* Young black males make up 6 percent of the U.S. population, and 50 percent of the prison inmates.
* Three out of every four (76 percent) African American 18-year-olds living in urban areas can anticipate being arrested and jailed before age 36.
* In Massachusetts, blacks and Hispanics make up 9 percent of the state's population, but 83 percent of imprisoned drug offenders.
* African-American teens are more than ten times as likely to be incarcerated in California Youth Authority facilities as white or Asian youth.
* Danville, Virginia, regularly executes more people than any county in the country outside of Texas, but has never once since its incorporation in 1890 executed a white person.
* Black juveniles with no prior jail time who are charged with a drug offense are 48 times more likely to be sent to prison than white juveniles charged with the same offense.
* In 1865, shortly after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves, blacks owned 0.5 percent of the nation's net wealth. In 1990, a quarter-century after the civil rights legislation of the 1960's had become law, despite the wealth of a handful of black athletes and entertainers such as Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey, the percentage of the nation's net worth owned by blacks still totaled just 1 percent.
* Today, the median annual family income for whites is approximately $47,000, while for African-Americans it's $26,000.
* In 1910, black Americans owned at least 15 million acres of farmland, nearly all of it in the South, according to the U.S. Agricultural Census. Today, blacks own only 1.1 million acres of farmland and are part owners of another 1 million acres.
* Black-owned small businesses are more than three times as likely as white-owned firms to have loan applications turned down, despite the same creditworthiness.
* The median financial wealth of African Americans (net worth less home equity) is $200. For Hispanics, it is zero.
* Hispanics are rejected for home mortgages twice as often as whites, regardless of income.
* The poverty rate for Hispanics is 2.5 times greater than than for whites.
* Less than half the households on U.S. Indian reservations have phone service.
* The cancer incidence among African-Americans compared to whites in the United States is 26 percent greater.
* The prostate cancer rate among African-Americans compared to whites in the United States is 36 percent greater.
* The lung cancer incidence among African-Americans compared to whites in the United States is 53 percent greater.
* The likelihood of an African-American woman dying of breast cancer compared to her Caucasian counterpart is 67 percent greater.
* The hypertension (high blood pressure) rate among African-Americans compared to whites in the United States is 40 percent greater.
* The heart disease rate for Hispanic women compared to white women in the United States is double.
* The incidence of obesity among African-American and Mexican-American women compared to white women in the United States is 45 percent greater.
* The diabetes incidence among Hispanic men compared to white men in the United States is 53 percent greater.
* The diabetes incidence among African-American men compared to white men in the United States is 69 percent greater.
* The diabetes incidence among African-American women compared to white women in the United States is more than double.
* The diabetes incidence among Native American women compared to white women in the United States is more than triple.