Special privileges for nonwhites


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
If the BO administration allows this, it will be another nail in their coffin. Not to mention allowing another standard for non whites. I can't wait for 2012.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Michael said:
An article entitled "Obama administration wants Muslim women exempt from TSA searches."

Barack Obama's Homeland Security Czar, Janet Napolitano, says that she is considering allowing Muslim women to "pat themselves down"Â￾ at airports.

All while TSA goons grope everyone else, including children.


Yeah, let's pat down old White women and children, but give MUSLIM women a pass. Sounds like a good idea to me.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Almost unreal, until you remember who we're talking about here.


Oct 12, 2008
And now $4.6 billion for black farmers. Your government is your ENEMY. If you are a White male, you are persona non grata. Edited by: icsept


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
icsept said:
And now $4.6 billion for black farmers. Your government is your ENEMY. If you are a White male, you are persona non grata.


Reparations: Quarterback Sneak
Nov 20th, 2010 by Hunter Wallace

District of Corruption

The Obama administration has used the lame duck session of the 111th Congress to sneak reparations to black farmers and Indians through the Senate. This was completely off the radar screen. I haven't heard anyone talking about this.

WASHINGTON â€" The Senate has approved almost $4.6 billion to settle long-standing claims brought by American Indians and black farmers against the government.

The money has been held up for months in the Senate as Democrats and Republicans squabbled over how to pay for it. The two class action lawsuits were filed over a decade ago.

The settlements include almost $1.2 billion for black farmers who say they suffered discrimination at the hands of the Agriculture Department. Also, $3.4 billion would go to Indian landowners who claim they were swindled out of royalties by the Interior Department. The legislation was approved in the Senate by voice vote Friday and sent to the House. . . .

I'm about to search for the voice vote on the bill. Louis March has written a book about this ripoff. I got of copy when I will still in Virginia.

Voice Vote: A vote in which the Presiding Officer states the question, then asks those in favor and against to say "Yea"Â￾ or "Nay,"Â￾ respectively, and announces the result according to his or her judgment. The names or numbers of Senators voting on each side are not recorded.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Will Mexicans Be Allowed to Bypass Airport Security?"

Are you disgusted about the manner in which our government manages airport security? Do you believe intrusive security procedures are harassing American citizens while not looking out for the real terrorists who would do us harm?

How about if, simultaneously, 84 million Mexicans were authorized to simply bypass security in American airports? Judicial Watch reports that Janet Napolitano has just signed an agreement to allow it.

Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Bart said:
Michael said:
An article entitled "Obama administration wants Muslim women exempt from TSA searches."

Barack Obama's Homeland Security Czar, Janet Napolitano, says that she is considering allowing Muslim women to "pat themselves down"Â￾ at airports.

All while TSA goons grope everyone else, including children.


Yeah, let's pat down old White women and children, but give MUSLIM women a pass. Sounds like a good idea to me.
It just shows who the Government is scared of, and it's not the moslems.............


Oct 26, 2008
I remember hearing about Muslim women blowing themselves up and they allow this. Why are they special? I assume all women and men don't like it. More evidence that this country is run, and has been run, by idiots for decades.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
The idea of "special privledges" is proof that the minorities can't measure up to the society, so the society must be brought down to their level to create the illusion of their fitting in. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during the influx of eastern and southern European immigrants, the society never made any changes for them. The adult immigrants lived in their own enclaves in the cities, and many times worked menial jobs just like the "immigrants" of today. But that's where the similarity stops. With those earlier immigrants, their children were being molded into Americans in the public schools of the time. Not so today, and there's a good reason for that. That reason is that it's known that the immigrants of today both don't want to be Americans and can't become Americans.
There's another point not well known. With the earlier immigrants, quite a few were denied entry into the country because of TB ("The Godfather" - the scene of the Don as a boy on Ellis Island in quarantine). There is also the fact that some immigrants left and went back to their countries of origin becausae they couldn't adapt to America. Nowadays, there's none of that because the America of today adapts to them so to speak.

Don't let anyone BS you about this. America was/is always about the highest standards. These people coming here today will always occupy the lowest strata of society. That is the plan.

Tom Iron...


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "City of Charlotte, NC, to Whites: Drop Dead"

In their zero-sum mentality, the overwhelming majority of blacks can enjoy freedom, prosperity, happiness and even life itself, only at the expense of white slavery, impoverishment, misery and death. Never mind that in reality, left to their own devices, with no whites to terrorize and slaughter (or to keep them in line), blacks terrorize and slaughter each other. They blame that on whites, too: "They makin' us kill each other,"Â￾ as I heard a young, malingering, malcontent black with an unearned promotion say of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Governor George Pataki to an equally racist black friend at Toys'R Us in 1998, when I moonlighted there as a security guard. Interrupted momentarily in his meditations by a greeting in passing from the white store director, who had given the speaker his unearned promotion, the speaker then added to his friend, "They go another one,"Â￾ about his white benefactor.

America was founded based on the notion that my freedom does not preclude your freedom. "Civil rights"Â￾ are the rights of all citizens. The so-called civil rights movement turned that idea upside down: "Civil rights,"Â￾ according to Martin Luther King Jr. and his various black and red comrades and heirs, are privileges that accrue to blacks, based on the color of their skin, and which are thus denied whites for the same reason.

Thus, blacks have First Amendment rights; whites don't. Whites must obey the law, but blacks are under no obligation to do so.

Note, however, that the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, aren't "civil rights"Â￾ in either sense, but "civil liberties,"Â￾ i.e., limitations on the power of the federal government. Much of the Founding Fathers' political genius is codified in the Bill of Rights.

Blacks who believe in MLK-style "civil rights,"Â￾ which is to say, 90 percent or more of the blacks in this country, have no conception of civil liberties, which their belief in a racial zero sum game and their refusal to accept limits on federal power both preclude. (See also my theory of "The Paranoid, Black Supremacist, Jailhouse Philosophy of Law."Â￾)



Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled " USNAâ€"United States Naval Affirmative Action Academy Exposed"

Appointments to the US Naval Academy and other service academies are done explicitly on the basis of Political Influence and hereditary privilege. This is not corruption, it's actually how the system is supposed to workâ€"you are either appointed by your Congressman, or are the son of a Medal of Honor winner.

That being so, it is really urgent that the actual graduation and passing of courses are on a pure, uncorrupted, meritocratic basis so we get officers who can actually steer the ship without sinking it.

This is really, really, important because of some those ships are powered by nuclear reactors and have nuclear bombs on board, so affirmative action risks a lot more than the loss in a few dollars in profits in the division headed by the affirmative action caseâ€"which modern corporations think of as part of the cost of doing business.

Well, it turns out that that they no longer do that uncorrupted meritocratic thing. An Op-Ed by a civilian English instructor was published in the local paper



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The BEST thing that can happen to the usa military is to staff it with a bunch of incompetent AA blacks and women. When planes are crashing into the ground and ships are running into each other then the rule of the evil empire (the current usa) will be coming to an end. As long as there are a few competent white men helping out then the whole thing lasts a little longer spreading it's evil ways around the world.


Nov 23, 2006
A piece entitled "Former Floridian Says Nullification Won't Stop State, Local Corruption Blocking Immigration Reform"

But despite the overwhelming sentiment from the public to restrict high density residential areas, developers are allowed and encouraged to build these affordable housing units with up to 24 or even 36 units per acre! It's also a foregone conclusion that the affordable units will go to minorities, particularly illegal migrant workers. (I knew firsthand of several cases where Caucasians were denied their affordable housing status, despite being financially qualified. Well, so much for mathematical indifference).


Whites denied "affordable housing" because they are White. Though, some denies maybe merciful because the worker realized that sending Whites into certain areas is guaranteeing an attack, but most are undoubtedly, denied because they are White and de facto set asides are for nonwhites. It is interesting to note that shortly after the "Civil Rights" Act, the massive welfare state was created that was push with picture of poor Appalachian Whites, in reality, welfare has disproportionately gone to nonwhites.All sorts of special privileges were created for the nonwhites including rich nonwhites (Affirmative Action, set asides, etc.)but even poor Whites who qualify for welfare are routinely denied though a few get a little help from, most likely White, bureaucrats who follow the letter of the law.Poor Whites don't have the resources to fight against discrimination and the government is, often, the discriminator and very few White organization exist that can do much in that area.

It appears that the Welfare state is bankrupting The United States and the States of The United States, which is made up of a few White "elites" and their mass of nonwhites who occupy and loot the White people of these United States.

A question for you legal scholars out there, if the debts are made by The United States consisting of nonwhites and White "elites" do the common White people of these United States have any debt or are the White "elite" and nonwhites of The United States solely responsible for the debts made by the occupational government?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
You (I) are not responsible for 1 cent of the federal or any government debt. They can use force to take money from you to pay it but you are not morally or legally (true law) responsible for any of it.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "One (harsh) law for whites, another (mild) law for non-whites"

I've said it before, and I'm going to keep saying it until it sinks in: the term "minority"Â￾ is nothing less than a Title of Nobility, like Duke, Earl, Baroness, etc., which entitles the bearer to a higher legal status than us white peons. Along with this higher status goes all kinds of privileges like preferences in hiring, college and grad school admissions, preferential and deferential treatment in punishing criminals so as to avoid offending the privileged classes and provoking them to riot in order to maintain their status.

Now we find out that Seattle is openly telling its police officers that some laws should not be enforced against non-whites. A Seattle cop brought it to the world's attention on his blog, calling it "socialism."Â￾ It's not "socialism"Â￾, it's hatred of white people, but that's a minor point.

And you had better believe this won't stop at Seattle. The general principle, that non-whites aren't to be held to the same standard as whites and are to be given all kinds of special privileges, is standard operating procedure in every other area of life, so why should we expect that it won't be SOP for law enforcement? It's an outrage to treat non-white royalty like common white trash. Only a fool would think that this is some kind of anomaly, and that Seattle will soon come to its senses and start treating the races equally. On the contrary, this glaring double standard will in the not too distant future be the prevailing standard in most communities.
