Statement on Black Quarterback Derangement Syndrome

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FTR I have been aware of the Caste System since 1988 before many of you young fellas were more than a gleam in your daddy's eye. A buddy's HS team had one magical athlete that got feted by the cucks while the better player probably had to go roof houses out of HS instead of a ride like the magic athlete got where he promptly failed to impress the Big 12 defenses with his running abilities. (Big 12 I remind you)
Right there with you wile. In 1981. I was a HS Freshman on the JV team. We started out 4-1. All white team. The varsity had one black player and he was a RB. He wasn't cutting it on the all white Varsity team so they moved him down to JV. I was the starting RB and guess who got replaced by the black RB? Me! I still got to play RB, but had to alternate with the black player. I went on to rush for over 1,000 yards. Not a lot of yards by today's standards, but again, he got half or more of the carries once he was moved down.
To be honest, he was a pretty good RB, but I was just as good and one year younger than he was. I also started at safety.
When he was moved down, the starting FB and I went to the head coach and asked if anything was going to change with the starting backfield, he said no. He lied to us and that's when I started to become aware. In 1981, a 14 year old freshman in HS. In all likely hood I probably was aware even before that, but that just smacked me in the face!
Sorry to hear that CS. Every adult stacked the deck against the kid who was a natural power back he literally could take it up the middle for 10 yards against the playoff teams. This would open up the outside for the magical athlete who for his life could not break an arm tackle which they found out in the Big 12 where he tested the level of cuckdom to its breaking point. Anyway I asked my buddy who was an OL for his team and he admitted everyone on his team knew the FB was the superior football player.

When younger gens rip on the Boomers which I am one I have sympathy for their concerns. FTR aside from the usual feckless reactionary howling done from our side I think we are breaking down the taboos against being for ourselves and being able to ask if we are discriminated against. It's been pretty easy for a Boomer to get thru life yeah we faced discrimination but then we just picked up and moved to the remaining parts of first world America and made our bank. So we abided the taboos but now we need to start breaking them down for our grand children.
Right there with you wile. In 1981. I was a HS Freshman on the JV team. We started out 4-1. All white team. The varsity had one black player and he was a RB. He wasn't cutting it on the all white Varsity team so they moved him down to JV. I was the starting RB and guess who got replaced by the black RB? Me! I still got to play RB, but had to alternate with the black player. I went on to rush for over 1,000 yards. Not a lot of yards by today's standards, but again, he got half or more of the carries once he was moved down.
To be honest, he was a pretty good RB, but I was just as good and one year younger than he was. I also started at safety.
When he was moved down, the starting FB and I went to the head coach and asked if anything was going to change with the starting backfield, he said no. He lied to us and that's when I started to become aware. In 1981, a 14 year old freshman in HS. In all likely hood I probably was aware even before that, but that just smacked me in the face!
When I was in high school in the late '70s I had a different sort of experience with one of the reasons that blacks get more opportunities at younger ages. Blacks tend to mature younger. On my HS team there was a black RB, Horace was his name. He seemed to be 4 years older than the rest of us. I was 5'11" 165 lbs playing defense and this 6'2" 210 RB coming at me, it was a sore next day.

So that is a factor as well. And they say that whites have no upside.
When I was in high school in the late '70s I had a different sort of experience with one of the reasons that blacks get more opportunities at younger ages. Blacks tend to mature younger. On my HS team there was a black RB, Horace was his name. He seemed to be 4 years older than the rest of us. I was 5'11" 165 lbs playing defense and this 6'2" 210 RB coming at me, it was a sore next day.

So that is a factor as well. And they say that whites have no upside.
Most of the black kids I competed against early on, because I lived in the city during my elementary school year's and they were bussed in from the all black schools, I thought seemed more mature, but come to find out they were older than me because they had been held back or failed at least one grade. One black kid I knew moved from Virginia left school during the Christmas break and never went back until the next year, staying in the same grade!
I moved to where my father lived in middle school. Into the suburbs when my parents divorced.
I was like 5'9" 155 lbs. my sophomore year and moved up to varsity. Received what I believe was one of many concussions by tackling a 6'2, 220 lb. White RB named "Butch." He was a nasty dude. Obviously, I went low, and his knee hit me hit the side of my head and I saw stars for about the next 2-3 plays. Butch ended up in prison for shooting someone. I think he's out now.
I wish you didn't edit your post and kept up the "good riddance" message you originally had up.

Heritage not Hate doesn't work - the left spent the past 4 years destroying the history of this country - tearing down statues of great Confederate generals and Civil Ware heroes, renaming military installations that were named after Confederates. Let's not forget the 1619 project and the constant shitting on the Founding Father of America for decades by the cultural communists. Even in Britain at Windsor Castle they just held an Islamic Call to Prayer. Sorry but not buying into that mentality as it has helped lead the West to the brink of White erasure.
Don't let LucasBryant's lies and hate get to you. He's just a troll. All he does is attack good posters like you and me, spew the same libtard/neocon Putin-bashing lies despite claiming to live in Russia (he also claims he's married but he's probably an incel loser virgin who lives in his mommy's basement in San Francisco), and praise black Alabama busts. He's literally never said anything positive about a White athlete the whole time he's been here. Just wait for the day he's rightly banned so we can all say, "Good riddance."
Don't let LucasBryant's lies and hate get to you. He's just a troll. All he does is attack good posters like you and me, spew the same libtard/neocon Putin-bashing lies despite claiming to live in Russia (he also claims he's married but he's probably an incel loser virgin who lives in his mommy's basement in San Francisco), and praise black Alabama busts. He's literally never said anything positive about a White athlete the whole time he's been here. Just wait for the day he's rightly banned so we can all say, "Good riddance."
There isn’t anything in your diatribe except absolute lies from hell. I have started numerous posts on several forums which completely obliterate your lie not saying good about white athletes.That’s just utter demonic stupidity from you,no shock though.

I have also had numerous positive exchanges, both on the forums and in private that shows the lie that I only don’t attack good posters. Lol, you are sick.

And unlike you, I can track IP addresses here because everything I send in saved on a Russian server. I have no problem giving credit where credit is due to all people, regardless of their race or nationality. I love the state of Alabama and always will so kiss my southern ass on both cheeks.

SHOW ONE STATEMENT in which I have said ANYTHING that supports liberals or liberalism or Biden etc etc. I am a registered conservative and an avid MAGA supporter. So deal with your dismay best you can...and get that demon cast out of you.
This thread had taken on an interesting life of its own, but then took a nasty turn and is now locked.
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