We'd all be better off if we could look at humankind from the same objective distance we reserve for studying other species.
You know, in nature, evolution has shaped different approaches to breeding. In alot of animals, like insects or fish, they believe in strength in numbers. They have a bunch of offspring, and if alot die, well, some of them will make it. Other animals, higher animals usually, have few offspring but make a higher investment in assuring their survival. Different races of humans aren't as different as different species, but I'd say that the races probably deserve to be called sub-species of Homo sapiens sapiens. And some of these sub-species obviously have a reproductive style based on fecundity, while others are more based on careful rearing. But when you prop up the creature with the more salmon-style reproduction with such things as socialism, their half-reared offspring will just naturally outnumber the offspring of the more careful parents very quickly.
Which is to say, while having lots of kids is one approach, but I'm not sure white people will ever be able to effectively impliment the breed-like-rabbits-because we're too damn dumb to figure out birth control-of some races. It might be more effective if whites simply quit doing all the things they do to help non-whites stay alive, such as feeding all the little whelps and trying to cure aids in Africa. If you must practice some form of the superstitious ritual called altruism, for God's sake do it towards members of your own race, and only those that are at least half-way deserving. I say this as my brother-and-law and his church buddies are right now in Haiti, convinced these people will become able to maintain a civilized society if only they are given a little charity and convert to the right creed.
And yes HW, keen observation that the Catholic superstitions about birth control- maybe they're not the BS they seem, but instead be a very clever way to ensure plenty of Catholics. On the negative side, the Catholic priesthood sucked up many of the most intelligent men Europe had to offer for 1,000 years so that their genes were not passed on...or at the very least, passed on in the form of bastards who lacked the survival advantage of an official bonded pair. Also, I think an extremely harsh Medieval attitude on the ****s may have made some men who had that tendency marry and pass on their genes, resulting in more homosexuality today, which from my research seems to have been very rare or unknown in Far Northern Europe in Pagan times, despite the Meditereanean prolictivity for the practice, which may well have come from the Near or Far Eastern influence.