Shooting at El Paso Wal-Mart


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Here's the latest in what seems to be becoming normal. Watch the usual spin the Left uses...
This kind of thing never happened in the 1950s. The liberals defend and glorify criminality. This is the result.
And lots of antidepressant/psychotropic drugs and msm 24/7/365.
Anti immigrant white guy. More fuel for the open border crowd.
Leftists forcing diversity down everyone's throats is directly responsible for creating an environment of instability where each group struggles against others for resources and power. Liberals have purposely destroyed common culture, common heritage, common belief, and purposely created disharmony in America. Why would they do that? Only reason is because they hate America and want us to self destruct. You don't get stronger through instability and mass confusion created by breaking down all commonality. It's psychological warfare against America. Now someone goes over the edge and it's another excuse to ratchet up the destruction of diversity.

And of course, when a non-white or muslim goes on a shooting spree, it's quickly swept under the rug, blamed on a white man, or blamed on guns. When a white is the shooter, you can sense the glee from the media and those on the left. These people are ******* sick.
Another one in Ohio. I would not be surprised if more don't happen. The social anxiety is very high right know. All sides have ratcheted up the rhetoric.

I'm also worried Trump may cave to some gun control legislation, he was never pro gun. That's only part of his make over to get republican votes.
So, a far Right nutjob and a far Left nutjob. Guess what (((they))) will tell us?

Dayton Shooter wore satanic patches and clothing:

I had posted the lyrics to the song called "Ramirez" by the metalcore band on his shirt hoodie but deleted them because of the words cross the posting guidelines. You guys can check them out. Very satanic. This guy was a Leftist socialist atheist to the core.
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Who can believe these nonsense events? It’s straight from the government playbook to promote fear, censorship, police state and gun control. Oh well, I guess everyone’s buying it and it always becomes phony right vs left political argument.
The Leftist media and politicians are all saying, "ALL MASS SHOOTERS ARE WHITE, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..."
Nope. Look at this and share it:


The list does not include those shootings where no one will speak to police.

At least 20 of the mass shootings this year were in Chicago, Illinois.

More than 140 mass shootings are unsolved largely because no one will give descriptions to the police.
Owen Benjamin had a good take on Gab:

Getting mass emails about this shooting. Only baby boomers believe media narratives and then that the govt limiting their rights is the solution. This is all such total ******** to most people. Think of the twisted people who orchestrate these narratives and then try and capitalize on their fear and confusion. Since 9/11 these events work less and less to the point where I don’t know a single person who watched the coverage of this and thought any desire whatsoever to give up gun rights. Every single “mass shooter” looks like a drugged out psycho who gets killed or never gives an interview. A ridiculous manifesto that was clearly written by multiple people is then “found” and then if no legislation is passed no one hears again about who or why the person did it. There’s never any footage of the event and all the contradictory eye witness accounts are silenced by either suicide or law suits. It’s getting more and more obvious that only baby boomers fall for this mass trauma mind control nonsense. There were real victims of this attack but the attack is nothing like what the media is portraying it to be and the government is not here to help us with our safety. Every single one of these is conveniently in a gun free zone.
Just a few things. I got stuck in a hotel Sunday and the only thing on was CNN and MSNBC. Wow. I mean I have not seen such utter stupidity in a long time. They absolutely would not refer to illegal immigrants as illegal. They said it made them look sub-human. They so desperately early on were trying to link both shootings to D. Trump rhetoric until it became clear the gunman's sister was involved. Then they jumped on to the fact that 6 of the 9 victims in Dayton were black. No go. This was not racial in nature.
After listening to Trump's reaction he has got to go. I never liked him in the beginning and he serves no purpose now or in the future. Unfortunately I don't see one Democrat worth taking a shot at as well as they move their platform further to the left.
Can we just ban all assault rifles from here on in? Universal background checks and biggest of all limit all future clip capacity to 6 bullets. People are still going to get guns whether they are illegal or not. This country is going to hell faster than I thought it was going to.
Can we just ban all assault rifles from here on in? Universal background checks and biggest of all limit all future clip capacity to 6 bullets. People are still going to get guns whether they are illegal or not. This country is going to hell faster than I thought it was going to.

You don't really know what you are asking for. And it will go to hell faster if you get your wishes. Do you even know what you term as "assault rifles" are? And limit clips to 6 rounds? You need to go watch some Colin Flaherty vids on youtube and see if you think your ideas would be wise...
Anyone else see "Beto" (btw, I totally, mockingly enunciate his name in a derisive hispanic accent when I say it out loud: "Behh'tohh!") laugh on camera when asked about the event, and then almost on cue, feign crying? WTH??

I can't tell you how being here in Texas makes me despise, er, um, uh, dislike him even more.
CNN and other media are spouting the term "White Supremacism" which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. That is a term relegated to the 19th century and has no bearing on the situations today.

Yes there is obviously a huge problem in this country when it comes to mass murders. Hell when I was growing up these type of killings were beyond rare. Now it feels constant. And the killers are extremely bad people with certain beefs. Some have Antifa leanings and some have racial/ethnic animus. Some are just violent nut cases. It is all foreign to me.

Obviously law enforcement is not on top of this ongoing slaughter ritual. But it is deeply ironic when you consider that the safe and peaceful society that this country has enjoyed through two brutal world wars and other troubles owes most of the gratitude to law and order white people. It is white people who have made all of us safe for the most part. Too often these days the chronic violence is occurring in black run areas such as parts of Chicago where white authority figures don't figure in much.

The white supremacy term is nothing more than a swipe at the overwhelming good white people and is the wrong term to use. What the hell does that term mean anyway in the context of modern society? That term pertains to slave owners. And another irony is that when it comes to the term supremacy it is more in line with modern day thinking regarding black athletes. Hell there have been books by the likes of Jon Entine and David Epstein that have been cheered on by the media. Books that expound on the idea of black supremacy.

So I don't want to hear that stupid ass term as they apply it to white people. It doesn't fit the real narrative and it is anti white. In other words it is a racist term.

I also wonder if the lack of religious upbringing is a key source in this explosion of violence. Remember the Nazis were not religious or God fearing. Being Italian of course I grew up Catholic and I have never even stolen anything in my lifetime and that is the truth.. So for people who commit murder or mass killings I can't even begin to figure out what is going on in their minds. It is difficult for normal people to understand such violent acts.
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Meet the father of Patrick Crusius, the gunman of the El Paso massacre. If there are not dark, psyop, Luciferian, John of God, et al, connections to this bloody operation I'd be surprised. And notice the giant star of David/Remphan behind him, and the wooden owl (occult) in the lower left.:

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I share your feelings about the term white supremacy. It is not even relevant to white people any longer. I place the overuse of this term solely on the SPLC. They have placed this term on ever white group in America, whether they are racist or not. they have even tried to label some civic organizations as white supremacist groups.
The thing about these mass shootings not mentioned but well known by the "authorities" is that most of the young white guys that do it are on, or have recently been on these anti-depressant medications. These medications are the keep to the whole thing. They know they lead to suicidal and violent behavior in young males but suppress that information. The whole idea is to have people focus on the tool (automatic weapon) used to commit these crimes and take all focus off the concept of "WHY"/the medication, they do it.

Every Mass Shooting Shares 1 Thing In Common, NOT Guns
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Apr 1, 2013 - The following is a list of mass shooting perpetrators and the drugs they .... and writes letters, trying to warn the world that SSRI drugs can kill.

Agreed and +1,000.

I forward this kind of information to people and in my talks with people. The msm only hides it. Big Pharma is very big, super powerful lobby. It's a multi-tentacled monster across the world...

Agreed and +1,000.

I forward this kind of information to people and in my talks with people. The msm only hides it. Big Pharma is very big, super powerful lobby. It's a multi-tentacled monster across the world...
And another thing I left out was "Automatic Weapons." In 1918, both the Thompson Sub-Machine gun and Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) were developed. The only known use of these weapons for criminal activity was the bank robbers of the 1920s-1930s (John Dillinger, "Baby Face" Nelson, Bonnie & Clyde, etc.). But if civilians didn't interfere with them robbing a bank, they didn't shoot anyone. So there've been automatic weapons in the society for just over a hundred years now and it's only since Columbine that people have been indiscriminately shooting other people. The question is, what is the key factor here? In that those bank robbers of the 1920s & 30s weren't known to be on SSRI drugs and these young gunmen are, I'd take a guess and say it's the drugs that are the key element here.
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