I think the commissioner of baseball has done the right thing by allowing the homerun record of Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire stay in place. Now if one of them was convicted of criminal wrong doing with steroids when breaking the record, I believe they should be shanked of them. More than likely this is not going to happen and I believe the commisioner made the best decision for now.
If a criminal conviction is what is necessary for baseball to discipline someone then I guess Selig is all for Pete Rose to go into the Hall of Fame and for Shoeless Joe Jackson to have his name cleared. Note that a criminal conviction for smuggling drugs into America was NOT enough to keep Orlando Cepeda out of the Hall of Fame.
Well I would like to say that it doesn't matter anyway because the fact
that the season is currently longer than before. So a * is
deserved either way.
Cheating like that is unacceptable. They should be wiped from the records. There is plenty of evidence on bonds to do that already. How is gambling unacceptable but steroids and corked bats are not?
I agree with Kaptain Poop, and I think that Bear Arms is right in that the season is longer, so there should be an asterisk anyway. Baseball isn't what it used to be, that's all there is to it.
I think the length of the season is less important in baseball. For instance one can have many more at bats in a shorter season then in a longer one due to injury, playing time etc. Anyway baseball has only had two different length seasons 154 and 162. It has been 162 since 1961. Football on the other hand has gone from 10 game seasons to 16; a sixty percent increase. Seasonal records are useless in that kind of a situation.
To achieve what these men have achieved is something though. I don't agree with Pete Rose not being in the hall of fame. I think gambling is wrong, but you have got to look at what players do on the field and not drag their personal lives into the Hall of Fame vote, except for the case of steroids where the affects have dividends on the field.
Casinos are allowed and nobody bohoo's about the people in them betting on sports. Pete Rose deserves the hall of fame just for what he did on the field during his hay day.