

Jan 12, 2007
How many times must we see these AFFFLETES celebrate everytime they do there job?? They make a tackle after a 5 yd gain.. SHIMMY SHIMMY SHIMMY shake.. Or the stupid Peon Sanders high step when they pick a pass off.. I am going to start dancing everytime i complete an assignment at my job.. Even if they are down 30-0, they will still shake,dance,flex.. Idiots..
Come on Merauder30, you know they can't help it. Everyone knows they are just more expressive than the melanin depleted. All that athleticism can't be pent up inside them for very long. They have to b-jiggle it out!
They crave attention. Thats ONE of the many reasons they do it. Instead of just making a play on the field and returning to the huddle, like normal White athletes do, many blacks feel the need to act like a total idiot and start "shuckin' & jivin'" in front of millions of people. Someone should really point out to them that when they dance, they look like Mr. T having an epileptic seizure in the endzone.
In some NFL game the other day an offensive lineman got in on the epidemic. The opposing defense jumped offsides for a five yard penalty, and the athletic lineman pranced to about where the ball would be spotted and did a five second dipsy doodle with a shimmy while the refs stood there and waited for him to get out of the way. Edited by: Hockaday
Isn't there a substantial risk of muscle pull or sprain accompanying these antics too, depending on the moves made?

I read where Drew Pearson of the Cowboys badly sprained his knee or ankle badly when landing while doing an aerial spike after catching a TD pass. Rendered him out for several games.

Shouldn't we blame this on Homer Simpson? There was one espisode where he teaches players to play for the camera so that they will always appear on the highlight reels.
No,thank two black affleets and two only,for this abomination -

1)Homer Jones,the first to spike the ball after scoring,in the mid '60s,and

2)Elmo Wright,WR for the KC Chiefs,in the early '70s,the one who originated the TD "dance".

Merauder30 said:
I am going to start dancing everytime i complete an assignment at my job.

lol...Me too.

My boss:"So, are those proposals finished yet?"

Me:"Hell yeah, playa!"

(And then I proceed to jump up onto my desk and do "the hustle", while I "shuck and jive" my way around the office, high fiving everyone. Then I'll grab a stack of files and spike them down on the floor
). Office TD beeeyatch!.

As a matter of fact, I'm posting this comment from work right now.Edited by: Ground Fighter
Yesterday i completed a miniscule mindless forwarding of an email.. After i forwarded it, i did the LIGHTS OUT dance in the middle of the office and got in my co-workers face and asked him if he could forward as good as me..
i dont think you should be too hard on the athletes in question,their just silly childlike men,probably of limited intellect who feel the need to show off,primarily to White fans and TV audiences with abandon.Blame the people who put the thugletes their and protect,promote and condone this sort of behaviour as some form of Black expressions[soul] or even masculinity.
Merauder30 said:
Yesterday i completed a miniscule mindless forwarding of an email.. After i forwarded it, i did the LIGHTS OUT dance in the middle of the office and got in my co-workers face and asked him if he could forward as good as me..

lol...You should have done the Ray Lewis dance, like the Burger King guy did in the endzone, during the whopper commercial.
American Freedom News