States facing Bankruptcy


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "States and Cities on the Verge of Bankruptcy"

Looks like California, Illinois, and New York are going to get some competition in the race to bankruptcy. Pennsylvania is coming up fast on the outside and seems to be battling for at least third place.

While this all sounds terrible, and it is pretty terrible, we need cities and states to start going bankrupt to wake up White people to the fact that Diversity doesn't work. If White people want the US to return to the prosperity of the 1960s, we need the same demographics as the 1960s, which means a lot fewer Third World people.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Which State Will Be the First to Fail?"

Which state will be the first to go completely bankrupt and finally run out of money for the welfare checks? Illinois and California have been neck and neck for over a year, and lately it looked like California was pulling ahead in the Financial Incompetence stakes. It looked like the Golden State would carry off the booby prize, but Illinois has now put on a burst of speed that may crash it all down into ashes before its West Coast rival.

What I don't see in here (or in California) is any plan for what happens when Zero Day finally arrives and the welfare and pension and Medicaid and other state entitlement checks are due, and there is just, plain, no more money.

Welfare as we know it was created in the 1960s as a bribe to prevent Blacks from rioting by paying them off, but we're well past the day when the parasites are taking more than the producers can provide for them. The day the welfare checks don't come, there will be an explosion of violence and the blood will run red in the streets of Los Angeles or Chicago.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "California Getting Closer to Bankruptcy"

We've had many rumblings and warnings that California is about to go bankrupt, and yet at the last minute the scum who govern the state always seem to find some way to keep all the balls juggling in the air and keep those welfare checks coming. I'm sure by now the state's ruling elite think they can keep the juggle going forever. They can't. At some point the system must collapse, but when?

In other words, like all Democrats, Brown's plan is to raise taxes instead of cut spending. No word on whether the state's wealthiest Democrats, the Hollywood and Beverly Hills elite, would be compelled to pay any significant proportion of their immense wealth into the state coffers.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Detroit Ordered to Close Half its Public Schools"

Looks like Michigan may beat California and Illinois in the Great Whitewater Rafting Race down the financial toilet bowl

What's interesting is that what is happening in Detroit is now beginning to happen elsewhere around the country, finally. These huge Democrat-run cities and states are beginning to just plain run out of money. As in there isn't any more.

At what point will the financially collapsing blue states turn to Obama and demand he cobble together some plan to take money from the Red states which still are financially solvent, like Virginia and Texas, in order to pay for their massive minority handouts and bloated civil service union pensions? California has been begging the Feds for money already. The liberals don't want states choosing between bankruptcy and slashing pay to the state union workers (or -gasp- deporting the illegal aliens).


May 10, 2008
It sounds like Minnesota is one of the states not in the red. This post doesn't fit well in this thread, but former Governor Pawlenty is positioning himself for a presidential run, and so this may be of some interest: The Minnesota Watchdog: Friday Commentary
article said:
On Monday, the Department of Management and Budget (MMB) released the updated economic forecast for the state.

Now before you yawn and bypass this news item, understand why the forecast is so important...

For the current fiscal year ending on June 30, MMB projects an improvement of $264 million to the state's general fund bottom line. This means that the state will finish the current budget cycle with a projected positive balance of $663 million.

That's right folks, Governor Pawlenty's last budget will leave Minnesota well over a half-billion to the good.

Not only did Pawlenty balance the state's budget without tax increases, he left his successor with a $663 million surplus.

This is a far cry from all the liberal rhetoric about Pawlenty's fiscal austerity leaving the state in a hole. The reality is a far cry from all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Left about Pawlenty's policies leaving a mess for Dayton.

The reality is that Pawlenty left office with a balanced budget and a surplus to boot.

And let's not forget to acknowledge TPaw's magnificent accomplishment regarding this current budget. Namely, this is the first budget in modern Minnesota history that actually cuts spending in real terms. He didn't just reduce the rate of projected growth. This budget spends less money than the previous budget.

So where's the media on this?


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled " Illinois Closing State-Run Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers"

Once again, folks, here's what's happening: the Blue States (i.e. those controlled by Democrats and with lots of non-Whites) are just plain running out of money, as in there ain't no more.

Drug treatment programs are a long-time liberal boondoggle Most drug addicts are non-White, and through these programs they get all kinds of goodies like food, medicine and sometimes cash without having to work for it. In addition, the staff of these places are largely lefty-liberal "do-gooders"Â￾ who cash in at taxpayer's expense to deal with a "problem"Â￾ that liberals and their diversity created to begin with.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Drastic Financial Measures in Michigan"

Many of the states going bankrupt will be forced to do something about the results of years of liberal Democrat rule.

This is a direct result of labor unions driving cities and states to the brink of bankruptcy and Democrats preventing the deportation of illegal aliens, who cost the states a fortune in government services like public education.

In other words, the Democrats are upset that crooked politicians might not be able to give city contracts to their brother-in-law at some exorbitant cost to taxpayers in the future.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Here is one state that is doing just fine. It should also be noted that North Dakota is 93 % white.

<h1>Why North Dakota May Be the Best State in the Country to Live In</h1>

<div ="hd"><cite>
by Carla Fried
Thursday, March 31, 2011</cite>
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many states are confronting severe budget shortfalls and dragging
economies, North Dakota has a different sort of problem. It's stuck
deciding how best to deal with a budget surplus. Yes, a surplus. North
Dakota's balance sheet is so strong it recently reduced individual
income taxes and property taxes by a combined $400 million, and is
debating further cuts.
<table style="border: 1px solid rgb215, 222, 238; margin: 10px;" align="right" width="40%"><t><tr><td style="padding: 10px;"> More from

"¢ 10 Happiest &amp; Saddest U.S. Cities

Best &amp; Worst States for Jobs

5 Things Not to Buy at CVS</td></tr></t></table>

not exactly what residents of California ($25.4 billion projected
budget shortfall for the 2012 fiscal year), Texas ($13.4 billion), New
Jersey ($10.5 billion), New York ($10 billion), and 42 more states with projected 2012 budget shortfalls are in line for.

can just hear the snarky comment formulating in your head right about
now -- something about North Dakota's rough winters, and comparative
lack of high-brow culture or pro sports teams, no doubt. Duly noted. But
if we keep the conversation to economics and fiscal policy, North
Dakota has plenty to admire.

North Dakota: We're No. 1 ... or Darn Close to It!

North Dakotans are way too polite to make that boast, but I'll do the honors. Here's how North Dakota outranks most states:

"¢ Lowest unemployment rate among the 50 states. North Dakota's 3.8 percent unemployment rate is less than half the national rate.

"¢ Statewide GDP growth of 3.9 percent ranked third in the nation in 2009 behind Oklahoma and Wyoming (2010's figures are not yet available.)

"¢ Best job growth last year. A Gallup survey reported that North Dakota businesses had the best ratio of hiring to firing among the 50 states.

"¢ Stable housing market. Across
the nation, nearly 1 in 4 homeowners with a mortgage are underwater. In
North Dakota, just 1 in 14 have negative equity, the fourth lowest
negative-equity ratio among all the states. The state also has the third-lowest home foreclosure rate. Affordable homes are a big part of the story here; let's just say you don't need to overstretch to own. According to Zillow, the median home price in North Dakota
is below $150,000. That's less than three times the state's median
household income. By comparison, even after sharp post-bubble price
declines, the median priced home in California is still about five times
median household income.

"¢ Low violent crime rate. The incidence of violent crime per 100,000 residents
in North Dakota in 2008 (latest available data) was the fourth lowest
in the country and nearly 60 percent lower than the national average.

"¢ Lowest credit card default rate. According to TransUnion, North Dakotans seem to have a handle on spending within their means.

Add that all up and you have the makings for a pretty contended bunch. In fact, Gallup recently concluded that North Dakota is the third happiest state in the U.S., trailing only Hawaii and Wyoming. (The saddest state? West Virginia.)

[Happiest U.S. Cities to Work]

Riding the Global Commodity Wave

Dakota's economic good fortune is pretty much a function of being a
major producer of two very in-demand commodities: wheat and oil, both of
which have seen huge global price increases. The state is the country's
#1 producer of durum wheat -- that's what pasta is made from -- and is
also a major grower of other crops including barley, pinto beans, and

The state also currently accounts for 2 percent of
domestic oil production. Sound puny? Keep in mind that North Dakota has
just 650,000 residents, accounting for about 0.20 percent of the overall
U.S. population. And it's aggressively ramping up its oil production.
During the past 12 months, North Dakota's crude oil production is up 43 percent, and is triple the rate from five years ago.

[Better Deal: Target or Walmart?]

Planning for a Rainy Day

residents are indeed seeing some of the revenue over-flow returned to
them via income tax and property tax cuts, they are also supportive of
tucking away some of today's winnings for less robust times. This past
November, nearly 64 percent of North Dakotans voted in favor of establishing a Legacy Fund
that will siphon off 30 percent of total revenue collected from oil and
gas production into a special savings account to help the state if/when
the boom busts. The earliest the Legacy Fund can be tapped is 2017 and
even then any disbursements from this de facto state emergency savings
fund must be approved by at least two-thirds of the state legislature.
During North Dakota's 2011-2013 budget cycle (it operates on a 2-year
budget), the fund is expected to reach $619 million, or about one-fifth
the state's proposed spending for that entire period. Of course, not
every state has a commodity-driven windfall at its disposal, but I also
don't think every state's residents would be so behind saving current
revenue for a rainy day.

There's also another uniquely North
Dakota economic engine worth noting. North Dakota has the only
state-owned bank in the country. Established way back in 1919 amid a
rash of farm foreclosures, the bank provides capital to smaller local
banks, reducing their reliance on big national banks that, um, sometimes
like to turn off the lending spigot. Moreover, when the state bank
turns a profit, residents benefit. Over the past 10 years, the state
bank has deposited about $300 million back into the state's general


Sure it's easy to take a
good-natured swipe at North Dakota's lousy winters. But a strong
economy and a fiscal ethos that appreciates the value of saving deserves
some respect, if not outright envy, as well.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled " Productive White People Fleeing New York State"

There is a kind of contest going on in this country as to which massive blue state will be the first to collapse. Personally, my money is on California failing first, with Obama’s home state of Illinois running a close second. But New York seems to be coming up from the outside.

How much would you like to bet that most of those 7.3 million people leaving New York state since 1960 were productive White people and most of the 4.8 million new immigrants were poverty-stricken invaders from the Third World?

White people pay most of the taxes that keep the welfare checks and union pensions coming. The ones who are staying in New York are those who draw government welfare checks or benefits of some kind.

The problem is obvious: when no one remains to pay the taxes, how does one keep on passing out the government checks? You can A) try to crush the few remaining productive Whites with yet more taxation, which will accelerate the exodus; or B) ask Obama to get the Federal Reserve to print more money to solve these problems, which should work for a short while until we turn into Zimbabwe. At least we have the right color president for Zimbabwe.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Yup, getting bad here in California. Any smart person (especially whites) is looking to bail out of here. Question is where can twenty million white people go? If it keeps going like this, they'll be tearing down housing developments and turning this whole state into one big orchard tended by dull normal you-know-whats. Forget entho-states, how about just some well defended ethno-enclaves for whites. We're headed back to the farm.
Oct 24, 2005
Gov Quinn has runned Illinois into the ground.
When Blago was governor, the state functioned well. That is why they had to get rid of him, I guess.

Andrew Lynch

Oct 14, 2008
As somebody who lived in Illinois during the Blago years, I have to agree that he ran it okay. I wasn't even terribly upset that he tried to sell Obama's seat, as Illinois and the Chicago area are among the most corrupt in the nation. But Quinn has been a disaster from the minute he took office, and that's why I hang my hat in Salt Lake City, other than the Mormons it's been the right decision.