Should Christians Attend a Zionist Church?


Mar 25, 2013
Survival of Christianity hinges on one thing

Will Jesus return and take the Hitler role in leading White people against the Synogogue of Satan.

Because if Whites have to do it by themselves, you can bet they won't be following a false religion created by the same people trying to exterminate them
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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Survival of Christianity hinges on one thing

Will Jesus return and take the Hitler role in leading White people against the Synogogue of Satan.

Because if Whites have to do it by themselves, you can bet they won't be following a false religion created by the same people trying to exterminate them
There will be no Jesus returning.

There is a theory that Christianity itself may been created by the Jews to attempt to pacify the Romans.

The ancient Slavs and Celts had religions closely connected to nature (their God was life on earth, the biosphere). Although our old religions are demonized and ridiculed in movies such as The Wicker Man, they make more sense than the idea of a Hebrew dying on the cross 2000 years ago to save us all from hell.

What might save us is breaking away from the many psychological influences of the the so-called "Chosen" ones.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Christianity pacified Ireland, they were once fierce warriors.

However, Jesus opposed the jews of his day and how they were only for other jews. He opposed the Mishna (spelling) which was the early form of the Talmud. He hated the greediness. Doesn't seem like early Romans truly followed it, and there were barbaric tribes that were Christians (Arian Christians, which I think meant they believed Jesus was lesser than God)

as far as Christians attending a Zionist church? the obvious answer is no. Not sure why its a question, I guess I will read the link.
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Nov 25, 2004
No. Israel is a blood-line not a Zionist land. And certainly no if you are talking about modern day Jews. True Israelites were of white European blood - there were never Jews. Over the last one hundred years or so, and in particular the last about 30, corporate Christian tax exempt religions have been captured by our ancient enemy and have been teaching us to worship Jews and Zionism - A ridiculous notion a hundred years ago.
Dec 10, 2012
as far as Christians attending a Zionist church? the obvious answer is no. Not sure why its a question, I guess I will read the link.

Why would the 'obvious answer' be no (?)
What part of Jesus' teachings are categorically against ethno-centric homelands (?)

What does a position either for or against Zionist homeland (or other ethnic homelands), have to do with the tenets of Christianity.. I personally don't see this issues' connection to practicing Christianity (?)

& ps, I couldn't access the link, so maybe I'm missin' something here, but just basing my question on my own study of the Gospel & time in a church..


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Jesus opposed the early teachings of the Talmud, which preaches hate against Gentiles. I am pretty sure Jesus wouldn't approve of attending a church that preaches support of Zionism. It is more complex than "ethno-centric" homelands. Do you think they care anything about us having our own ethno-centric homeland?

What does Christianity have to do with Zionism? why should a Christian church even concern itself with it? why are there Zionist churches?
Dec 10, 2012
Jesus opposed the early teachings of the Talmud, which preaches hate against Gentiles. I am pretty sure Jesus wouldn't approve of attending a church that preaches support of Zionism. It is more complex than "ethno-centric" homelands. Do you think they care anything about us having our own ethno-centric homeland?

What does Christianity have to do with Zionism? why should a Christian church even concern itself with it? why are there Zionist churches?
I appreciate your response.. Your last 2 questions are in line w/my thoughts & question.. Why would I care how my church feels about Zionism.. If they support it, okay. If they don't, also okay.

I don't ever remember Christ addressing the issue of ethnic homelands, but like I said, if I'm missing something please share a passage with me. I'm more interested in the word straight from the Bible, as opposed to what my current synod thinks about foreign policy ~

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I appreciate your response.. Your last 2 questions are in line w/my thoughts & question.. Why would I care how my church feels about Zionism.. If they support it, okay. If they don't, also okay.

I don't ever remember Christ addressing the issue of ethnic homelands, but like I said, if I'm missing something please share a passage with me. I'm more interested in the word straight from the Bible, as opposed to what my current synod thinks about foreign policy ~

AA, I think part of what dwid and many here at CF are saying is that many churches and people tend to lay their outright support for Israel no matter what.

As dwid pointed out, Jesus opposed what the Jewish leaders were doing in the temple and twice cleared the temple of the deceitful money changing taking place. Matthew;21:12, Mark; 11:12-19.

For me as a Christian, it's not about a country, race, or religion, etc. It's about what Christ did for us. Christianity is not religion. Jesus was trying to teach the Jews this, because their hypocrisy was exposing them. This is why religion will never work.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good points CS. :)

Many new evangelical churches take a big "support Israel" policy...putting up Israeli flags on the platform (or elsewhere in the church house), wearing lapel pins with a star of David, handing out "friends of Israel" literature, etc. These are the "Christian" zionists.

Truly informed Christians know the Bible clearly states that ALL rejecters of Christ are antichrists who know not God (1 John 2:22)...& therefore these antichrists are certainly not the 'chosen' of God. When Jesus was sentenced to death (at the rabid prompting of the jews), those very jews (also) said "His blood be upon us & our children".

Below is a good clip from IFB Pastor Steven Anderson addressing the zionists.
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Apr 27, 2013
Just like to add a few things here. I very much agree that "my" (I'm my devout wife's helper - anything that needs hands on work to be done, I'm there, not for the church, but because she's a true believer. My wife's faith is not effected by these bums who're in charge) church is going downhill fast. The leadership is just playing out the string and they know what they're doing is against the church teachings, but in order for them to keep getting govt. money, they know they must play ball. Also, again as my wife's helper, I'm involved with a church group who help the poor by gathering good used furniture and selling it and using the money to help people down on their luck. Something good comes out of this. Number one, I get to use my knowledge of leverage (I'm not strong anymore) to move the furniture. I was completely shocked at how little the male help knew/know about any physical work. I'm always the last to know things. But the mainly women who help in this work are older and not in any way jerks, like so many younger women (I had no experience in being around women other than my wife - I'd certainly never worked with any). But these women stand back and let us men do the work we have to with the heavier pieces of furniture with very little to say about it (grandmother type women know about the "division of labor"). Interestingly, they also know that I wouldn't be there if it had to do with Catholicism. That I'm only there because I love my wife and I get to move furniture and do a little teaching of our few younger volunteers, hs kids - knotcraft, use of their bodies as tools, timeliness (I always tell them in no uncertain terms when they're late and let them know in no uncertainterms, no one cares about their dumb excuses). The women love to hear them spoken to that way. Of course, I don't speak to the young girl volunteers in that manner.
I let them know I love them and accept any excuse from them right in front of the boys I've just balled out. The boys must wonder at the double standard, which is my point of course, to get them wondering.

But mainly, getting back to the topic, I don't think there's a "zionist" influence so much as what your seeing is the sin of sloth (the worst sin in the world, if there is such a thing as sin), complete, utter laziness to a degree never seen before in our country. A clergy that is only a clergy insofar as they want a soft touch in life and don't want to be put out in any way (Christ and the apostles weren't looking for a soft touch). The worst type of leadership possible. So if there is a zionist influence, it could easily come into the any church with such leadership.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
joegoofinoff, there is certainly a lot of slothfulness in many churches and "leaders" who throw softballs and who take the easy way out instead of standing up for the truth and right.