Speak the ’N’ word and die!

This story is a year old but I just found it today.

[url]http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/story/319830p-273490c .html[/url]

Al Sharpton doesn't want the N-word sanitized.

If Ralph Nader doesn't stop dropping the N-bomb, Al Sharpton is going to wash out his mouth with soap.

"Nader is not a racist by any stretch of the imagination," Sharpton told me yesterday. "He has a good track record. But he ought to be sensitive that he does not sanitize that word."

Speaking Wednesday night at a Washington fund-raiser to retire the debt from his 2004 presidential campaign, Nader complained that Democratic Party powerbrokers had kept him off the ballot in such Southern states as Georgia and Virginia - which reminded him of the oppressive Jim Crow laws that denied African-Americans equal rights.

"I felt like a [n-word]," remarked the 70-year-old white multimillionaire graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School.

Ha ha ha, this is hillarious! Sharpton doesn't want to lose the the poitical clout of the N-word. If it becomes common and less than sacred, he loses one ofthe most valuable tools in his arsenal. Notice how the writer of the column quotes Nader but writes N-word instead of ******. Oh my goodness I wrote.the word ...******and wasn't killed by a lightning bolt from the Almighty!

The Almighty hasn't struck me down but I notice the software did. Edited by: Bart
Yep, people are so scared of saying or writing ****** now you won't find it anywhere except in a book.
pugnus said:
The guy made a racist comment end of discussion. He should pay the price for his actions.

Funny how Dusty baker made racist comments towards white baseball players and he keeps his job and nothing is said or done about it.So keep your mouth shut next time!Edited by: onewarrior5
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