Slavs? Germans?


Apr 27, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
I, myself, have never toured a concentration camp. I have toured the Magic Kingdom, but I still don't believe that Jimminy Cricket is a real talking cricket. Crematoriums exist in every decently sized city in this country, but that does not tranlate into a holocaust. Besides, I thought Dachau was a camp in West Germany where homicidal gas chambers are now admitted to have never been used. Besides, why would Germans in the middle of brutal war that they were losing try to find expensive inefficient ways of killing people? If they wanted to kill everyone under their own control then they were pretty darn bad at it. Why wouldn't they kill people like their enemies, the Bolsheviks, killed millions of Germans and Russian Christians - with a bullet to the back of their head wherever they found them - or simple starvation? Or they could have used the method that American Lt. Bushyhead used to on Germans at Dachau after liberation - line them up and machine gun hundreds all at once. Did they tell you that on your tour? If not, maybe you should ask yourself why they didn't. How much of Dachau was "reconstructed" to fit the propaganda?

You know they gave Germans tours of these concentration camps immediately after the war. They showed how the Germans used Jewish skin for lampshades, shrunken heads, Jew-fat soap etc. All of that has been exposed as a lie and those claims are no longer made - at least by any reputiable historians. I'm convinced that not one person was killed in any ficticious gas chamber during WWII. After all Germans had the most sophisticated and largest supply of real chemicals warfare available to them and they refused to use it on their enemies even as their own country was being overrun and their cities fire-bombed. It just doens't make sense.

Here is a picture taken on May 3,1945 of the Dachau gas chamber (3 days after the camp was liberated)

Here is a picture taken recently, which is what I saw.

You can see that the room has been virtually unchanged since the liberation. It was not proven one way or the other if the room was used for executions, but it did exist. I am not saying the Holocost did or did not happen. There are two sides to every story and I believe that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

My guess is the gas chambers were built for a more humane method of executing prisoners (not mass extermination), not unlike they have been used in prisons since WW2. There is documentation that Himmler preferred a humane approach to prisoner executions.

Yes they mention the massacre of the SS guards by US troops on the tour. They also present the arguement that the Nazis used the camps to eliminate political opponents, not the common Holocost story where Jews were massacred by the millions. Like I said, only about 1/3 or the documented deaths at the camp were Jews. If they were executed, they were killed not because they were Jews, but because they opposed the Third Reich (according to the tour guide). Based on the history of totalitarian regimes throughout human history, this seems to be a reasonable assumption.Edited by: SteveB

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
How is that room a gas chamber? It looks like my old high school locker room.

In some U.S first official reports they tried to claim the Nazis piped lethal gas through the shower pipes but then changed their minds when they realized Zyklon B came in pellet form, impossible to pipe through shower heads. Like most holocaust believers and "eye witnesses" they keep changing their stories.

The Dachau gas chamber was described in Document No. 47 of the 79th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Report (May 15, 1945) of the Committee Requested by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Congress of the U.S. relative to Atrocities and other Conditions in Concentration Camps in Germany. This document, which is quoted below, was entered into the Nuremberg trial proceedings as IMT Document L-159.

"The gas chamber was located in the center of a large room in the crematory building. It was built of concrete. Its dimensions were about 20 by 20 feet, and the ceiling was some 10 feet in height. In two opposite walls of the chamber were airtight doors through which condemned prisoners could be taken into the chamber for execution and removed after execution. The supply of gas into the chamber was controlled by means of two valves on one of the outer walls, and beneath the valves was a small glass-covered peephole through which the operator could watch the victims die. The gas was let into the chamber through pipes terminating in perforated brass fixtures set into the ceiling. The chamber was of size sufficient to execute probably a hundred men at one time."
Edited by: Mr. Lutefisk

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
Again they can't seem to make up their minds.

Marcus J. Smith wrote in his book "The Harrowing of Hell" that there was disagreement among the Dachau survivors regarding the gas chamber. The following quote is from his book:

"There are conflicting stories as to the use of the gas chamber. An Albanian tells me that it was used only four times since 1942, but a Pole says that it was never used during that time. Another Pole reports that 100 or 150 people were put to death each day in the chamber. A Yugoslav says that thousands were gassed in the last three years. A Frenchman believes that the chamber has never been used. Dr. Franz Blaha, A Czech physician inmate, a member of the IPC, and a valuable source of information about medical conditions in the camp, believes that the gas chamber was used many times"


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Parody said:
The Republic of Ireland still has a mostly white population.

That is wonderful! May it ever remain so. The Irish are uniquely gifted.

Irish, German, Polish or whatever, it would behoove us to read chapter 4 of the series authored by Dr. Tom Sunic. This is a most informative and timely piece. Much food for thought.

The Beauty and the Beast: Race and Racism in Europe, Part IV.


The paradox of our postmodernity is that despite being the most demonized people on earth, Germans are the most welcome people anywhere. Unlike the French, the English, and let alone the Americans, who are resented, if not despised in foreign countries, German businessmen, tourists and even their politically correct elites, are welcome everywhere. From the Arabic casbahs to India's bazaars, barefooted street kids yell in great respect when they spot Germans: "Alemani! Alemani!"Â￾ Officially, even Germany's former archenemies in Russia and Israel reserve to German diplomats a far more lavish treatment than they do to other foreign diplomats.

Subconsciously everybody knows that something terrible and unspeakable happened to Germans. But it's not deserving loud and open discourse â€" at least not for now. (snip) by: Bart