Single men crisis in China


Nov 23, 2008

While Russia has a shortage of men, and a rapidly declining population, China has a shortage of women, despite being 10 times larger in population size. Read and discuss amongst yourselves.

Skewed China birth rate to leave 24 million men single</font>

Skewed China birth rate to leave 24 mln men single AFP â€" Chinese couples parade during a mass wedding ceremony at a shopping mall in Beijing in 2006. More than "¦
Mon Jan 11, 5:59 am ET

BEIJING (AFP) â€" More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses in 2020, state media reported on Monday, citing a study that blamed sex-specific abortions as a major factor.

The study, by the government-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, named the gender imbalance among newborns as the most serious demographic problem for the country's population of 1.3 billion, the Global Times said.

"Sex-specific abortions remained extremely commonplace, especially in rural areas," where the cultural preference for boys over girls is strongest, the study said, while noting the reasons for the gender imbalance were "complex."

Researcher Wang Guangzhou said the skewed birth ratio could lead to difficulties for men with lower incomes in finding spouses, as well as a widening age gap between partners, according to the Global Times.

Another researcher quoted by the newspaper, Wang Yuesheng, said men in poorer parts of China would be forced to accept marriages late in life or remain single for life, which could "cause a break in family lines."

"The chance of getting married will be rare if a man is more than 40 years old in the countryside. They will be more dependent on social security as they age and have fewer household resources to rely on," Wang said.

The study said the key contributing factors to the phenomenon included the nation's family-planning policy, which restricts the number of children citizens may have, as well as an insufficient social security system.

The situation influenced people to seek male offspring, who are preferred for their greater earning potential as adults and thus their ability to care for their elderly parents.

The Global Times said abductions and trafficking of women were "rampant" in areas with excess numbers of men, citing the National Population and Family Planning Commission.

Illegal marriages and forced prostitution were also problems in those areas, it said.

Authorities put the normal male-female ratio at between 103-107 males for every 100 females. But in 2005, the last year for which data were made available, there were 119 boys for every 100 girls, the newspaper said.

However, the study said that in some areas the male-female ratio was as high as 130 males for every 100 females, a report by the Mirror Evening newspaper said.

The report said the study urged the government to relax the so-called "one-child" policy and study the possibility of encouraging "cross-country marriages."

China first implemented its population control policy in 1979, generally limiting families to one child, with some exceptions for rural farmers, ethnic minorities and other groups.

It has said the policy has averted 400 million births.

Researchers said the gender imbalance problem cropped up in the late 1980s when the use of ultrasound technology became more prevalent.

This allowed women to easily determine the sex of their foetuses, leading to an increased number of sex-selective abortions.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The chinese need to let jews get a hold of all of their cultural programing like we have done here in the US. That will help reduce their population to the point where marriage isn't an issue, heck it will reduce their desire to get married (except for gays). I'm sure the jews would love to be able to work their "magic" on the chinese.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
jaxvid said:
The chinese need to let jews get a hold of all of their cultural programing like we have done here in the US. That will help reduce their population to the point where marriage isn't an issue, heck it will reduce their desire to get married (except for gays). I'm sure the jews would love to be able to work their "magic" on the chinese.
Yea! The jews would get them white women!


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Im more interested in the fact Russia has a shortage of men. I'll have to take a trip over there sometime.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
This may sound archaic or stupid to some but this kind of female shortage will eventually cause China to invade nearby countries to yes get more women for it's young single males. They will say it's for other reasons but that will be the main one. As the western world continues to decline, China will get bolder and bolder and eventually make it's move to get the women,food and oil it needs to survive and prosper. This problem may also cause a rise in homosexuality in China. I could also see them starting a conventional war on it's northern border with Russia to reduce it's male population, maybe within ten years or so. This is not the kind of problem a country can just live with, the internal problems and pressure will cause China to do something drastic. There are some who follow bible prophecy who think the "Kings of the East" and it's 200 million man army refers to China. China has often boasted of fielding such a army.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Good observations g301. The prophetic reference came to mind immediately as I read j41181's post.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Thanks FBDad. I have always had my eye on the sleeping giant that China is and the absolute handful she would be when she decides to fully wake up. It's only a matter of time and not much more time at that.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Yes, after all, the ChiComs own us and our debt to a large degree, and with the internal issues, such as described by this post, it's a boiling cauldron.


Apr 22, 2006
FootballDad said:
Yes, after all, the ChiComs own us and our debt to a large degree, and with the internal issues, such as described by this post, it's a boiling cauldron.
I would agree that China would be a handful, just look at what it took to beat the Japanese. We fought against the Koreans and it ended up in a stalemate, and we pretty much lost in Vietnam.


Apr 22, 2006
Speaking of Korea, I just remembered I had a Korean girl on my avatar!!!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Just remember that it wasU.S. political and industrial "leaders" who gave (sold and traded)China the technology with which to build up its military, just as was done before with the USSR.

A more dangerous long-term scenario is an eventual war between China and the U.S. Both are reliant upon each other in some ways with China gobbling up so much U.S. debt that a collapse of the dollar would gravely hurt both countries, but that doesn't mean both countries will continue their policy of wary cooperation indefinitely. Competition for oil in particular remains a potential fuse that could ignite into a largescale war.


Nov 28, 2009
China is already "invading" and "occupying" many parts of the world but are doing it in a manner other than bankruptcy by bombardment, Blackwater, and Bechtel. As opposed to the instant gratification mentality of the United States, the Chinese are very patient and in it for the long-run...they've been doing it for about 6000 years now.

Patience has long been an attribute of the Chinese as described by one of their proverbs...
"With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown"

Africa, and other parts of the world are becoming their bread, mineral, energy (and now, for the men) the wife basket without a single bomb being dropped, a single private war contractor being paid $100,000+, or a single defense contract being made, by creating one-sided trade deals that benefit them. In other words, the Chinese government look after their own.

The enormous transfer of wealth from the U.S. to China over the past twenty years due to our trade policies (and traitorous politicians) have allowed them to create massive trade and budget surpluses that give them the clout to demand the terms. Unlike the West, they don't have, or even more importantly, care about the "legacy of imperialism" or "racism" when it comes to their dealings in Africa.

Six of the top eight banks in the world are now Chinese-owned (the other two are Brazilian). Ron Paul (along with Alan Grayson and Bernie Sanders) want to audit the Fed. What we'd find out is that China received much of the funds and they fear what Americans would do once they heard this (along with many of the other things they'd find out the Fed has done.)

The Chinese are now taking advantage of the current economic situation in the United States by buying up massive amounts of land and real estate, including parts of Milwaukee and much of California. They are demanding and requiring ginseng farmers in Wisconsin to create the highest quality of ginseng for markets in China or they will simply go elsewhere for it, quoting the Chinese official as saying "the student has become the teacher". To me, "overlord" is more appropriate. This is just the tip of the giant iceberg heading our way.

As far as the "single men crisis" in China, they are already going into South East Asian countries and getting wives there. Bangkok Thailand has a population of over 8 million people, 60% of them are now Chinese. Chinese men now rank number one for Thai women as husbands. The same goes for other areas of South East Asia, including Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos and the Philippines and farther north in Korea, Japan and Russia. They are going north and getting Russian wives by the droves, including cities like Vladivostok and elsewhere. In addition, many more are coming West with their newly-found wealth and taking higher-end Canadian and American women as wives. Have you ever seen a Chinese man with a white trash ho or black baby mama? Nope, because to the victor goes the spoils.

Edited by: Highlander