Some young guys for future olympics.

One guy I'm interested to watch this summer is Martin Keller of Germany. He ran a 10.23 last year. He is still young and he should have some good battles locally with Christian Blum and Tobias Unger.
white lightning said:
One guy I'm interested to watch this summer is Martin Keller of Germany. He ran a 10.23 last year. He is still young and he should have some good battles locally with Christian Blum and Tobias Unger.

Dont forget Stefan Schwabb. He ran 6.59! Germany is awesome.
Your right bro. I forgot about him. They are doing something right in Deutchland! I still say it's either the beer or the fraulines!

Wouldn't it be ironic if the Germans had several guys go sub 10. They are going to have one hell of a relay team. I want to see what Blum can do over 200 meters. I'm curious because he has such a smooth stride. I know he would eat up the turn.

Speaking of German Sprinters. You guys ever see Veronica Sailor. I have seen her and she is as pretty as can be. She is very talented and should make a run at going sub 11 in the near future. Catch her if you can guys!

I'm still in love with Ivet Lalova! Damn is she hot!
I thought we were on the topic of party at your house
but I think Unger will do well this year. He ran 10.17 last year. He was irate over the black athletes and the steroids:Unger SkepticalIf I were like him and clean around all those cheats I'd talk about that stuff more often.
One of the few to have the courage to speak the truth. Even Craig Pickering tried to stand up to Chambers but all of the other British Sprinters backed down. Very few will say what almost every one knows. They are afraid of backstabbing their fellow sprinters. It is also because most sprinters are on it.

Think about it? Why would Pickering and Unger be so adament about anti doping if they were not clean? They put themselves under a microscope but they know that they are doing it the right way. Even Jason Gardner admitted it before he retired. It's disgusting how many of these arrogant s.o.b.s. get away with being on roids. Then the guys that do it the right way very rarely if ever get to the medal stand.

Something has to change. This pisses me off.

The bbq will happen. Not if but when? It's impossible to go 9.70 without roids but a 9.90's - 10.00 is possible clean. Late July. Bank on it!Edited by: white lightning
I truly think Lemaitre can run around a 9.9 flat someday WITHOUT ROIDS in ideal conditions with a near 2.0 tailwind. He has many similarities to Usain Bolt, although Bolt likely has slightly more natural talent.

Bolt is such a freak I truly think he is the only man in history that could run a 9.75-9.8 flat clean, but he would have been 9.55- if not for pulling up- in Beijing and I don't think that's possible without roids when every sub 9.8 guy so far other than fellow Jamaican Powell has been identified as a roider. Bolt's 9.55 becomes a 9.75-9.8 clean.

Bolt improved a ridiculous amount in a year and seemed to be able to run two sub 9.8 races in a row. It makes it so much more sick that the most talented sprinter of all time is almost definitely on ROIDS considering the lax Jamaican testing standards and their history of Roids amongst their athletes.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I truly think Lemaitre can run around a 9.9 flat someday WITHOUT ROIDS in ideal conditions with a near 2.0 tailwind. He has many similarities to Usain Bolt, although Bolt likely has slightly more natural talent.

We will never know if Bolt has more natural talent because he is a cheat. These sprinters are mostly cheats, and Allen Wells, Craig Pickering, and Tobias Unger have hinted at it.

Don't you thnik Pickering, Cerutti, or Blum can go sub 10 TJR? I think they can even if they are clean.
Cerutti and Pickering will go sub 10 IMO- I'm a little skeptical about Blum achieving that right now. Blum's smooth, but looks a little too thin right now.
So far...
Simone Collio 10.24
Jared Connaughton 10.26
Christophe Lemaitre 10.26
Jeremy Wariner 44.69

I can't wait for Sebastian Bayer, Ivan Ukhov, Craig Pickering, Fabio Cerutti, Christian Blum, Tobias Unger, and Stefan Schwabb to run and jump.

Edited by: StarWars
2009 Berlin Hopes

100 meter:

Nic Macrozonaris: 10.03
Andrey Epishin: 10.10
Fabio Cerutti: 10.13
Matic Osovnikar: 10.13
Craig Pickering: 10.14
Simone Collio: 10.14
Jared Connaugton: 10.15
Tobias Unger: 10.16
Dariusz Kuc: 10.17
Michael LeBlanc: 10.18
Christian Blum: 10.26
Martin Keller: 10.23
Christophe Lemaitre: 10.26
Emanuele Di Gregorio: 10.28
Stefan Schwab: 10.29
Jarid Vaughn, 2nd at the Southland Conference championships in the 100m, and first in the 200m - 20.77.
Here's a new one - Phil Ferguson, freshman at the University of Akron, won the 100m this wkend at the Mid-American conference championships. His time 10.47.
thats a nice freshman time. has anyone ever heard of this kid?
A kid who I haven't heard of named Lehann Fourie who is a freshman at Nebraska just ran a 13.68 110 meter hurdles into a 1 m/s headwind. He finished a close second in the Big 12 110h finals.
I read an article about Fourie a while back. He's from South Africa.
He also ran the 400m hurdles at the Big 12 finals.
Shane crawford only ran a 10.72 and an 11.04 this weekend at the Big 10 Championships. As a high school senior, 2 years ago, he ran a 10.33. I'm starting to see a very disturbing trend here. It seems like our guys peak and top out very young (teens, very early 20's), then never improve.

Matt Shirvington
threw down a 10.03, a 10.07, and a 10.07 at 19 years old. Then regressed, only dipping under 10.10 one more time 5 years later.

Nic Macrozonaris clocked a 10.03 (albeit at altitude) at 22 y/o, and hasn't even come close over the next 6 years. He hasn't breached 10.28 in 5 years.

John Woods got down to 10.16 twoyears ago, and is now back up to 10.52 this year. He probably threw in the towel.

Michael LeBlanc ran a 10.17 two years ago at 20 y/o, then this year, at 22, ran a 10.60, 10.65, and 10.69.

Craig Pickering ran a 10.22 at 18 y/o. Here we are 4 years later, and he's only manages to shave .08 off of his time.. an average of .02 each year.

Dallas Robinson ran a 10.40 years ago at 22 y/o, and hasn't touched it since. He probably threw in the towel also.

Matt Bruno ran a 10.45 sevenyears ago at 19 y/o. He hasn't beaten it since and only ran a 10.58 this year.

Andrew Rock ran a 44.35 fouryears ago, and a 44.45 threeyears ago. He hasn't come within 2 seconds since.

JTScheuerman ran a 46.23 outdoor, and a 47.18indoor as a high school senior.Now, 3 years later, at 21 y/o, his outdoor PB is the same, and his indoor PB is a 47.01 he ran 2 years ago.

Casey Combest ran a 6.57 at 18 y/o, then only dipped below 6.78 once after that.

What do you guys think is the cause of this? How do we know Lemaître won't be running a 10.18 four years from now, only taking off .08 like Pickering?
This is a rough trend and it is mental. It is very new. If you look at kenteris , Allen Wells especially, pietro mennea, and Valery borzov they are the fastest men alive until their late twentie.

This newer trend is due to the media's mental barrier created at the 10 sec. mark. Borzov's 100 meter would be 9.85 on a mondo track today.

Don't put Pickering in that list he is still young. And improving every year. And Shirvo was preoccupied. Look at Simone Collio too, he is like 29 years old.Edited by: StarWars
There are less white prospect in the sprints then there were back in the 70's. So when a prospect fails to mature into a finalist or a medalist it's more obvious. MLF and Darrell Brown haven't improved on their teen times either. But because their many black prospects nobody mentions them. Bolt looked like he would join that group too until 07.Edited by: white is right
white is right said:
There are less white prospect in the sprints then there were back in the 70's. So when a prospect fails to mature into a finalist or a medalist it's more obvious. MLF and Darrell Brown haven't improved on their teen times either. But because there are many black prospects nobody mentions them. Bolt looked like he would join that group too until 07.
Ya, there were like four whites in Borzov's final. n Allen Well's final a white came in third. Certainlyy the strength in numbers for blacks is a huge advantage on us. We need more whites competing.
GoWings said:
What do you guys think is the cause of this? How do we know Lemaître won't be running a 10.18 four years from now, only taking off .08 like Pickering?
Thoughtful first post. Good to see the input.

My take on this...
Two reasons, I think:
1) Other options in life that are more likely to succeeed, so they, as you put it, throw in the towel, or become preoccuppied with other ventures.
2) lack of dope

I don't think speed increases much after a person is about 18, unless some heroic regiment is followed. To recover from a heroic regiment is not so easy. Dope shortcuts this process. Some of the top sprinters have bettered their 100m times by a second since they were 18.

Asafa Powell's best time at age 18 was 10.8, according to what I've read. And I don't know if that was auto-timed, so maybe really 11s. I'm glad he's improved, more power to him. Here is a meet from 2001 where he ran 10.9

Since Whites, at least those from more northerly regions, tend to mature later, we would hope to see some similar improvents at an even later age. Perhaps we would, but by that time the 10.8 White sprinter has reconciled himself to his life situation, and is deep into his second year study of accounting.

White Is Right mentions Bolt as looking like he would be in that group that doesn't improve past their teen best, until his turn-around beginning after he got serious in late 2007.Edited by: Observer
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