So. Cal football

Jan 13, 2006
This year predominatly white football teams dominated the Southern Section Division 1 football playoffs. This is nothing new. The only strong prodominatly black football team that is any good in Southern Cali. is Long Beach Poly. Even on an off year Poly will send more kids to big named colleges then any other football program. The discrimination aginst white tallent is absoulutly outragous.

I played for Mater Dei high school in Santa Anna. We defeated long beach poly in 2000 and tied them in 2001. Our Top player Matt Grudegenedour running back, running for 245 total yards aginst poly aginst poly in 2000. However, he was injured for the 2001 game aginst Poly. Despite our athletic supperiority only four of our players went on to play for top ranked schools. One of those being Matt Leinart and three others being offensive lineman in true "caste" fashion.

As for LB Poly, almost a third of their players were recruted. Inclueding such USC players as Hershal Dennis, Dominic Byrd, and Darnell Bing.

In looking at this years California recruting class, however, things dont look quite so bad

* All ten top QB's are white... it is notable that they are all considered to be running QB's

* two of the top 20 CB's

*about half the TE's

* about 2/3's of the offensive lineman


* most DL's are black

* most DE's are black

*most WR's are black

Im sorry one of the QB's is indeed black; i thought he was white but i was thinking of someone else, when i saw his picture i realized that it was not the same person


*UCLA has recurted a very good RB; and there are a cupple other RB prospects in So Cal; although not yet committed ot a school yet
Lots of good info, OCF.
OC this happens everywhere as here in Cleveland the 2 powerhouse programs St.Eds and St.Ignatious consist of virtually all white kids and beat Ted Ginn and Troy Smith's old high school football team inner city Cleveland Glenville made up of all black kids as there isn't one white kid in the whole high school. Yet Glenville always has more players go to D1 programs than St.Eds or St.Iggy's, the very teams that always knock out Glenville out o fthe playoffs. It's pure caste system football at work.
You think more people would notice and say something about it when it happens so transparently like that. I guess we really do have too many "sheeple."
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