Star Wars Sheeple


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Looks a crowd of geeks about wet their britches over projector issues at a "Star Wars" picture. I think it's downright pathetic to see a slew of (supposed) adults play "dress up" & whine like a'buncha kids at recess. Not only are these folks weak minded sheeple, but they also lack maturity & class.

This is what DWFs do when not spending the day at the stadium to watch the NFL. The slow slide into the sh***er continues unabated.
I remember when I was little I used to love the Star Wars movies, the prequels completely ruined them for me. People are going nuts over the new one despite it being mediocre, I guess the prequels were so **** that even the most mundane movie looks good in comparison.
I really have no interest in this saga of star wars when they decided to ruin it by featuring jontavius the jedi in the lead role. Despicable morons.
I thought the movie was pretty decent, even if it's a scene for scene rehash of the '77 film. The only two major annoyances I found were; the diverse good guys vs stereotypical Nazi all White bad guys, and the implied romantic relationship between the White Female lead and the Black male character. I didn't find the movie to be feminist or anti-male, and it's not explicitly anti-White. The Black dude is pretty cowardice and has a lot of faults, so at least they didn't push any Hollywood Black-supremacy BS. If they add a younger White Male protagonist to team up with the Female lead in the future films, I'm sure I'll like them more.
Some apostate church in Europe uses Star Wars "dress up" as a gimmick to draw parishioners. Another example of modernist compromise...this time catering to a flock of nerds.
I thought the movie was pretty decent, even if it's a scene for scene rehash of the '77 film. The only two major annoyances I found were; the diverse good guys vs stereotypical Nazi all White bad guys, and the implied romantic relationship between the White Female lead and the Black male character. I didn't find the movie to be feminist or anti-male, and it's not explicitly anti-White. The Black dude is pretty cowardice and has a lot of faults, so at least they didn't push any Hollywood Black-supremacy BS. If they add a younger White Male protagonist to team up with the Female lead in the future films, I'm sure I'll like them more.

some of the stormtroopers were women (but we know they are different races as per the black guy being one to begin with), but as far as the race, we can only tell by the officers and they were all white.

as for the young white hero, we got Poe, the best pilot of the resistance. he will probably have a bigger role in the future.
No interest in seeing this movie. Seen all the previous Star Wars but have no interest in Jew Abrams version with his diverse cast.. Rarely go to see movies in theatre anyway.
as for the young white hero, we got Poe, the best pilot of the resistance. he will probably have a bigger role in the future.

Pretty sure Poe's actor is Hispanic. Either way, once I read the spoilers and saw a certain character's death I decided not to bother seeing this movie.
I won't be watching the new Star Wars. I didn't care for the original in 1977, it seemed to be made for 10 year olds.

There are several others I'll watch in the next week or two, like The Revenant and The Martian.

I just watched Run All Night, which was decent. Bone Tomahawk is another good one I've seen recently.
I thought the movie was pretty decent, even if it's a scene for scene rehash of the '77 film. The only two major annoyances I found were; the diverse good guys vs stereotypical Nazi all White bad guys, and the implied romantic relationship between the White Female lead and the Black male character. I didn't find the movie to be feminist or anti-male, and it's not explicitly anti-White. The Black dude is pretty cowardice and has a lot of faults, so at least they didn't push any Hollywood Black-supremacy BS. If they add a younger White Male protagonist to team up with the Female lead in the future films, I'm sure I'll like them more.

I would disagree. There is a clear indication that the white female lead and the black guy got a thing going on. In the future episodes they are going to be a love interest. Get ready for the first inter species Jedi knight.

And the female lead is one of the worst examples of battling babes I have seen. This teenager pouting orphan manages to survive and kick ass all by herself. She turns out for some reason to know how to pilot the Millennial Falcon better then Han Solo and she is better at repairing it then he is. When it comes time to fight the main antagonist she is suddenly more skilled with a light saber then he is, what's the point of all that Jedi training if some little girl can pick up a light saber and kick your as with it? The movie was a ridiculous farce.
I would disagree. There is a clear indication that the white female lead and the black guy got a thing going on. In the future episodes they are going to be a love interest. Get ready for the first inter species Jedi knight.

And the female lead is one of the worst examples of battling babes I have seen. This teenager pouting orphan manages to survive and kick ass all by herself. She turns out for some reason to know how to pilot the Millennial Falcon better then Han Solo and she is better at repairing it then he is. When it comes time to fight the main antagonist she is suddenly more skilled with a light saber then he is, what's the point of all that Jedi training if some little girl can pick up a light saber and kick your as with it? The movie was a ridiculous farce.

That's about all a sane person needs to hear... Interracial relationships pushed , haven't seen that every time I turn on the TV! Then we've got Jedi Jane and her girl power feminist bull****.. Sounds like a cultural Marxists wet dream.
Most importantly this film gets "A" for diversity. Good job Jew Jew Abrams.