Smarter White Players Ignored

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Smarter White Players Ignored

by J. B. Cash

(7/10/05) It's no secret that white football players score better than blacks on the NFL's pre-draft "IQ" test known as the "Wonderlic" test. The test is given to all athletes that are eligible for being drafted. The average person reportedly scores a 21 on the Wonderlic; a score of 10 represents basic literacy. According to those who created the test, professional executives average 28.

In the NFL, offensive linemen have the highest average score, about 26. Running backs average 16, the lowest. Teams want quarterbacks to score in the mid-20s and a score in the mid-teens is generally acceptable for the other positions.

Here is a list by position of the highest average scores:

Offensive tackles
Tight Ends
Middle linebackers
Wide receivers

As you can see the higher the average score the "whiter" the position. If I remember correctly from my playing days the positions with the higher test scores are also the ones that have to do the most memorizing of plays. It seems though that it would be a good idea for all of the players to have high scores. The offensive schemes are so complicated and the defenses so intricate that anyone who is not too bright risks being out of the play. And I don't care how fast or agile you are, if you are in the wrong spot then you are most likely screwed, and so is your team.

A common site at a football game is the busted play. There are numerous examples. The quarterback turns around to hand the ball to a halfback who has gone the wrong way, or the QB throws to a non-existent receiver who cut the wrong way on a pass pattern. Another example is a receiver wide open without any defensive player within 20 yards.

I'm sure when one of these things happen to the team you are rooting for you do what I do, boo like hell or throw something at the TV. One can imagine that nearly every play has a player or two that goes the wrong way or "blows an assignment". It would seem that minimizing these types of mistakes would be a high priority for a coaching staff. It also would seem that the best way to minimize the mistakes would be to draft, coach, and play those players that score on the upper end of the IQ test.

But coaches don't do that of course. They draft almost entirely on physical variables â€â€￾ 40-yard dash times, bench presses, vertical jumps etc. Except for the QBs and maybe the offensive lineman the first thing coaches look for is physical ability. You can't teach "speed" they say, well guess what: you can't "teach" brains either. And since NFL teams insist on drafting only black players for the majority of the important ball-handling positions you have a situation where the dumbest people play the most important positions (except QB â€â€￾ note that if you have a black QB you will usually have a low "Wonderlic" scorer).

This is not to say that a team of all high test scorers will beat a team of all low scorers, or else Harvard and Yale would still be atop the college football world. But there are many high-scoring players, that are white, that also do well in the physical skills but are not drafted or developed.

Here is a hypothetical example. Two players are up for the NFL draft. They play at either running back, receiver, or defensive back. One is a black player that runs a 4.4 forty-yard dash, with a vertical leap of 38 inches, and can bench press 225 lbs. ten times. The other is a white player that runs a 4.5 forty with a 35-inch vertical leap who can bench press 225 lbs. 8 times. The players have similar stats in their college careers playing relatively at the same talent level. However the white player scores a 34 on his Wonderlic test and the black player scores an 11. Who gets drafted? One hundred percent of the time a team will take the black player and will completely ignore the one skill set that differentiates the two players.

The team will suffer the effects of having the less intelligent player. Not only on the playing field as mentioned above with missed plays and blown assignments, but also in other areas of the game and certainly in their private lives. It is no secret to anyone that cares to know that lower IQ people have more problems in their personal lives. This makes sense, as a large part of intelligence is the ability to see the possible long-term effects of the choices you make in life. As the crime blotter for professional black athletes continues to grow every day we are seeing part of the effect of the teams hiring low intelligence people as employees.

Intelligence may not be the most important quality on a football field, but if given the choice between someone you know is smart and someone you know is not, who are otherwise equal, why would you choose the less intelligent of the two?

That is where the Caste System comes in, the belief that the black athlete is so superior to the white athlete that even when physical test results and previous game experience are comparable, and intelligence tests show the white player to be smarter, the black player is still considered better. This is the lie at the center of the anti-white mentality in professional sports in America. Until people wake up, and use their own intelligence in the selecting, and supporting of players, then we will have the same wrong, unfair, and illogical system that is the norm in today's pro-sports environment.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great article once again JB! I had no idea about the Wonderlic test having results like that. It is clear that blacks who play football are not as intelligent on the average as whites are. Most are carried through high school without learning anything, and some can barely read. The coaches who see that this happens should be punished for letting it happen, and the NFL coaches should begin to realize that in order to have a better on the field product, they will have to have intelligent players.
Dec 18, 2004
Perhaps surprisingly, there was some information on the Wonderlic scores of some well-known players from the 1989 draft in Rick Telander's 1989 book, The Hundred Yard Lie.

According to Telander, the average systems analyst scores 32, the average meter reader scores 23, the average football player 20, the average welder 17, and the average janitor 14. Deion Sanders scored 13 on the Wonderlic, one below the average janitor. Barry Sanders scored 16, Auburn RB Brent Fullwood 9, and Nebraska linebacker Broderick Thomas 10. Michigan State offensive tackle Tony Mandarich, who was a famous bust, had a score of 15.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
RB Frank Gore, picked by the 49ers in the third round this year, scored a 9 on his Wonderlic test.

Deion scores a 13 yet still is hired as a broadcaster. He probably scored higher than Michael Irvin and some of the other affirmative action broadcasters out there.

Steve Sailor talked about Wonderlic and IQ in an article Caste Football linked to a few months ago:

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Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Ahmad Carroll of the Packers was drafted for his great athletic ability but was often confused and out of position on the field. He was frequently berated duringgames by team mates. Now, how dumb must this guy be if the other blacks think he's a moron!

He scored a whopping 17 on the Wonderlic, which ispretty good for a black corner back,but only average for a Border Collie.Hey, that wasn't a dig! Ever see one of those damn dogs in action?

So, what did the Packers do to shore up the situation? They draft Nick Collins, who scored even lower than Carroll, but at least they didn't pick a white guy.


Aug 10, 2005
Hey Don. Great point about Irvin an Deion Sanders. These guys are clowns. I get a chuckle every time I see these morons. A little story about Michael Irvin; I was at a club in Beaumont called the Paladiom, I believe in the late 90s. Irvin was having a problem with getting caught partying too hard in Dallas. I guess that's why he was partying down here. Anyways, he shows up at the club around midnight with black sunglasses on with gold on the sides of them. He was wearing a long fur coat and it wasn't even cold. He had fat Nate Newton with him and two white strippers with him, one on each arm. I was standing at the door talking to friend of mine when they walked up. One of the girls was an attractive blonde I went to high school with. As she was walking up she started calling for me and kinda dragging him towards me a little bit. This aggravated him judging by his facial expression. Ithink she was proud of who she had with her and wanted to tell me. Before she could say anything, I said who is this f-ing guy. He walked away. I left ,but I heard he was in there insulting the bartenders, asking if they knew who he was and demanding service over the other patrons. He's an a**.The way he carries himself isn't the way it is on TV. I heard from several other people that they saw him at several topless bars on different occasions. Its funny, many people who want nothing to do with blacks, treat the ones who can play a little ball like they're gods. It's crazy.