speed and symbolism


Dec 22, 2004
The media, in general, has increasingly endorsed and sanctioned the idea that black athletes are superior to white athletes in terms of speed and secondary by products like leaping and quickness.. It is the single greatest attribute that white athletes NEED to challenge on an ongoing and consistent manner. It will take an army because the media had manufactured truth around this subject. And just being a great white player like Peyton Manning does nothing to alter the speed symbolism factor. White speedsters are far more important.
It is worth looking at the symbolism of speed.

Blacks are associated with speed and these symbols emerge.
Black athletes are: Porshe,extraordinary,exciting,unlimited raw potential,dangerous,a new world and hunter.

White athletes are associated with no speed hence they are:
Volkswagon,ordinary,dull,no room for improvement,safe,old world and prey.

Black athletes are cast as Superheroes.
White athletes are cast as either warthogs or invisible.
The media has created a monster and it has filtered down to every inch of the sports world starting at the age of two or younger where stereotypes rule the day. The media has underestimated the power of symbols by continuiing to belittle one race(in this case whites).
The fallout to the collective human psyche to this flurry of symbolism is deceptively devestating resulting in greater alieanation and racial hatred. We have only scratched the surface of the negative effects of this subject and in time the damage done by these symbols will be much more evident.