SI articles


Dec 22, 2004
Is anyone surprised that the 14 year old kid they profiled is seen as a tremendous athlete with hops and speed. I knew before reading it they would play that aspect up. By the way the "kid" looks like he is 21. And why is it all the young phenoms are black. This seems to be a recurring rule of thumb. When was the last speedy super young white athlete to be profiled? Forthe life of me I cannot remember one. Indeed this is a major problem as i sift through recruiting stuff. 2005 in all major sports looks just as bleak as previous years as young speedy 4.3 type black athletes race to the top of the recruiting charts. And white athletes are nowhere to be found except big slow lineman or tiny slow kickers.What a thrill.

There was also a piece on JR Redick. Someone please decipher the part about race and why the white BB players at Duke are targets of hostility and not the black players? I could not understand the POV. Because they see Redick as a "common man"? What? All I got was it is ok to piss on whites because they deserve to be hated? Naturally the article about the white guy had nothing to do with speed and hops. So sick of the same ole story.
American Freedom News