Sports champions visiting the Trump White House

Sep 12, 2016
The purpose of this thread is to showcase pictures and positive articles about championship sports teams visiting President Donald J. Trump at the White House. After all the attention, headlines, and slobbering media worship that grandstanding racist blacks and cowardly, virtue signaling white liberals have gotten for refusing to visit Trump, I thought it would be nice to shine a spotlight on the other side for a change.

Here is the University of Oklahoma softball team, Division I NCAA champions:

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- Genuinely diverse
- Genuinely happy to be there
- Engaging in Christian prayer
- Feminine (not butch) manner of dress

As a former college softball player, the "butch" stereotype, like most stereotypes, has some truth and some exaggeration to it. But it's nice to see the opposite being shown here.

No politics, just enjoying the moment and the unique opportunity to visit the White House and meet the President. I would have been willing to do the same had my team met Barack Obama. Too bad the bitter, hyper-partisan, far-left, grandstanding, virtue signaling SJWs are not.
Good idea for a thread. Hopefully the Patriots will be going again in a few weeks. Well at least the White players and the respectable blacks.
President Trump Honors the North Dakota State Bison Football Team Yesterday at the White House

Note the subtle insult to the President by Fox News. Fox News is a much more subtle version of Fake News. Headline should read "Honors", not "Serves Fast Food".

Here's a YouTube clip of it:
Trump honors the Washington Capitals, winners of last year's Stanley Cup (don't know what took so long).

Washington Nationals recently visited the "King Israel" and wife Melania to celebrate their World Series title. Bearded, former Oakland Bay Area Hipster Sean Doolittle was the only Nat's player to make a big deal about not showing up. I guess he's a Liberal, who has all the MSNBC and CNN talking points down pat -- "children in cages", "Sh!t Hole Countries", blah, blah, blah..... Anthony Rendon did not show up, no reason given? Those were really the only notable players to skip the visit.

Note: Players start to appear in Video at the 13:00 minute mark.

Couple Quick Points:

** A whole bunch of delicate little sheep that infest Twatter, Fakebook and other social media 24/7, trying to push the Communist agenda, are really angry at Japanese-American Kurt Suzuki for merely donning a "Red Hat". Oh vey, Anudda Shoah! Suzuki must never play again. Deport him to back to China, where he can pull a rickshaw!!!!!

** Unlike the Boston Red Sox last spring, a whole bunch of prominent non-whites showed up, sending our above mentioned "friends" into a Tizzy. Seems like every player and coach from Venezuela not only visited with the President, but were absolutely giddy to be there. I guess the Venezuelan's really know how bad it is living in a country run by dictators? Perhaps our Kosher chums and their favorite sports pets like Lebron "Hair Plugs" Jimmy, Charles "black women are ugly" Barkley and Down's Syndrome looking Schlepp Curry should relocate there in order to enjoy the demographic and topographical "diversity" and to soak up all the great vibes of Communism? I wonder how much the Curry brothers would enjoy eating from the back of garbage trucks?

** In a move that will likely destroy his chances of making a killing on the Bar Mitzvah circuit for years to come, Howie Kendrick showed up, spoke briefly and shook the President's hand. Outside of Wayne Root, Sheldon Silver and perhaps Matt Bevin of Kentucky, what Lonsman will ever talk to "Howard" again, let alone reward him financially? One can only wonder how angry Ken Rosenthal and Adam Schefter were after watching that!

** Speedy outfielder Adam Eaton was the only notable player mentioned in Trump's pre-written speech that was not asked to speak.
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