Somali drought.

Here is a solution, we get Isreal and all those jews in the media that are trying to convince us that this is our problem to go down there and war it out with these tribal faction. Meanwhile we tell them that we'll be down there soon, now here is the kicker, we don't do **** and let those two wipe eachother out. Can I ask in all seriousness when is the last time Isreal assisted any of those people? They seem to be a pretty selfish country.
Some whites are just too stupid to live. Look at this broad:

Once a kidnap victim in Somalia, she returns to help
Amanda Lindhout came back to the country of her nightmares, to feed the hungry‏

She's so in love with Africa and its people, she's going back to Somalia to help them after being kidnapped and abused the first time. Sick and twisted stuff.
I think she probably has Stockholm Syndrome.

Yeah, combined with a healthy dose of guilty white liberal mudshark disease.

BTW, Hawkeye, I don't think Israel will be able to go over there, because it seems they have their own problems. Massive protests focusing on the high cost of living:

There are uprisings and revolutions going on in countless countries where the people have had enough, except the US, of course. I believe the American people have been irreversibly dumbed down to the point of no return. Their country is being raped and destroyed in every imaginable way by the banksters and their politican servants, with the economy in shambles, record number of jobless and people on food stamps, imploding housing market, and feral subhumans roaming the cities attacking White people, and yet not a peep from anybody. But when it comes to gathering to protest for gay rights and illegal immigration, complete with the waving of the rainbow and Mexican flags, that's no problem. Thousands rally in cities across the country for those worthless causes.

It's a sad, embarrasing state of affairs over here.
But when it comes to gathering to protest for gay rights and illegal immigration, complete with the waving of the rainbow and Mexican flags, that's no problem. Thousands rally in cities across the country for those worthless causes.

It's a sad, embarrasing state of affairs over here.

Don't count out Americans just yet. Every single time an issue has been put to the ballot, states have voted for stronger immigration control and banning gay marriage. Laws for more lenient enforcement of immigration, rewards for illegal aliens, and more pro-sodomy have only passed through state legislatures and through courts.

There is a strong undercurrent that's coming to light where people are not happy with these things. The internet is our best friend in this regard.
So much for the Jewish-led "New World Order", let the stupid whites breed themselves out. The racially aware whites (like David Duke, Jamie Kelso, CFers, etc..) will stand ground and whether the chaotic storm no matter how long it takes. Most colored folks are unable to stand on their own, without Jewish support.

These very hard times is actually a blessing in disguise, the perfect situation to make people (whites especially) wake up. It should (and must) begin with Obama's downfall in 2012. :smokin:
The last time the Us of A tried to help them, they killed us. Lets sit this one out.
If they want food, ask their fellow moslems in Al-Queda to feed them.
Looks like the US is pledging over $100 million in aid to Somalia: :icon_mad:

Where is this money coming from? Our bankrupt country is in a free-fall and we're helping Somalia? F*** them all is what I say. Let that entire country and its people perish. What exactly is their contributon to humanity, and other than piracy, or immigration to Norway, Sweden, Australia, Minnesota, Wisconson, Nebraska, Washington and then spreading their filth?
$100 million? That would be a waste. We should spend this money on giving free baseball bats to Londoners so that they can take care of their rioting problems.
Looks like the US is pledging over $100 million in aid to Somalia: :icon_mad:

Where is this money coming from? Our bankrupt country is in a free-fall and we're helping Somalia? F*** them all is what I say. Let that entire country and its people perish. What exactly is their contributon to humanity, and other than piracy, or immigration to Norway, Sweden, Australia, Minnesota, Wisconson, Nebraska, Washington and then spreading their filth?

I'm firmly convinced the people in our government realize that there is no money left and that the only reason they can give it away is because the Fed prints it out of thin air. It's like giving away Monopoly money to those people. It has no value because it is not earned, just created from nothing-imaginary money. Thus there is no problem in giving it away to other countries, bailing out failing businesses, supporting people that could otherwise earn money, "lending" to banks, etc. The only way it could end is for a default or devaluation to occur and they can keep kicking that can down the road year after year. It's like a terminally ill person watching their weight, what's the point?
Does a drought in Somalia actually destroy any crops?
Yes Qat a mild stimulant that needs to be picked and used within a week or so. Beyond that the country is Mad Max with swarthier characters.....:thumbdown:
Does a drought in Somalia actually destroy any crops?

Note Somalia is NOT Ethiopia.
Agriculture is the most important economic sector in Somalia. It accounts for about 65% of the GDP and employs 65% of the workforce. Livestock contributes about 40% to GDP and more than 50% of export earnings. Other principal exports include fish, charcoal and bananas; sugar, sorghum and corn are products for the domestic market. According to the Central Bank of Somalia, imports of goods total about $460 million per year, surpassing aggregate imports prior to the start of the civil war in 1991. Exports, which total about $270 million annually, have also surpassed pre-war aggregate export levels. Somalia has a trade deficit of about $190 million per year, but this is exceeded by remittances sent by Somalis in the diaspora, estimated to be about $1 billion.

With the advantage of being located near the Arabian Peninsula, Somali traders have increasingly begun to challenge Australia's traditional dominance over the Gulf Arab livestock and meat market, offering quality animals at very low prices. In response, Gulf Arab states have started to make strategic investments in the country, with Saudi Arabia building livestock export infrastructure and the United Arab Emirates purchasing large farmlands. Somalia is also a major world supplier of frankincense and myrrh.
Yes Remittance keeps the country afloat. Abdi the hardworking cabbie that sends a Franklin home a month to support a family of ten keeps that a float. His nephew Jamal who deals pie sticks sends home another Franklin supports another 10 people and Jamalla who sends home the equivalent of a Happy meal supports her aging parents....:tongue:
Similarly, the Number One source of economic inflow into Ole Meckyo are greenbacks sent by "undocumented workers" in the U.S.:icon_mad:
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