped are affected by the event you are in, the type(s) of drugs, etc. Believe me, if a drug could be found to help blacks compete with any measure of success with whites in strength events, you'd see a wholesale change in those events overnight. Along with genetic doublespeak to explain things away. Pretty much what you get when speaking about sprints today. No one denies that blacks have a large segment of their populations that have a propensity toward talent in certain events (as do whites) but the numbers we see today in certain events are wholly artificial. But why would any aware person be surprised?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Like he said above,too many cases are covered up.Going
back to the days of Carl Lewis.Look at just this past
year,you have Kelli White,Harrison Twins,Dwain Chambers,
Tim Montgomery/world record holder in 100,Marion Jones
100 meter former olympic champ,c.gaines,B.Williams,etc.
I think you guys get the point.Obviously Michael Johnson
was on the juice.So is Maurice Greene but he just has
been able to beat the tests.Most athletes stay one step
ahead of the WADA Commission.They are using vertually
undetectable drugs.Especially the US Athletes.Look at
Mo and tell me he's not on something.You would have to
be blind.Shawn Crawford is on it too.It's obvious.Even
Justin Gatlin was warned and almost suspended.It's
always for a medical reason.LOL.Yeah right!The US is the
best because we cheat the best in the sprints period.
Charlie Francis has discussed this at length in his book
Speed Trap.Some of you should check it out.It is virtually impossible to compete clean these days.The
coverup has gone on way too long!!


Jan 11, 2005
United Kingdom
Remember the breathtaking physical difference between Johnson and silver medallist Roger Black (white
in the 1996 Olympics? I think 'race realist' Steve Sailer commented on
it a prime example of physical differences in West Africans but was
thier more to it than that? Perhaps Colonel Callan could confirm or
deny? Also CC, are you RogerBannister ex of the Original Dissent boards?

Shame it was Wariner that broke the black 'dominance' of 400m as there
have been some top class whites from Britain, and usually 2/3 whites in
our relay team.


Of course, You know who the ladeez preferred
and eye-candy for females may be one more good reason to promote white
sports talent. Goodness knows those Williams sisters spoiled my
enjoyment of tennis for long enough.

Edited by: Jimmy
Oct 16, 2004
When I have a few moments, I'll try and dig up some interesting pics -- BUT -- you might want to hunt the net for some pics of Johnson in '92. Look at him at the trials that year, then at the Games when he was off the stuff (a rumour of course). Hilarious difference: his muscles are deflated, average definition etc. When he ("supposedly" of course) added HGH to his regimen, his muscles exploded even more, which is what we all saw in '96. Ol' Roger there (the white guy who finished 2nd in '96) was, eh, fighting a losing cause. I met him in person at the Mt. Sac relays (he wasn't running, just there to watch, but was in his track duds) and he didn't sport the tell-tale signs of 'roid use. Doesn't mean he was totally clean, but up close, almost all of the drug users are obvious, no matter their race.

A lot of Steve Sailer's "info" is pure crap - and he disingenuously leaves out info or facts that don't go along with his theories and beliefs. He goes on about E. Asians and jews having higher average IQ's than whites, but never, ever, ever mentions they have a much narrower standard deviations in IQ than whites (8.6 to 8.9 points vs. 15.2 for whites). Whites actually have higher percentages of the population with IQ's over 125 than either group, which might explain why most inventors and innovators, creative people, are white. The Asians and jewish folks have narrow bell curves, with lots of people clustered around their means, so you'll get a high percentage of folks good at math, or getting into collge, but the inventors etc. will come from those darn whites, who have a wide, sweeping bell curve, and have more folks at the far end of the scale. Sailer also rants about blacks having more "real-time" thinking ability than whites, making them react better in sports. If so, why couldn't the NBA's mighty black warriors adjust to those goofy whites at the Olympics, who seemed to be outrunning, outshooting, outplaying and out-thinking - in real time - the blacks? I could go on, but I sometimes get the feeling that Sailer is a bit scared to go too far, by that I mean risk being called a racist. So he builds up non-whites in some ways to counter any expected criticism. In fact one more thing - Sailer seems to dislike saying whites are tops in anything, even sports ... he even tries to claim the top white strength athletes are all "Eurasians" in a fashion that makes them seem like Asian/Caucasian hybrids. I don't think so. The Chinese did have some good weightlifters at the games and other weightlifting championships, but the overwhelming majority of the top guys ... in fact top guys in any strength type events, are white. Like I said, if a drug were to be developed that could have blacks compete with or beat whites at the top level in strength contests, the powers that be would dole it out like candy to the bruthas.Edited by: Colonel Callan


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
You are right about Sailer. I like everything he writes except his stuffnabout race and sports, and he writes about it a lot. I just wrote to him about an article he referenced that he had written years ago, it talked about Marion Jones and how she was a symbol of "clean" non-steroid athletes.
That was the Olympics that her ex-husband was shooting her up. He also referred to Carl Lewis as another "clean" athlete. What is that all about??? Everyone knows now they were dirty as hell, it isn't even an issue anymore. But Sailer keeps going on an on about west African sprinters being so genetically superior. And uses those examples as proof.


Jun 11, 2005
United States
The Sov's have been using steroids for a long time. They know what dosages to administer and they have some steroids(at least the USSR did)that 3x the strength of those in the West. There is some evidence to the contrary though but i knew someone that worked in the Leningrad institue of physical culture.
Brandon Green

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The ustf always covers up for their star athletes.They
even break the rules like recently.Gatlin false started
and was dq'ed from the competition.Somebody upstairs
objects and they break the rules by letting him compete.
He won both the 100 and 200 meters championships this
weekend.If this was the world championships,he wouldn't
have been allowed to run.He shouldn't even be qualified
for the worlds because he false started.We know the rules
but the U.S. babys their star athletes.Gatlin also has
a previous drug conviction that was overturned.What a
Then look at A.Powell.The new world record holder who
broke the steroid man/Montgomery's 100 w.r. Asafa is as
juiced or more than Tim was.Jamaica doesn't even test
for it.Steroids are rampant in track & field and the
US usually has or supplies the really good stuff.Thats
why I like sprinters that are natural.You can see the
difference in their body types.Look at Wariner and then
look at M.J. It's only obvious.


Apr 27, 2005
I watched the championships on Saturday and I chuckled when they were interviewing the CEO of usatf. When asked about steroids in the sport, he said that usatf was the leader in the sports world in regards to testing and drug policy. What? There are so many drug scandals in track and field right now, I don't see how this guy can say this stuff with a straight face.


white lightning said:
The ustf always covers up for their star athletes.They
even break the rules like recently.Gatlin false started
and was dq'ed from the competition.Somebody upstairs
objects and they break the rules by letting him compete.
He won both the 100 and 200 meters championships this
weekend.If this was the world championships,he wouldn't
have been allowed to run.He shouldn't even be qualified
for the worlds because he false started.We know the rules
but the U.S. babys their star athletes.Gatlin also has
a previous drug conviction that was overturned.What a
Then look at A.Powell.The new world record holder who
broke the steroid man/Montgomery's 100 w.r. Asafa is as
juiced or more than Tim was.Jamaica doesn't even test
for it.Steroids are rampant in track & field and the
US usually has or supplies the really good stuff.Thats
why I like sprinters that are natural.You can see the
difference in their body types.Look at Wariner and then
look at M.J. It's only obvious.
You do have'proof for these allegations ?.

Show me one shred of proof that Powell juiced and no because he looks juiced is not evidence.


cccp21 said:
The Sov's have been using steroids for a long time. They know what dosages to administer and they have some steroids(at least the USSR did)that 3x the strength of those in the West. There is some evidence to the contrary though but i knew someone that worked in the Leningrad institue of physical culture.
Brandon Green
You are correct but dont tell these guys that in there eyes only a certain color of athlete has used steroids.


May 20, 2005
*shrug* Of course blacks and whites have both been known to use drugs, it's just that blacks are ten times more likely to do so, just as they are provably ten times more likely to commit felonies or other bad behaviors.

It's not because whites are so "morally" superior to blacks or anything, it's just that whites on average have higher intelligences, especially in the areas of planning, foresight, and impulse control. Better able to forsee the consequences to himself of such actions as crime, drug use, or promiscous sexuality, the white will control his impulses better. A white will be just as tempted as a black to use drugs for pleasure or performance, but he's far better equipped to rationally weigh the consequences of such against a desire to say, see his 70th Birthday.