Some casual and not so casual everyday observations at work

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I'm a 24 year old White male living and working in Toronto, Canada (if you don't know, Toronto is Canada's largest city with 5.5 Million people). I make pretty good money working as a retail buyer for a major company here in Toronto (I am currently saving up to buy my dream car, a convertible sports car, probably in the next year!). Over the past few months, I've noticed some casual and not so casual observations within my workplace that I care to discuss here. Please note that I'm bringing these personal observations up purely as a free-form discussion, so feel free to comment or discuss on any of them;

1) In my company, a White Female who is an obvious Butch-Lesbian was recently hired on as a boss, and I noticed she fired or reshuffled several of the white males who were working under her. None of the females, or non-white males or females that work for her were fired. She is a Butch-Lesbian who literally must weigh around 250 or 300 pounds at a height of only 5'8" with short hair, tattoos, and various piercings. She looks like crap and looks very unprofessional. Thankfully, she is not overseeing me or my department.

It dawns on me that these freaks, sorry "people"; Negroes, homosexuals, liberals, feminists, drug users, drug addicts, lesbians are becoming the new decision-makers in society. Here in Ontario, our provincial leader, the highest political position in our province is an admitted lesbian and man hater, her name is Kathleen Wynne. It doesn't get any more crystal clear than that.

Morals in North America have been absolutely turned upside down. It is now beneficial to be homosexual, lazy, man-hating, and incompetent. This society is self-destructing. These freaks won't be able to run a profitable company. And you wonder why North America seems to be in a permanent economic recession.

2) I sometimes work with a 60-something year old White man who is close to retiring, and about a week ago at work, he started talking to me about his personal life. He told me he has a daughter a few years older than me (so she is late 20's) who is currently going through a divorce. I assume from the conversation that the daughter's ex-husband is white. So, it's a divorce of a white couple. He also mentioned they have a few kids.

Now, he told me the reason his daughter was getting divorced from her husband is because the husband opened his own company and now spends too much time at his job. My coworker literally told me "he is putting the job ahead of his family" and implied that this justified a divorce. So, basically his white daughter is divorcing the white husband because the husband is working too hard to provide for her and their children.

My elderly coworker went on to say that through his own wife, his daughter is getting one of the best lawyers in Toronto to clean the ex-husband out. Not only that, but apparently they found some sort of discrepancy in the tax books of his business, so they are threatening to go to CRA (Canadian version of the IRS). The ex-husband will be required by law to pay this woman a hefty settlement and he will also pay large child support payments for the next 18 or so years. You could say her husband will now be enslaved because of the divorce with kids involved.

Jesus Christ. This is the reality of marriage for many white couples today. You've got a husband who is working hard and receives no support for that, instead, a selfish b1tch of a daughter decides to divorce him for no fault at all. What's worse, is the people around her actually support her decision and try to make it seem like she's doing a good thing.

This type of behaviour would not be allowed in Muslim or various Asian Countries and the woman would receive no benefits for divorcing a husband because he is working too much. This is exactly how the divorce law favours women and creates such high divorce rates among whites in this country, destroying mainly white families. It's disgusting that the law and system supports this type of selfish behaviour from women.

This is *exactly* the reason why I date Muslim Middle Eastern Asian women. They don't divorce you. They come from a culture where families WORK TOGETHER, and they will appreciate if you work hard. I see Asian couples here, and Muslim couples and the wife SUPPORTS HER HUSBAND in his job. That is the role of wives to do.

North American girls are poor mothers and poor wives, sorry to say but it's true (not all, but a large number of them are). The divorce rate among white couples here is out of control. The system and law is also garbage for encouraging this behaviour and destroying families and eventually society in the process.

I could never honestly suggest to any son I have to marry a North American girl. There's too much risk associated. He'd be much better off marrying into a Caucasian culture that won't divorce.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Yes, but I would imagine Canada is superior to the U.S. in many ways. For example, blacks are only 2.5% of the population. And you guys have a much more selective immigration system. Only the Haitians being take in as "refugees" are likely to be low IQ-high crime burdens.

A certain historical figure was rumored to have said that he wished whites would have been Islamized rather than Christianized as then we would be less likely to take the garbage we are currently taking.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Yes, but I would imagine Canada is superior to the U.S. in many ways. For example, blacks are only 2.5% of the population.

Yes, this is true.

In USA I would imagine the situation is even worse. No doubt, the murder rates in the USA are through the roof. Comparatively speaking, Canada is much safer than USA.

On a percentage and overall basis, there's way more blacks in the USA than Canada.

And you guys have a much more selective immigration system. Only the Haitians being take in as "refugees" are likely to be low IQ-high crime burdens.

The only place in Canada that has Haitians is Montreal. There is a sizable Haitian community in Montreal.

Immigrants which speak French, like Haitians, usually choose to go to Montreal. Immigrants which speak English, or have a desire to speak English tend to choose Toronto or Vancouver.

Canada, as you say has 2.4% blacks
Toronto probably has about 12% blacks
Montreal probably has about 12% blacks... so really our situation is much better than USA!

A certain historical figure was rumored to have said that he wished whites would have been Islamized rather than Christianized as then we would be less likely to take the garbage we are currently taking.

This is absolutely true.

Ive posted my pics many times on this site and everyone knows I am a White male who has dated many Muslim, Middle Eastern women. These women don't divorce. They are loyal, excellent women, excellent mothers and so on.

I admire Islam and Muslims in the sense that they are truly conservative and truly right-wing. In Muslim countries, drug addicts and homosexuals are badly punished or even killed, and to a certain extent I agree with that. Perhaps killing these people is harsh. But these behaviours SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED IN PUBLIC and they should be punished accordingly.

The problem in North America is liberals have turned morals upside down and eventually these societies are self-destructing (low birthrate, retards making economic decisions, Negroes and Homos occupying positions of power etc).

If you compromise an inch, they will take a yard! That's what you've seen happen in North America now that these perversions are becoming the status quo.
Dec 10, 2012
This is *exactly* the reason why I date Muslim Middle Eastern Asian women. They don't divorce you. They come from a culture where families WORK TOGETHER, and they will appreciate if you work hard. I see Asian couples here, and Muslim couples and the wife SUPPORTS HER HUSBAND in his job. That is the role of wives to do.

North American girls are poor mothers and poor wives, sorry to say but it's true (not all, but a large number of them are). The divorce rate among white couples here is out of control. The system and law is also garbage for encouraging this behaviour and destroying families and eventually society in the process.

I could never honestly suggest to any son I have to marry a North American girl. There's too much risk associated. He'd be much better off marrying into a Caucasian culture that won't divorce.

Boxing, I've shared some of the same stupidity you're experiencing on the job.. I sympathize with you on that.

To your second point.. Why would we care who you date (?) It seems like an irrelevant & recurring theme in your posts. The upselling of Muslim women, & the denigration of White girls..
Am I missing something, or are you doin' some undercover trolling.. I want in on the laugh brother :peep:
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
To your second point.. Why would we care who you date (?) It seems like an irrelevant & recurring theme in your posts. The upselling of Muslim women, & the denigration of White girls..

First of all, some of the Muslim Middle Eastern women I date and I am talking about can be considered white, and are certainly Caucasian. So, some Muslim girls are white or very close to white.

The reason I bring up my dating habits is to show that even racially aware, "racist" white males like myself can date outside of their race. I can relate to white males who date Asian women, because divorce law and social norms have corrupted white relationships so thoroughly in North America. Statistics don't lie, and marrying a white North American, you have a greater than 50% chance of divorce. It's really that simple. I don't know how any parent can advise their kid to get married without properly discussing the implications and cost of a divorce.

In fact, parents should fully expect and plan for their children to divorce in North America and instruct them accordingly, because more likely than not, marriages are having this fate. In some European countries, the divorce rate exceeds 60%. Here in N America the divorce rate is more than 50%. Jesus Christ that is horrible. The effect of that is a complete loss of identity and respect for family and race, as well as less children being born.

It's very hard to respect white women when you hear of divorces like I'm talking about. In fairness, it's very hard to respect the system or the white men (like her father, my coworker) who seem to support her. White women will divorce you for working too hard. I mean, that entirely contradicts everything that a wife is supposed to stand for.

As a white male, in my *own opinion* and you're totally free to disagree, the best solution is to date a Caucasian from a culture that is non-feminist and non-liberal, and she is less likely to divorce you and support you (from Conservative cultures in the Middle East or Eastern Europe).

I see Muslim women here in Canada and they treat their husbands very well, and support them in their work and business. That's what a wife is supposed to be! Not these North American girls who divorce you because you're "working too hard". Unbelievable.

Am I missing something, or are you doin' some undercover trolling.. I want in on the laugh brother :peep:

I am absolutely not trolling and I would be happy to donate money to this site to prove that I support the cause.

I have a different opinion than you and that's fine, but accusing me of trolling is rude and uncalled for.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Yes, but I would imagine Canada is superior to the U.S. in many ways. For example, blacks are only 2.5% of the population. And you guys have a much more selective immigration system. Only the Haitians being take in as "refugees" are likely to be low IQ-high crime burdens.
We have more Asians in the greater metropolitan areas of our biggest cities like Toronto and Vancouver now than whites. They are troublesome in other ways, many of them despise white people. But except for the South Asian Mafia in Surrey, are generally law-abiding.

Thankfully, we don't have a lot of negroes and consequently we have less crime overall. The relatively few that we do have here, including recent immigrants and refugees from Sub-Saharan Africa, relentlessly pursue casual sexual encounters with white women.

Today, I left my cap and briefcase on a chair at my table at a restaurant while going to a counter to order food. I wouldn't dare leave anything unattended in an American city. Years ago when visiting New York, I left an umbrella at my seat in a Burger King with negro customers, turned my back just for a few seconds and it was gone.
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The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Many years ago after getting out of the army I took a trip up into Alberta province (from Northern California) with a friend whose family had business interests up there. At some point in the trip I let him wear my U.S. Army field jacket because he thought it made him look cool to the babes. We stopped to get a burger at a Dairy Queen in Calgary, where a group of Canadian cadets or Boy Scouts or something were eating. My friend and I went to use the restroom and he left my jacket at the table. When we came back from the restroom the cadets/Boy Scouts were gone and so was my jacket. Hell for all I know they were junior Mounties in training. Whatever they were one of those little Dudley Doright pricks got my irreplaceable field jacket. So much for that huh?

I think Muslim women are gnarly and I have doubts about their hygiene.
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Apr 27, 2013
Gentlemen, Many/most of the problems you see today can be laid at the feet of the sixties. What happened then was a turningpoint. Very extensive subject. It begins to be told in the bible. Men must do certain things (there's only a short time for each man to pay this debt they all owe and if they don't they're doomed) at certain times in their lives and if they don't there is a price to be paid, both personally and societal. It may take time to collect what's owed, but what you're living through is the collection of that debt. It took too many years for me to figure this out. I'm very slow onthe uptake sometimes.

Live well and search for a good woman and marry her (no playing house - just a waist of time) when and if you find her. Bring your children up correctly and maybe things'll be okay for you. Tough times are here to stay for awhile.



Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I still have fond grade-school memories of a family vacation to Banff, Alberta. There were endless hiking trails of all lengths and heights: truly a wholesome fit for family fun. The motel rooms were clean and warm, and the air was fresh and invigorating.


A jaunt toward adjacent Jasper National Park produced more of the same pleasant lingerings in my hind-brain. Light, dusty snow clung to the ends of fir trees. Regimented plows diligently cleared the roads and driveways, despite Mother Nature's impish attempts to impede the tourism industry. The fireplaces were stocked with freshly-chopped timber, to ensure that our toes were toasty while we slumbered and re-energized for the next day's exploration of that lofty latitude.


Now that you know about me, here are some of My Observations about North American people. DID YOU KNOW THAT 42% of WHITE WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO THEIR CHILDREN OUT OF WEDLOCK? This is a Disturbing trend that could never be seen in other white countries such as Iran and Qatar.

I am a fit, athletic White adult from Caucasia who has posted my picture on this forum many times. I have dated SEVERAL DOZEN brown-skinned AND fair-skinned women, but always of ARABIC/MIDDLE-EASTERN DESCENT. This is because I strongly believe that Arabic/Middle-Eastern Women are superior to the north American versions of white Women. I consider myself VERY CONSERVATIVE AND PRO-WHITE and really respect the views of the posters on this forum, to the point where I would only ask my FELLOW posters on this site for dating advice.

Did you know that north america court system created a legal clause called No-Fault-Divorce, where AMERICAN WOMEN can abandon their husbands WHENEVER THEY WANT??? I do not consider myself religious, but FOR THIS REASON, I can only seriously consider a relationship with Middle-Eastern women, who are in fact White. These girls come from families who Respect Traditional Values. It is important to find an Arabic/Middle-Eastern girl, many of MUSLIM descent, who have Traditional Families!

For this reason, I WILL CONTINUE TO DATE EXCLUSIVELY only women of Muslim/Middle East descent, who are actually white (although some people might disagree). I have posted many pictures on this forum of myself and girls I date. You know I am speaking THE TRUTH ABOUT AMERICAN WOMEN. I usually post on the boxing forums about White Boxers such as Paulie Spadafora, Prince Naseem Hamed, and Tamerlane Tsarnaev.

This is why I support the mass immigration of ALL ARABIC POPULATION INTO CANADA AND NORTH AMERICA. The Middle Eastern women that I have met and dated are always more wholesome and traditional than the TRASHY, SHALLOW girls I have met at University (degree in Fashion). It is more difficult to enjoy Canadian national parks knowing that they are staffed with inferior white women, who are usually quite terrible to date. Imagine how much better these places would be if they embraced Traditional Values like most Arabic Families who come here to experience Success.

It is very rude to call me a troll. While I am a young man (age 24), I AM HAPPY TO DONATE MONEY to this site to support our message for white men like myself. I will continue to date MANY, MANY ARABIAN GIRLS, WHO ARE WHITE, BECAUSE I AM A CONSERVATIVE AND PRO-WHITE. I am not alone and please know that MANY MORE OF MY PEOPLE will give money until this forum and ALL OTHER PRO-WHITE FORUMS KNOW THE TRUTH.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I usually post on the boxing forums about White Boxers such as Paulie Spadafora, Prince Naseem Hamed, and Tamerlane Tsarnaev

Many (in fact, most) of the boxers I support are White Christians from all over, such as Wlad and Vitali K, Mateusz Masternack (my display pic), Denis Boytsov, Joe Calzaghe, Nathan Cleverly, Sergey Kovalev, Mikkel Kessler, Lucian Bute, Art Abraham, Greg Proksa, and on and on and on.

Actually, head over to the boxing forum and you'll see one of my favourite athletes right now is Tyson Fury, a white man from the UK! He is awesome and I support him on FaceBook as well.

Religion is a total non-issue for me. Many of the athletes I root for, and many of my friends in personal life are Christian, or even non-practising Christians.

Did you know that north america court system created a legal clause called No-Fault-Divorce, where AMERICAN WOMEN can abandon their husbands WHENEVER THEY WANT??? I do not consider myself religious, but FOR THIS REASON, I can only seriously consider a relationship with Middle-Eastern women, who are in fact White. These girls come from families who Respect Traditional Values. It is important to find an Arabic/Middle-Eastern girl, many of MUSLIM descent, who have Traditional Families!

Once again, religion is a total non-issue for me.

I would absolutely date a Christian girl and in fact I have dated a few Christian Iraqis.

However, what is the biggest issue for me in finding a female partner is being conservative and having a traditional view on family, gender, and society. What I find, is that for some reason Muslims tend to be much more conservative than Christians. So because of that, I tend to date Muslim females.

I am proud of being white but I look at the situation in Canada and the USA and it's just a lost cause at times. You're fighting a losing battle. I think it's obvious to see which way society is headed (as joegoofinoff alludes to, Liberals won in the 1960's). Suggesting me to date a white girl is kind of like those "liberal" white men who say that the marriage shortage is because men won't "man up".

No, there is a marriage shortage and divorce surplus in North America because the law and society has been skewed to the point where having a family doesn't make sense for many males and they are thus avoiding it. The truth is many men in North America would be better off not marrying. Telling them to man up and marry is giving them bad advice.

Anyways, fair enough, if you don't want to see things from my position that's fine. But I'm not some sort of "Islam supremacist" as you're implying. I am a "conservative supremacist" and in that regard I admire certain things about Muslims.

It would be nice if whites in North America held on to their traditional values but unfortunately many have not, and you can certainly see that on a day-to-day basis in society.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I still have fond grade-school memories of a family vacation to Banff, Alberta. There were endless hiking trails of all lengths and heights: truly a wholesome fit for family fun. The motel rooms were clean and warm, and the air was fresh and invigorating.


A jaunt toward adjacent Jasper National Park produced more of the same pleasant lingerings in my hind-brain. Light, dusty snow clung to the ends of fir trees. Regimented plows diligently cleared the roads and driveways, despite Mother Nature's impish attempts to impede the tourism industry. The fireplaces were stocked with freshly-chopped timber, to ensure that our toes were toasty while we slumbered and re-energized for the next day's exploration of that lofty latitude.


Now that you know about me, here are some of My Observations about North American people. DID YOU KNOW THAT 42% of WHITE WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO THEIR CHILDREN OUT OF WEDLOCK? This is a Disturbing trend that could never be seen in other white countries such as Iran and Qatar.

I am a fit, athletic White adult from Caucasia who has posted my picture on this forum many times. I have dated SEVERAL DOZEN brown-skinned AND fair-skinned women, but always of ARABIC/MIDDLE-EASTERN DESCENT. This is because I strongly believe that Arabic/Middle-Eastern Women are superior to the north American versions of white Women. I consider myself VERY CONSERVATIVE AND PRO-WHITE and really respect the views of the posters on this forum, to the point where I would only ask my FELLOW posters on this site for dating advice.

Did you know that north america court system created a legal clause called No-Fault-Divorce, where AMERICAN WOMEN can abandon their husbands WHENEVER THEY WANT??? I do not consider myself religious, but FOR THIS REASON, I can only seriously consider a relationship with Middle-Eastern women, who are in fact White. These girls come from families who Respect Traditional Values. It is important to find an Arabic/Middle-Eastern girl, many of MUSLIM descent, who have Traditional Families!

For this reason, I WILL CONTINUE TO DATE EXCLUSIVELY only women of Muslim/Middle East descent, who are actually white (although some people might disagree). I have posted many pictures on this forum of myself and girls I date. You know I am speaking THE TRUTH ABOUT AMERICAN WOMEN. I usually post on the boxing forums about White Boxers such as Paulie Spadafora, Prince Naseem Hamed, and Tamerlane Tsarnaev.

This is why I support the mass immigration of ALL ARABIC POPULATION INTO CANADA AND NORTH AMERICA. The Middle Eastern women that I have met and dated are always more wholesome and traditional than the TRASHY, SHALLOW girls I have met at University (degree in Fashion). It is more difficult to enjoy Canadian national parks knowing that they are staffed with inferior white women, who are usually quite terrible to date. Imagine how much better these places would be if they embraced Traditional Values like most Arabic Families who come here to experience Success.

It is very rude to call me a troll. While I am a young man (age 24), I AM HAPPY TO DONATE MONEY to this site to support our message for white men like myself. I will continue to date MANY, MANY ARABIAN GIRLS, WHO ARE WHITE, BECAUSE I AM A CONSERVATIVE AND PRO-WHITE. I am not alone and please know that MANY MORE OF MY PEOPLE will give money until this forum and ALL OTHER PRO-WHITE FORUMS KNOW THE TRUTH.

Not to pile on, but that's a funny parody. And deserved. Being a White man means loving White women. If you don't, you aren't. I agree many middle eastern women are quite White by heritage if not culture, but while modern western White women have been corrupted you can't toss them out. They got the eggs!!

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Gentlemen, Many/most of the problems you see today can be laid at the feet of the sixties. What happened then was a turningpoint. Very extensive subject. It begins to be told in the bible. Men must do certain things (there's only a short time for each man to pay this debt they all owe and if they don't they're doomed) at certain times in their lives and if they don't there is a price to be paid, both personally and societal. It may take time to collect what's owed, but what you're living through is the collection of that debt. It took too many years for me to figure this out. I'm very slow onthe uptake sometimes.

Live well and search for a good woman and marry her (no playing house - just a waist of time) when and if you find her. Bring your children up correctly and maybe things'll be okay for you. Tough times are here to stay for awhile.


Prayer and The Bible were removed from public schools in 1962/1963!

Before 1963 pregnancies in girls 15-19 were no more than 15/1000, after 1963 it increase 187% over the next 15 years, In girls 10-14 pregnancies increased 553% since 1963.

STD's increased 226% in the next 15 years after 1963.

The divorce rate increased 300% each year over the next 15 years after 1963.

Unmarried people living together up 353%.

Violent crime increased 544%, illegal drugs have been uncontrollable,

there have been over 40 million abortions since 1973!

SAT scores also decreased for a period after Prayer/Bible were removed from schools.

We are going into a 4th generation of living without a guide of how to live a decent and moral life.

The majority of our parents/children/grandchildren don't have a clue as to how to live well, find a good woman, marry her, or how to bring children up correctly!

May God have mercy on us and this country!
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Prayer and The Bible were removed from public schools in 1962/1963!

Before 1963 pregnancies in girls 15-19 were no more than 15/1000, after 1963 it increase 187% over the next 15 years, In girls 10-14 pregnancies increased 553% since 1963.

STD's increased 226% in the next 15 years after 1963.

The divorce rate increased 300% each year over the next 15 years after 1963.

Unmarried people living together up 353%.

Violent crime increased 544%, illegal drugs have been uncontrollable,

there have been over 40 million abortions since 1973!

SAT scores also decreased for a period after Prayer/Bible were removed from schools.

We are going into a 4th generation of living without a guide of how to live a decent and moral life.

The majority of our parents/children/grandchildren don't have a clue as to how to live well, find a good woman, marry her, or how to bring children up correctly!

May God have mercy on us and this country!

Great post, and I think there is a lot of truth in this. It just seems like people in North America have no morals, have no traditional values, and have no respect for themselves and others.

I'm not a religious person, but I do agree that North American society is morally bankrupt and perhaps the absence of religion is an explanation for that. As I said in my opening post, morals have literally done a 180 degree turn from what they were 50 years ago.

I also agree with what Carcharias notes above, which is that Zionist influence through the government, media, and popular culture, has purposely eroded the traditional and highly logical values that whites in North America once had.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
excellent post, Carolina Speed. there were numerous things that happened in the 60s that put these United States on the fast track toward self destruction. forced integration stands out vividly.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I also agree with what Carcharias notes above, which is that Zionist influence through the government, media, and popular culture, has purposely eroded the traditional and highly logical values that whites in North America once had.
I'm actually old enough to remember it.

My own generation was very screwed-up and badly influenced by the entertainment media which was subtly telling us to hate the older generation, drop out of school, abuse drugs, and be promiscuous. Our role models were all the morally-flawed anti-heroes in the movies, establishment-hating Jews like Bob Dylan, other pop stars like Lou Reed, Jimi Hendrix and Mick Jagger. The young girls were influenced white-male-hating Jewish feminists like Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, & Helen Reddy, as well as the likes of deep-throated Linda Lovelace.

The managers of all the 60s and 70s pop bands that had a bad influence on teenagers were Jews (Rolling Stones - Allan Klein, Beatles - Brian Epstein, Black Sabbath - Don Arden). The Woodstock festival was organized by Jews and happened on a farm owned by a Jew.

But the adults I knew as a child had good moral values in contrast to nowadays. Being naive like most others of my generation, I didn't appreciate that at the time.
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
excellent post, Carolina Speed. there were numerous things that happened in the 60s that put these United States on the fast track toward self destruction. forced integration stands out vividly.

Absolutely JC, how did I forget that one!

I vividly recall my first day of 1st grade. Blacks were bussed in to our school for the first time. Two black kids tried to steal my jacket from me after school. Needless to say I fought back, got my jacket back and came away with only a bloodied lip. They never bothered me again!

Thanks JC for bringing that out of one of my fond childhood memories.:icon_smile:


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Prayer and The Bible were removed from public schools in 1962/1963!

Before 1963 pregnancies in girls 15-19 were no more than 15/1000, after 1963 it increase 187% over the next 15 years, In girls 10-14 pregnancies increased 553% since 1963.

STD's increased 226% in the next 15 years after 1963.

The divorce rate increased 300% each year over the next 15 years after 1963.

Unmarried people living together up 353%.

Violent crime increased 544%, illegal drugs have been uncontrollable,

there have been over 40 million abortions since 1973!

SAT scores also decreased for a period after Prayer/Bible were removed from schools.

We are going into a 4th generation of living without a guide of how to live a decent and moral life.

The majority of our parents/children/grandchildren don't have a clue as to how to live well, find a good woman, marry her, or how to bring children up correctly!

May God have mercy on us and this country!

Good post CS! However, I think God's mercy is about done for our falllen nation. With wickedness (like infanticide & s0d0mite enablement) being legislated by corrupt enemies of God, the US(S)A is "begging" His wrath. Many evangelicals (of the megachurch ilk) stay hyperfocused on God's love...and often forget He's still a God of wrath & judgement.
Apr 27, 2013
DixieDestroyer, Sir, i don't think God's mercy is done with us. It's done with the traitors. This republic will reappear in a better incarantion than ever before. The elements of victory are here in our men and women. They're not all garbage. There are many who know the score, but are quiet for now. But at the right time, when everything somehow comes together for these good people to make thmeselves felt, they will, and not just with words. The time for words is just about over. That's why I think the enemies of the nation are so hysterical in their denounciations of everything decent in this Republic. Keep the faith Sir.



Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Your post doesn't make sense. White women are more likely to divorce you, so thats why you date middle eastern and asian women. Umm...You have been posting on here for a long time, and it sounds like all you are doing is sleeping around. Are you even looking to get married? because otherwise none of it makes any sense. It can be a little tough, but its not that hard to find a White woman with values. In my Catholic community nobody believes in divorce (or any type of birth control other than nfp either). Its a tight knit community that I didn't grow up with but they take stuff like that serious and shun people for stuff like cheating, even if a couple separates briefly.
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Sep 1, 2013
Unlike BoxingSpecialist, I have very little to lose. God has damned the land in which I live and I fully intend on behaving like it. I'm no longer content to watch the world burn.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
DixieDestroyer, Sir, i don't think God's mercy is done with us. It's done with the traitors. This republic will reappear in a better incarantion than ever before. The elements of victory are here in our men and women. They're not all garbage. There are many who know the score, but are quiet for now. But at the right time, when everything somehow comes together for these good people to make thmeselves felt, they will, and not just with words. The time for words is just about over. That's why I think the enemies of the nation are so hysterical in their denounciations of everything decent in this Republic. Keep the faith Sir.


I hope you're right on that. My faith in the Lord is steadfast; it's my faith in "man" (collectively) that's about gone.