Sons of Anarchy?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Anybody here watch that show that is broadcast on FX? I love the show personally. The acting in it is top notch. Perlman is a great actor but his portrayal of an outlaw biker is tough to believe because of his of obvious Jewish features. One funny thing Katie Seagal who is of a similar background has a scene in the first season where they explain here ethnicity and they mention her Russian Jewish ancestry....


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I love this show and watch it every week. I especially enjoy the morally conflicted and complex Jax character. It is a guilty pleasure sometimes because of the language and slight nudity and I am glad it is on late. There was a thread started about this show earlier this year at CF when it first came out but I haven't been able to locate it in a search. The show does have some fans here. Overall I just love a show that features tough white men instead of all the sitcoms with the weak white men getting pushed around by women, minorities and the culture in general. This show has alot of very complex storylines and characters in it that you don't really want to like because of the lawbreaking but you can't help but like anyway.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I like it for the reasons Guest301 mentions. It's basically a biker version of The Sopranos, which is fine by me. I keep forgetting to tune it in though, because I so rarely watch anything on TV other than politicsand sports.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
To Sons of Anarchy!! FX really goes outside the lines with a lot of it's shows!!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I've seen it a few times. It's not a bad show, and kind of reminds me of Oz (previously on HBO) sans the amount/screen time for the "bruvahz". I don't like it enough to watch it regularly, but I don't watch any TV shows regularly (besides UFC TUF). I used to watch the Shield, but lost interest. Like Don, I primarily just watch sports & news. I also watch kid's shows (cartoons, etc.) with my young'unz sometimes & old shows (on TV Land) with my wife. I love the old staples...The Beverly Hillbillies, The Andy Griffith Show, Leave it to Beaver, etc.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Hey Whiteisright and others! Was that some good riveting storytelling last night or what? Next weeks 90 minute season finale promises to be even better. For those who missed it, this episode of SOA is repeated late Sunday night.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I was little disappointed, but the cliff hanger to set up season 3 looks like it will be good. I found it funny that Zobel is played by Allen Arkin's son. I know in the past white supremacist groups used to discriminate against whites of Southern European ancestry(this has changed as outlaw groups have Italian, Greek and even Jewish members). There was a trial an hour and half outside of Toronto where an outlaw chapter was slaughtered on a farm all of the people who died were of Southern European ancestry and one was Jewish. Sadly the Jewish member seemed to have been tortured before he was killed because of this. It was front page news through out the trial.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I just liked how the SOA stood up for and protected it's own in this last episode. Jax and Clay got past their differences for now after finding out about the gang rape of Gemma. I liked how Tara dealt with that beraucrat at the hospital trying to ruin her career and Gemma's search for God's purpose in her life. The whole mood of that show set up by a always great selection of music before something climactic happens like the confrontation ten on ten men fight was just riveting TV. I also like how SOA always eludes the grasp of that tenacious and slutty female ATF agent who can never quite get the job done no matter what she does. It's also good to see Jax and Opie on the same page about cleaning up and reforming the club which will probably be dealt with more next season. The upcoming episode of the SOA/Mayan confrontation looks like a good cliffhanger finale. Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
G301, I watched a repeat episode of SOA tonight. SamCro strikes me as a bunch of verminous race traitors (buddying up with the bruthaz & latinos against the WNs). The lawmen are crooked & all the characters seem corrupt to varying degrees. If I had to pick a "side"'d be with the Nords (albeit they're low-rent as well...with their meth dealing). I wouldn't mind seeing the AB roll in & help the Nords finish off the race-traitors of SamCro (along with the Mayans & One 9'ers)
However, Hollyweird would never let any WNs obtain on-screen "victories".

***P.S. - There's just little worth watching on today's modern TalmudVision (save for Toby Gerhart & Fedor's heroics!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
G301, I watched a repeat episode of SOA tonight. SamCro strikes me as a bunch of verminous race traitors (buddying up with the bruthaz & latinos against the WNs). The lawmen are crooked & all the characters seem corrupt to varying degrees. If I had to pick a "side"'d be with the Nords (albeit they're low-rent as well...with their meth dealing). I wouldn't mind seeing the AB roll in & help the Nords finish off the race-traitors of SamCro (along with the Mayans & One 9'ers)
However, Hollyweird would never let any WNs obtain on-screen "victories".

***P.S. - There's just little worth watching on today's modern TalmudVision (save for Toby Gerhart & Fedor's heroics!

Well the WN's you are siding with in this show gang raped the wife/mother of Clay and Jax(two leaders of SOA). The Main WN is this show just walked into a warehouse and shot point blank two latino women, the leader of the WN's (Zobelle) is also dealing guns and drugs to color. Up till now SOA has stayed away from drug dealing and any direct killing of innocents. There are no good characters on this show that I would be comfortable being friends with in real life, I watch it for the reasons I posted above. I agree with you about the WN's being portrayed extremely negatively in this show, but what would you expect.
The season finale is tommorrow night, 1000 pm.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Guest have you seen the Irish woman Fiona?? She looks like a gypsy, what do you think man? Edited by: celticdb15


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
celticdb15 said:
Guest have you seen the Irish woman Sophie?? She looks like a gypsy, what do you think man?

Sophie looks more dark skinned Italian than Irish. She has the Irish accent down pat. Don't know how much the Sophie character will be involved in season three. But it's going to get interesting with Jax and Opie on the same page about reforming the club, Gemma's spiritual awakening, Clay's arthritis getting worse and probably having a hard time keeping Jax from taking over, Tara is definitely a balls to the wall old lady to Jax now with her assault on that hospital bereaucrat the other night. We will see tommorrow how all this unfolds. They need to do more with the "Prospect" character, he's likeable and they should be able to create good storylines with that guy. Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Haha indeed it was nice to see Tara finally defend herself from that stuck up admin! It looks like he will be patched in, i'll be excited for season 3 to roll around.
Edit* Well prospect was killed in the finale. Along with the Irish gun dealers son Andy. Zobel got lucky and managed to get out of Charming before the Sons could do anything. Gemma spots Zobels 'daughter" and follows her home. She shoots the girl and discovers the Male hating Fed inside. She is framed by the Federal agent and the Irish gun dealer kidnaps Jax's son. Whew! Thats an hour and a half in a short paragraph! Feel free to add or elaborateif i missed something!Edited by: celticdb15


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
This weeks episode a negro is screwing one of the bikers daughters.. No show is safe from this, they want to turn this into a norm in the USA.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This weeks episode a negro is screwing one of the bikers daughters.. No show is safe from this, they want to turn this into a norm in the USA.
Last season the character Juice hid his Mulatto ancestry. I think the bikers think he is full blooded Spaniard from PR. He also tried to kill himself when it looked like his secret was going to be exposed. I suspect that storyline will come to the fore at some point in the series.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I started watching the new season after not watching at all for the past couple of years. It's a pretty good show, the biker version of The Sopranos. They're at war with black Oakland gangsters this season, which looks pretty interesting so far. The bikers are portrayed as tough and masculine, which is an extreme rarity for television.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I started watching the new season after not watching at all for the past couple of years. It's a pretty good show, the biker version of The Sopranos. They're at war with black Oakland gangsters this season, which looks pretty interesting so far. The bikers are portrayed as tough and masculine, which is an extreme rarity for television.
Last night "Opie" died in a gladiator style jail fight where either he or his attackers were going to die in a sanctioned fight to the death while corrupt jail guards looked on. This show has killed off supporting characters before but none at the level of Opie. An interesting thing about the actor playing Opie in the past when he looked younger he played a linemen in Remember the Titans.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The season finale of Sons of Anarchy is Tuesday. I've watched several of the shows this season but not enough to understand all the plot lines. Plus I've never had such a tough time comprehending the dialogue on a TV show before. Lots of mumbling, low voices and fast talking, hard for me to get parts of it. Don't think I've ever understood a word the Irish guy in SOA says lol.

The kill count has been ridiculous, makes The Sopranos look like beginners by comparison.

Another Sopranos type knockoff is Boardwalk Empire on HBO. I've watched only three episodes but it appears to be about various mobs trying to own Atlantic City circa the 1920s. Steve Buscemi (who popped up as Tony Soprano's cousin one season on that show only to be murdered by Tony) is the established boss whose rule is always being challenged. This is another show with a kill count seemingly in the dozens each episode with never any law enforcement in sight. I guess viewers are assumed these days to only be able to watch organized crime shows if there's a murder every two minutes, but still both shows are compelling viewing.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Anyone else still watching this show? It's about halfway through its final season. Kind of sad to know it's about over, reminds me of the last season of The Sopranos, my favorite show and there are very very few I've watched over the past 30 years.

Sons is cool in that it has tough White men as the main characters, and amazingly they don't even have to be Italian. As with The Sopranos (and so many other shows) the violence is way over the top and the protagonists can murder with impunity. The death toll in the final season so far has to be well over 100. I've finally started watching with captions as it's hard to understand some of the dialogue, especially when the Scottish (Irish?) club VP speaks.

It has a huge following for a cable show, probably the second largest after Walking Dead. I'll miss it when it's over.