Sistah wins Ms. America contest!!

chris371 said:
Black women are the most horribly ugly females on the planet. one in a million looks like tyra banks. Most have hideous faces.

zero black women look like Tyra banks because you can easily see that she has a lot of white admixture.this miss also.

Didn't you notice how Haitians look.they have low white admixture and look close to full blooded west africans.
Taco said:
For years through the media we've been told how white women love black men, as though they have an animalistic desire for them and white men could never fulfill their needs. I for one like to see the reverse situation.

I know many on this site believe or have experienced a white man with a black woman getting the ire of black men. In my experience though I think most black men actually like white guys that date black girls, especially if they are a whigger. That makes them nearly a true brotha, the only thing lacking being the skin color. I have seen blacks say to white guys "we need to hook you up with some black girls."

What is so truly ironic about the media/blacks/self-loathing whites claiming that white girls can't keep away from black men is that what they are saying is true only they have the races reversed. Any black woman would be completely stupid not to date a white man. It's just that they really don't have very many opportunities. If a decent looking white dude is into black girls, he can have an endless buffet of sex. I know a lot of different people for various reasons, and yes I know people like that.

Many black celebrity women date white guys. Other than strumpet/race-traitor whores Heidi Klum and Kendra Wilkinson, you don't see any of these hot white celebrity women dating any black guys. Though I'm sure most would say they are completely in favor of such things. With so many white girls eager to emulate celebrities, I don't see why you see the 5-10% of low-level white girls dating black guys, when >1% of upper income/celebrity white women do.

Interestingly enough, I was watching Teen Mom's with Dr. Drew on MTV (something I have a hard time imagining Col. Reb or DD doing, haha). I think all the girls, mostly lower-status types all had white dads for their kids. I'm surprised MTV didn't want more "diversity" on their show. It's hard to say I'm "encouraged" by white teen girls having a baby with a probably-loser dad, but at the very least you know there will still be some white people left 50 years from now.
Yeah ES, i know what you mean. We are told to consider low income whites that have kids early and often as "trash" and stupid, but these people are having white kids, which is a great thing.

Whereas the blacks around the world that have 10 kids each arent considered trash, they are considered unfortunate victims of poverty, and need our support!
A lot of black women prefer white husbands because white men fill the husband role in general much better than black men. Whites do strange things like maintain steady employment and spend their money on things like housing, food, clothes and educations and they do not usually physically abuse their wives or children. Even if a divorce occurs most white men still support their children financially and maintain a nurturing relationship. If I was a black girl I would be chasing me a nice white boy to because a marriage to him would be a road to a better life for me and my children. What I cannot fathom is why a lot of white women do not see that a marriage to a black man is a road to a poorer life with a lot more pain and misery.
Some black woman are pretty. Even among purely native africans like those of eastern africa that have small noses and soft features. There are good looking people of any race and it is disengenuous to claim otherwise. Certainly it is less by percentage among africans but none-the-less it is a matter of personal preference and I think a man is lying if he says a good looking black woman is ugly merely because she is black. Most men have two "heads" in this regard and it is easy to ignore one of them when sitting at the computer.
I believe the good looking black females are mixed, be it white, asian or hispanic. A true blue negress is not eye candy in the least. Jaxvid, the women you speak of are probably enthopian, and are mixed with arab blood.

The sometimes queer years ago David Bowie latched on to one of them. She is rather exotic, with the small nose and soft features you stated. Her name is Iman I believe and used to be a top shelf model 20 years ago. Bowie also had a child with her. Funny, never seen a picture of the child.
I have seen a few very good looking black women in my lifetime but I am almost definite they were mixed. Pure-blooded negro women aren't attractive in the least.
The few East African women that people speak of are indeed mixed. They can look attractive. I am being very honest when I say I am not attracted in the least to Beyonce or Tyra Banks. They look way too much like Predator for my liking. I think Alicia Keys is hot. Even so, all three of these women are probably 50% white at least through admixture. A pure negro looks like those people in Haiti....

Asians can sometimes have attractive bodies but that is rare. often times they have angelic faces though, I will give some of the Japenese ones at least that.

Jews can be pretty. They sometimes have horse faces and overly toothy smiles but I've seen some with big, brown eyes that are very appealing. However, their facial expressions and noses are too much for me to deal with. When Jewish women look confused (the squinty look) they make a whiny looking face and their mouths move in an odd manner that is very unnatural and looks like they just got out of the dentist.

The only race I am attracted to on a daily race is the white race. And mainly blue eyes and light-colered hair.
Attractive jewish women are usually mixed...half European-Christian/half jew (Alicia Silverstone, Patricia Arquette, Amanda Bynes, Kate Hudson, etc.). Most pure/100% jewess'es are NOT attractive (with the swarthy eyes, elongated head, hook/"6" shaped nose, etc.).

Also, most attractive black women have admixture (usually with White blood)...Vanessa Williams, Halle Berry, Beyonce (has French blood), etc. Likewise, most 100% ******* women (of West African heritage) are not attractive (coal black skin, nappy hair, long "windshield" foreheads, smashed/wide nose/huge nostrils & giant lips, etc.).

IMHO, White (non-jew) women (especially of NW European heritage) are far & away the best looking on earth!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
"Likewise, most 100% ******* women (of West African heritage) are not attractive (coal black skin, nappy hair, long "windshield" foreheads, smashed/wide nose/huge nostrils & giant lips, etc.)."


Did you forget to mention the bloated jaw/cheeks that many black women have? It looks like they are walking around with marbles in their mouth, or a face full of food - 24/7. And they don't even have to be 100% black, because most mixtures have the ******* skull, forehead, nose and lips - anyways.

Some people brought up the Haitians. I think we all have an understanding that some White blood would not magically make them "stunning" or "rocket scientists." They would simply be lighter-skinned NEGROES! We were never meant to mix with blacks, and the typical result of miscegenation is the ultimate proof.

Nearly every commercial features a mulatta, and 98% of them are ugly and scary, very scary. Why is a very specific genotype being used so frequently by numerous companies and TV stations? I'll explain the latter in a moment. By making the mulatta "the norm" - they are trying to condition people to "accept" the TanEveryman as an inevitability. Will it work? That really depends on us. (Non-Whites mixing with other non-Whites is not a problem for us.)

Truth is, we aren't mixing fast enough and so the PTB has gotten very impatient. Anybody who watches TV, even a non-racialist, should be able to notice that the media has ramped-up their subtle propaganda. Pepsi has an ad that shows all the colors of the rainbow, especially two completely dysgenic mulattos, and the narrator (black?) says "one people, one tribe!" They're pushing some very thick "doublethink" right now.

Onto TV stations, USA network shows a bunch of people of various ethnicities and, at the end, they say something like, "Despite our differences, we need to realize/recognize how similar we all are!" I think Turner Broadcasting also has an ad pushing the globalist's deracination agenda. Of course, the Disney Channel pushes some similar things too.

P.S. - There's also another issue... If mulattas are so beautiful, why are 98% of the one's in commercials ugly? One can get paid handsomely to be in a commercial, so why aren't the "good-looking" sistahs (mixed or otherwise) in these ads??

Then there's all the black TV shows that have been made in the last 40 years, and the black women therein. Why are a majority of them ugly? Why don't the producers of these shows' find the "good-looking" black women?.... Queen Latifah? "Gooood Times?" Rerun and Shirley? Phylisha Rashad? "The Steve Harvey Show?" "Sister, Sister"... I mentioned before that the mixed girl on "Greek" - the Oreo - was solid looking, but that's about it.

Note: I'm not suggesting that White men are coveting the ugly girls in commercials (at least I hope not), but the clear agenda makes me literally sick, and I'm on the verge of killing my talmudvision. There are very few things worth watching on TV anyways. There's a very real possibility that the PTB will fail.
Even blacks know that only mixtures are attractive. Every single rap video has light skinned black girls in it. These girls are obviously mixed or hispanic. A few years ago there was a lot of controversy over not picking dark skinned sistahs to be in these videos.
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