Steroids and Latin Baseball players

Jan 13, 2006
Ive got a friend who plays college baseball. Apparently, he is constantly being tested for performance enhanceing drugs. I would imagin that in Latin America that this is not the case. Do you believe that the success of Latin American sluggers could be at least in part attributed to these drugs? If so, is that the reason as to why congress is involving itself in the dispute? And if so, will the amazing success of such LA players deminish as a result of new policy? Just asking for some educated guesses on this matter.
answer to Qs
#1) yes, and more than part. LA ballplayers have been around for many decades now. Prior to the steroid era how many were known as sluggers? It's a well known fact that hidden by the media like a dirty little secret.

#2) No, Latin American ballplayers were not the focus of the congressional hearings. Congress loves our foreign ball players anyway. They would never intentionally hurt them. The hearings probably had more to do with Jose Cansecos book, Balco Bonds, and the rise of steroid use in american teens. And it gave some congressmen a chance to make themselves look good.

#3) Well, the new policy is still weak. There will have to be much more severe penalties and better, more frequent testing. For god's sake Bonds still hangs around all the known Balco steroid dealers. If he were white and hung around known gamblers he would get a lifetime ban. If they got a tough enougn policy its a guarantee that LA ballplayers slugging numbers would nose-dive.
Thanks for that. It should eventually surface that steroids more widely distributed and used in Latin America. Granted, white college players would use them too but the NCAA cracks down to maintain the integrity of the sport. But in a developing country's like the Dom. Rep. this is just simply not the case.
Latino sluggers virtually never existed before the juice monkey era. Only Orlando Cepeda and Tony Perez were sluggers that became alltime greats and they were both more decent power types, then monsters. I remember seeing the Texas Rangers when they hit the hotels by the ballpark in my city all of their stars were juicers. Rueben Sierra wrecked his hall of fame career because of juicing(it affected his swing).........
There are thousands maybe tens of thousands of young Latin baseball players that are told to take steriods or they'll "never get off the island"

Desperate men will do desperate things especially when they are young, macho, stupid and have spineless bloodsucking agents.

We should not be surprised when a Latin player tests positive. We should be surprised when one tests clean.
American Freedom News