Should I root for another team?


Jun 18, 2008
I was appaled to find out Barrak Husain Obama is a strong White Sox fan which I am one as well.
Growing up on the Southwestside of Chicago and now in the Southwest suburbs I was allways loyal to my team eventhough they had years of coal black outfield and had years of bad ownerships and now having a jewish owner a black GM and a Venezulian Hugo Chavez supporter in Ozzie Guillen as a Manager I was forgiving alot of stuff after they won the 2005 world series.
Now They want to promote Pres. Barrach Hussain Obama as a White Sox fan and support his Socialist community service agenda in fact he is supposed to be in attendace on I think opening day on the 5th of April 2009. The Sox management is saying White Sox hats are selling like hotcakes since Hussain were one at allot of ocasions. What should I do?
Sould I find another team to root for and become a fan of who is more white friendly?
Which team is competitive and very white friendly?
Been a White sox fan for nearly 40 years.
You might find it hard to pull for a team from Boston but they are a good team and virtually all-white.

There are other "white" teams but may not be as good.

I am a Pirates fan but they are in the process of becoming an hispanic team. Signing every player of color they can find or afford. I also pull for the Red Sox. I started doing so after they got one of my favorite Pirates, Jason Bay.
You can also count me as a Red Sox fan, for the reasons Skipperon mentioned. The Phillies have certainly gone a less white route. As of now the Phillies have fewer white everyday starters than both the Mets and the Nationals, a feat I would have thought impossible only a year ago.

I'm even considering a subscription to just to cath a few Sox games this season. Not to say I won't watch the Phils, but Ruben Amaro Jr. is making it awfully hard on me.
If President Obama is a fan of your baseball club and the team braggs about it would you still be a fan of that team?
Why not? Why would someone change the team they root for, simply because someone they may disagree with is a fan? Do you really think you would agree with and like every other fan of any team you root for?
I am from Connecticut and grew up cheering for the Red Sox and Pats. They happen to be the two most white-friendly teams in MLB and the NFL, so I am lucky.

But once they stop being fair to whites I will find new pro-white teams to cheer for or stop watching these sports if there are no such teams (like in the NBA).
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