"Smallville" And Fighting Females


Oct 21, 2004
This is off the wall, but do any of you watch the t.v. show
"Smallville?" It has been one of the few shows I've watched regularly
over the past several years, and I've really enjoyed it. However,
during the last season, they introduced the Lois Lane character, and
she was so annoying that the show was almost ruined for me. She is
abrasive, tough-talking and always looking for a fight. I don't mean a
shouting match; this super-model-type is perpetually ready to hit or
kick someone. But not really anyone- it has to be a white male. In her
many physical battles over the course of the past season, the only time
she has even been hit, let alone bested, has been when another female
was fighting her. Anyhow, I bring this up because I seem to be the only
person on the face of the earth to notice how persistent this theme is
in movies and television shows. Look at any promo for an upcoming
movie; most all of them have a clip where some super-thin female is
either punching or unleashing one of those flying-Matrix, impossible
drop-kicks (that only super-model-looking females can do) on some white
male. Curiously, they never find any black guys- bad or otherwise, to
hit or kick. I wonder why that is? Has anyone else noticed this? It
really, really bothers me, and I'm at the point where I have to turn
off a show the instant I see yet another example of it. Really, leaving
out the racial aspect- how can all critics everywhere fail to notice
the unbelievably numerous numbers of small females beating up bigger
and stronger males on screen? I would cheer on Lois, or any other
fantastic female fighter, if they just one time busted up a meeting of
the Bloods and Crips or something. Also, think of the message this is
sending; young females will soon, if they don't already, believe that
the appropriate way for them to handle a problem is simply to punch the
male in front of them. Or maybe unleash one of those physically
impossible Matrix drop kicks. Lois and others like her are not
defending themselves, although it would be absurd enough to have these
small females beat up men in self-defense. No, they are absolutely
looking for trouble. They are getting up in mens' faces and grabbing
them by the shirt collar. Wouldn't someone who had this kind of
propensity for violence-even if was realistic- be reported to the
police and be asked to undergo counseling? Really, the notion that
females are the best physical fighters on the planet has become the
most persistent theme in our media, yet it seems to have escaped the
notice of everyone except me. Maybe I'm just becoming even more
paranoid. Well, sorry for the rant, but I just feel so alone in my
observations on this subject.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey

You are not alone. I have noticed this for years. White women kicking the crap out of men. White men looking like fools or jerks while minority men are made to look strong and competent. I look at it this way - as long as we are portrayed poorly, we must still be viewed by everyone as being the king of the hill. If TV or movies ever start showing white males beating up women and minorities it probably means we are no longer in power.

I'm not saying I agree with the way things are or that I even like it but I do understand the TV and movie industries penchant for showing things the opposite of the way they really are.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I have noticed it too and I point it out in every movie much to the chagrin of my wife. Some of it is purely ridiculous, a 110 lb woman punching a 325 lb biker and knocking him out, in real life she would be D-E-A-D. My wife always says "but it's only a movie" which is fine but my kids watch and say "cool" like it could really happen. The desire to make woman physically equal to men is portrayed a lot in video games where sexy skinny women are the equal of hugely muscled men. My kid has a video football game where you can pick teams of boys and girls, the girls are always better then the boys in the skill levels.

And this has real world consequenses. Women physically strike men at a much higher rate then men striking women. The end result is much poorer for the women then the men. Sad that we live in a society which tries to remake human behavior based on some imaginary idea instead of reality. We will all pay the price for it too.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I have noticed this for a long time as well. I really began to notice it with Dark Angel and Alias. There are many others examples though. I saw Smallville last night, and noticed how agressive the Lois character is. This is very unrealistic compared to most women. I just started watching the show a few weeks ago. It was pretty cool to see Bo and Luke back together again, and in a Charger no less! Speaking of the Dukes, Daisy beat up quite a few guys on that show back in the day, but there were also a lot of guys that she couldn't or didn't too. I think of Xena as well, except she wasn't your average toothpick of a chick.


May 20, 2005
This doesn't bother me so much as some of the other stuff, such as the constant anti-White pro-negro bias on telivision, mainly because everyone knows this is inane fantasy.

Interestingly, the one way in which a 115 lbs woman would possibly overcome a 200 lbs man, via the skillfull application of jujitsu technique, is never shwon in fight scenes. I guess they don't find ground fighting photogenic.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
You don't see them beating up black men in the movies because black men are rarely, if ever the villiain. All villians are neo-nazis or evil corporations bent on enslaving the masses. Just like real life, right?

The producers make films with thin, buxom, athletic women because thats what men want to see. Nobody wants to see a dyke kicking somebody's ass; they're hoping for a little skin and some exposed T&A. Tight short-shorts with cheek hanging out, and cleavage shots that would make Dolly Parton jealous. Its unrealistic as hell, but people aren't going to pay money to watch Rosie O'Donnell beat up on people.

I don't mind the fight scenes when the premise is supernatural or inhuman strength, like vampires, the undead, superheroes, or Matrix-based environments. But I do not like watching that bullsh*t in cop shows and run-of-the-mill dramas.

Instead of juijitsu they should have these women karate chopping the throat and thumb-gouging eyes, at least thats realistic.


Oct 21, 2004
This theme runs so deep throughout our media that it is even found in
childrens' programming. While watching many of these shows with my kids
in recent years, I''ve been astounded at how many "tough" little girls
and physically aggressive teenage girls pop up in these shows and
movies. Even in cartoons, we see things like Lex Luthor having a female
bodyguard in the Superman animated series. I don't believe there is a
female bodyguard on the face of this earth, but they can definitely be
found on the tube. Also, in the otherwise excellent Batman animated
series, they introduced a ridiculous female character named Harley
Quinn in the last season of the show. Her origin was absurd; like most
of these female fighting machines, there was never any explanation for
her seemingly impossible abilities. She was a mild-mannered
psychiatrist who inexplicably fell in love with the Joker while
counseling him. Thereafter, she not only became the world's greatest
fighter (with only the likes of Luthor's female bodyguard able to give
her a fight), she adopted a typically Hollywood, 1930s-style New York
accent. Okay, it's a cartoon, but these things are done for a reason.
On one of my daughter's favorite shows, "Drake and Josh," there is a
totally obnoxious little sister, who is about 10 years old. From just
watching parts of a few episodes, it is clear that this tiny little
girl dominates her older teenage brothers. They even had her flip them
around and pin one on the ground. That kind of stuff might have been
funny, if used very sparingly over the decades, but it is such a
prevailing theme that it cannot just be done for comedic reasons. Even
on shows meant for the youngest viewers, there is this kind of
propaganda, albeit a lot more subtle. On the cartoon "Arthur," there
was an episode where the big bully that the kids are always scared of
is finally confronted by one of the kids. Yes, you guessed it; the only
one who was brave enough to stand up to this much, much larger boy was
a tiny little girl. Of course, the bully backed down. At least the girl
didn't punch him out, which she obviously would have had the show been
meant for older kids. Anyhow, I could rant on and on about this
Oct 10, 2005
Maybe I'm just becoming even more paranoid. Well, sorry for the rant, but I just feel so alone in my observations on this subject.

You are not alone and others have observed this as well. It seems that one of the 'Triggers' of this new wave of totally unrealistic Fem-fighters was the Charlies Angels movies a few years back. Having these Fem-fighters appeals to the demographic they are trying to target while at the same time diminishing the White Male.

What it is important to realize is that today the media is completely Female Orientated. There are few exceptions like Sports and Spike TV (which I like since it shows alot of Star Trek, see: Jew Trek: How About that Anti-Semitism in Star Trek? ) that are orientated towards Men but these are rare exceptions that prove the rule. For every Spike TV or ESPN there is an Oxygen or WE tv and then one need only turn on the BIG THREE channels to see even more fem-programming from Oprah, to Tyra onto probably the worst time Friday night which essentially requires everyone to get a bra out for an all night all Female extravaganza of Ghost Whisperer followed by Amy Grants Three Wishes then maybe another female special. Seriously look at the schedules and Friday night seems to be the worst.


Oct 21, 2004

You make a good point about TV being geared towards females. This is a
complete turnaround from the '60s and even '70s shows that catered more
to a male audience. The cop shows, detective shows, westerns and
variety shows back then didn't even make an effort to draw female
viewers. Presumably, women did other things than watch TV back then,
because very little on the air (even the sitcoms then were made for
males- remember all the single Dad shows?) could have appealed to them.
The only programs that drew a substantial female audience then were the
daytime soap operas. Now, of course, all sitcoms and the vast majority
of other network programming (including the cop and crime dramas, which
all feature "tough" women and shots of male bare bottoms) cater
exclusively to women. It makes you wonder- how did such a massive
demographic change take place? What are all those males, who used to
watch the shows made for them 30-40 years ago, doing now instead of
sitting in front of the television? What did all the women do decades
ago, instead of watching TV?

BTW- your link for the Star Trek article didn't work.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
That girl scares me, the Asian looking one. Lana Lang reminds me why I fear being abducted.

Superman is part of the NWO, anyway.Edited by: Bear-Arms


Mar 8, 2005
United States
GWTJ, it's just my theory. I cannot prove Superman is part of the NWO, but that is part of his MASTER PLAN. I bet Superman is part of the neoconservatism movement, too. The Justice League is just a cover for the Illuminati. I don't know how my friend Aquaman got caught up with them. My guess is that he is another puppet of the insane architect Wonder Woman. I'm worried that our children are reading and being molded into their image.
Oct 10, 2005
This is a complete turnaround from the '60s and even '70s shows that catered more to a male audience. The cop shows, detective shows, westerns and variety shows back then didn't even make an effort to draw female viewers.

Heck I don't even remember the '60s and '70s (wasn't born yet!) and I can even tell a difference today. Back in the '80s and early '90s I could come home at night and watch Star Trek TNG followed by Night Court (they made fun of EVERYONE on that show) and then Cheers.Basicly all these shows were male oriented, today though there is nothing like that available unless one wants to watch reruns.

One of the main reasons I watch Sports so much now (when all I used to watch a decade ago is NFL only) is because if I want to relax for a little bit there is nothing else on! Heck there are lots of people who advocate just getting rid of the televitz altogether and eventually I may consider that. Luckily though there are all sorts of other activities and stuff to do like books, music, and even the internet so at least there are alternatives.

BTW- your link for the Star Trek article didn't work.

Bummer, try and copy and paste this here: http://www.crank.com/html/crank6/crank6_trek.html

Superman is part of the NWO, anyway.

Have you been reading Jeff Rense, dude?

The Man of Steel: Who Is Superman Really?

(For the record I am a big Jeff Rense fan, but I am well aware that sceptics consider him and many of his fan-base to be tin-foilish.)


May 20, 2005

Uh, dude, isn't this article just a tad bit, well, um INSANE? Chock full of slave-morality and Judaic anti-heroic philosophy. As well as the requisite "facts" about WWII Germany *sigh*. Even manages to tap on Niezscthe some, who can really only be associated with Nazism by a bad misunderstanding of history and the man's own philosophy.

I mean, if there's one thing I think our Northern European culture is all about, it's heroism, the single individual rising above the massess. Many of our Germanic heroes had powers this w**ker would probably call "occult", woo scary, to say nothing of such "occult" "super-heroes" as the Thunderer himself! Flying goats, magic Hammers? Stuff of this pansy's nightmares, no doubt!

Superman may have been invented by two Jewish guys, but the fact that various naddering nabobs and pro-censorship forces of the 50s called his comic "racist" and "fascist" makes me think there had to be SOMETHING good about the charachter.

Seventy years ago, an unlikely man named Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany. He built his evil Empire (or "Reich") on lies and deceit, and in just six short years, changed the laws of his country to allow him to legally commit genocide and various other human rights atrocities. Hitler's own doctors believed they were doing the right thing,, the moral thing, given their belief (handed down from Hitler's regime) that Jewish people were somehow inferior to their Aryan neighbors. Any Christian knows we are all of us equally inferior without Christ as our covering! Upon Hitler's foundation of lies and perversions, he administered the most unjust tyranny and evil upon humanity that has ever been seen, thus far. One more such regime remains before Christ's return, and its time is near. In order to prepare the masses to accept a man of the Antichrist's qualities, they must first be pre-introduced to him in various guises and forms until they are comfortable with him.

Yes sir, I believe you, we're all equal
. There is only one race, descended from Adam, and your theology trumps all scientific measurements of cranial capacity, genetics, cognitive, and the fact you can tell someone's race by most single bones in their skeleton. I believe you that all races are equal, despite some inventing the rocket and some never inventing the wheel, despite the fact that Asia has taken modern civilization and run with it while Africa is rapidly forgetting the wheel, despite the fact that some races commit murder at a rate 14 and rape at 50 times that of others, and I shouldn't worry if my daughter pisses away 40,000 years of hard-earned genetic differentitation by miscengenating with some Africoid, as long as he's a "believer" and reads The Book...assuming he can actually read of course


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Have you been reading Jeff Rense, dude?

No, I was just joking. I'm more of a Marvel Comic fan.
Oct 10, 2005

Uh, dude, isn't this article just a tad bit, well, um INSANE?

Certainly it is!

Maybe you are not familiar with the reputation of http://www.rense.com for putting up almost anything 'strange' (which I alluded to in my sentence: "For the record I am a big Jeff Rense fan, but I am well aware that sceptics consider him and many of his fan-base to be tin-foilish.") There is however the possibility that Mr. Rense only uses paranormalism as a cover for putting up articles about Ernst Zundel, anti-Zionism, and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion all things that a Racially Aware person should have an interest in IMO.

Basicly I was just riffing on Bear-Arms comments and remembered this particular Article that I thought maybe he might find interesting.

Even manages to tap on Niezscthe some, who can really only be associated with Nazism by a bad misunderstanding of history and the man's own philosophy.

Well that didn't stop National Socialists from being highly influenced by Nietzsche.

In fact at the Tannenberg Memorial they enshrined three books there: Hitlers Mein Kampf, Rosenbergs Myth of the 20th Century and Nietzsches Thus Spake Zarathustra.

However I think that many Nationalist types do misunderstand Nietzsches philosophy which seems to be to be more about Individualistic Elitism and so would have nothing to do with nationalism.
Edited by: Uberberserker