"Skinheads" Attack Sodomite Parade


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I guess some of the folks in Europe can only take so much...I think most of us CF'ers can understand their indignation (at having their cultural & traditions destroyed...by the same PTB who enable the sodomite agenda). I'm not an advocate of "random" violence, but on some (rare)occasions it's the only effective option (perhaps not in this specific instance, BUT I do understand their anger). I also don't cotton to attacking/damaging (black) churches, mosques or synagogs, etc. because all it does it embolden their agenda & give the MSM "ammo" to further demonize Whites & "conservatives". This is why I suspect some "vandalism" to synagogs & (black) churches are "inside jobs" to promote sympathy for their agenda/cause.

Skinheads attack Slovakia "Gay Rights" Parade

May 22 04:03 PM US/Eastern

Several dozen skinheads attacked gay rights supporters Saturday, wounding at least two people and forcing the cancellation of parade through the centre of the Slovak capital, media reported.

Around 1,000 people had gathered in the centre of Bratislava for the Rainbow Pride parade when some 80 skinheads began to hurl stones and smokebombs at the participants, despite a large police presence.

Austrian Euro-MP Ulrike Lunacek was hit by a rock, but not injured, according the CTK news agency.

Eight people were detained by police, which asked organisers to cancel the parade.

The police "were clearly unprepared to face such a situation, despite our warnings," one of the organisers Roman Kollarik, told CTK.

"A bunch of morons who use violence, thwarted our event. We are very sad and disappointed," said Rainbow Pride spokeswoman Romana Schlesingerova.

Gay pride parades still face strong opposition in some eastern European countries. Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Apr 22, 2006
niiicewish there were more people in this country will balls


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Poor sodomites. Had to cancel their parade where they would have the opportunity to rub their perversions in our faces. But hey, they went through the trouble of organizing their "Gay" pride parade. When are we going to be having a few White Pride parades? All of the other groups have their "pride" parades, blacks, Latinos, etc., why are we denied??
Nov 8, 2006
These parades have nothing to do with "rights" or "human dignity." What they are is displays of perversion and mental sickness that is an act of aggression directed at ordinary White Christians.

This time the target fought back. Eastern Europe deserves our respect for resisting the N.W.O. and the human garbage they deploy to drive their agenda of cultural destruction. Hopefully this resistance will spread to all White nations.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
These parades have nothing to do with "rights" or "human dignity." What they are is displays of perversion and mental sickness that is an act of aggression directed at ordinary White Christians.

This time the target fought back. Eastern Europe deserves our respect for resisting the N.W.O. and the human garbage they deploy to drive their agenda of cultural destruction. Hopefully this resistance will spread to all White nations.

Interesting how the article refers to "80 skinheads,"Â￾ as if every single member of the opposition were indeed shaved-head neo-Nazi types. Their other mundane buzz words (racist, fascist, bigot) must be losing their shock value.

How wildly hypocritical that this supposed "skinhead group"Â￾ is forced to tolerate homosexuality (childishly flaunted via a contrived "Gay Pride Parade"Â￾)"¦however, homosexuals are not required to recognize the civil rights of these "skinheads"Â￾ to protest.

Homosexuals (and feminists, Zionists, anti-white liberals, etc) should really be more tolerant of others.