Shifting minority demographic in contemporary Germany (Muslims taking over Jews)

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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Yugoslav is not an ethnicity or nationality. Yugoslavia, like the Soviet Union was an artificial entity.

I say "Yugoslav" because he is mixed and that is the most accurate description of his true ethnicity. He is Muslim mixed with Christian, but in his case, he took after the Muslim side and is known as a practising Muslim.

He even has Arabic scripture tattooed on his body.

1. What are Muslims doing here?
2. Why are they here?

Most Muslims in Germany have come there for a better way of life. Many come from war-torn areas of the world. Many white Muslims in Germany for example, are Bosniak and had family members killed during the recent war in the Balkans. They are in Germany because they have been displaced, sought asylum at one point, or moved there after the war destroyed the entire country.

I am a Bosniak, and I have female family members living in Germany, married to a white German man. Thank God, he is not an misguided like you, and he doesn't hate Muslims or preach some kind of an misguided rhetoric as you do.

I also have Iranian female friends who lived in Germany and had nothing but great things to say about Germany.

5. Does Islam really mean peace?

Ive never said that Islam means peace. What Ive said is that Muslims are much more peaceful than Negroes, which I have fully substantiated by posting murder rates.

6. If you are really an atheist, why is it so important for to justify these people and their actions?

I'm not justifying any actions of Muslims, rather, I am shining light on the criminality of Negroes and I am questioning why you are so anti-Muslim when the behaviour of Muslims is much more peaceful than that of Negroes.

Do you have anything to say about the 1,000 - 2,000 whites killed by blacks in USA per year? Do you have anything to say about that at all?

7. Do think that even 48 people killed by Muslims each year are 48 people too much?

48 white Germans being murdered by foreigners is quite good, to be honest. That's an extremely low rate and as I pointed out, 1,000-2,000 whites are killed by blacks in the USA per year, so certainly, Germany is safer for whites.

48 murders in a country of 82 Million people is quite impressive and I think it should be viewed as an accomplishment.
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Jun 2, 2012
maybe there are more murders in the US because it's a more violent society
in europe you can't have any weapon for example
[FONT=&quot]In Germany and the Netherlands only criminals (and hunters, but that’s another story) have weapons. Surely this is for our own “safetyâ€￾, if you want to believe the officials. In the Netherlands, if you use a gun for self-defense, you’ll get a criminal record. Completely ridiculous
Well given the astronomical extent of black on white crime, and compared to that, Muslim to white crime is VERY SMALL, don't you think it makes more sense and is more appropriate for someone who is pro white to focus on the larger of the two problems?

I mean isn't that logical to you?
The problem is that you have no idea what you are talking about. You have never been here, so naturally you have no real idea how the situation is here. If you are murdered, chances are very high that the offender is a Muslim, and the same applies to such delicts as rape, human trafficking, drug dealing and robbery. And I say it one last time: American crimes are as relevant to this as Nigerian, North Korean or Vietnamese crime rates. Namely not at all. You can’t compare two different countries with a completely different history and demographics.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
I say "Yugoslav" because he is mixed and that is the most accurate description of his true ethnicity. He is Muslim mixed with Christian, but in his case, he took after the Muslim side and is known as a practising Muslim.

He even has Arabic scripture tattooed on his body.

he's catholic but it's important that he has a muslim image because this way all the arabs in the middle east are going to be interested in the club he plays in, they are mad about soccer and they will buy anything realted to ibrahimowicz
that's why he's so overrated, like all the muslim/arab players, along with the asian players (for the asian countries' money)
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
American crimes are as relevant to this as Nigerian, North Korean or Vietnamese crime rates. Namely not at all. You can’t compare two different countries with a completely different history and demographics.

But the difference is Negro Crime in USA affects whites, just like in Germany, whereas Nigerian and North Korean crime rates don't affect whites.

This is a prowhite site, so we should be concerned with all white populations. My comparison is thus valid.

Your position in this argument is not a position of someone who is prowhite, because you seem to be ignoring (and by ignoring you are indirectly apologizing) Negro crime rates. Your discontent of Muslims is statistically misguided and in doing so you are indirectly apologizing for Negroes.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
in the US:
As of Dec. 31, 2010, State and Federal prisons held 1,446,000 sentenced male prisoners. Of these, 451,600 (31.9%) were White, 561,400 (38.8%) were Black, and 327,200 (22.6%) were Hispanic.

in france: 70% of the people in jail are muslim:
(and 85-90% are either arab or black overall
a lot of black are also muslims)

there are many more arabs-blacks in france than blacks in the US, but overall muslim crime in %age in europe is big
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
All I can say is its very discomforting and discouraging for me as a white Muslim who is prowhite, to come here and read these comments. I mean, one user, Rebaljo literally tried to say that white Muslims aren't white. Then Chris371 said that Muslims and Negroes were "the same". I would encourage all Germans to read up on black crime in USA and you will learn how compared to that, Muslims are amazing immigrants.

Muslims and Negroes are not the same. Negroes kill whites in USA at a rate that is 100 times higher than Muslims kill whites in Germany. According to the FBI, blacks kill 1,066 whites per year (which is a low estimate), and according to Chris's own data, foreigners only kill about 48 Germans. Realistically, as I discussed earlier in this thread the number of whites murdered by blacks in USA is from 1,500-2,000 and the number of whites murdered by Muslims is between 10-30. That is not "the same". There is nothing similar about those numbers. As a pro white man, you should be aware of that.

I understand some Germans would like to keep Germany free of nonGermans. That is fine and I don't have a problem with that. But I would encourage Arend and Chris371 to focus on Bigger Issues here and Negro Crime is infinitely more harming to whites than Muslim immigrants in Germany.


Jun 2, 2012
Most Muslims in Germany have come there for a better way of life. Many come from war-torn areas of the world. Many white Muslims in Germany for example, are Bosniak and had family members killed during the recent war in the Balkans. They are in Germany because they have been displaced, sought asylum at one point, or moved there after the war destroyed the entire country.
So it is okay for Muslims to come here as economic refugees? But not for blacks I guess? Makes totally sense. As economic refugees they have no right to stay here or to come here in the first place. War refugees are another story, but nonetheless they must return to their own countries after the war. We are not the goddamn welfare agency of the whole world, even if immigrants see us that way.
I also have Iranian female friends who lived in Germany and had nothing but great things to say about Germany.
Well, never bite the hand that feeds.
Ive never said that Islam means peace. What Ive said is that Muslims are much more peaceful than Negroes, which I have fully substantiated by posting murder rates.
Historically Blacks have never been a real problem anywhere in Europe, simply due to the fact that they were practically non-existent. Problems with them are new. But Muslims attacked the Iberian Peninsula, France, Italy, Greece, the Balkans, Romania, Hungary, Russia and the Holy Roman Empire. At those times, they came as conquerors. And it looks like that History does repeat itself.
I'm not justifying any actions of Muslims, rather, I am shining light on the criminality of Negroes and I am questioning why you are so anti-Muslim when the behaviour of Muslims is much more peaceful than that of Negroes.Do you have anything to say about the 1,000 - 2,000 whites killed by blacks in USA per year? Do you have anything to say about that at all?
Shining light on one topic, completely brushing the other under the carpet. I have never said that these murder rates are not a bad thing, but still they are irrelevant to what is happening in Germany or anywhere else in Europe.
48 white Germans being murdered by foreigners is quite good, to be honest. That's an extremely low rate and as I pointed out, 1,000-2,000 whites are killed by blacks in the USA per year, so certainly, Germany is safer for whites.
48 murders in a country of 82 Million people is quite impressive and I think it should be viewed as an accomplishment.
Dafaq. I mean really? Is that all that you have to say? Please tell that to the friends and families of the victims. Besides, the number of 48 deaths is complete fantasy.

But we were not talking about the USA that is something that you brought into question. At the beginning, this thread was not about crime at all if I remember it correctly.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
BoxingSpecialist2 -

It appears that you have edited the following gem out of your earlier reply to my last post - but luckily davidholly quoted it, so now that I have finally gotten around to typing a word or two, I'll re-quote it below :icon_lol::

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
Lebanon is 75% Christian, 25% Muslim, its not that Lebanese Muslims don't exist rather, that they are an extreme minority and Lebs are mainly a Christian people.

Common kindergarten knowledge allied with the paucity of credible demographic data pertaining to religious affiliation within Lebanon itself renders the first half of your statement preposterous enough, even if one broadens the parameters to include the Lebanese population worldwide. But you manage to blow off even more figurative toes by in the same breath referring to Lebanese Muslims as an "extreme minority". So, your fictitious 25 % constituted an "extreme minority", did it? In that case, what would an "infinitesimal minority", for instance, equate to? 20 % perhaps? Bloody unbelievable stuff!

You'd best put away your well-worn casio calculator because - as davidholly aptly observed - your "statistical ANALysis" simply involves pulling figures out of your arse. I hope that process isn't too painful on the old rectum. You aren't an actuary by any chance, are you?

Just when one thought that your ramblings couldn't get any crazier you come up with all of today's rot. You obviously have plenty of time on your hands, don't you. Please enlighten me: what does the rate of Negro crime in the US have to do with acceptance of Muslim colonisation (sorry, immigration) in Europe?

Did you even bother to examine the Turkish / Muslim crime links I provided in my last post? Yet again, you are ignoring reality in a futile quest to "prove" something you wish was "true". But here's the thing: the pathological criminality of Muslims is glaringly evident to anyone who lives in a society infested with these dregs. Unlike youreself, the German-based posters you constantly disparage have first-hand knowledge of Turks and don't base their views on wishful thinking or Arabian Nights fantasies.

Using your "bombproof" reasoning, if for example nine out of ten statistical Negroes in the US are murderers while "only" four out of ten statistical Turks in Germany are murderers, then the Turks are model citizens whose immigration should be actively encouraged. Oh, and anyone who metions Turkish crime is an apologist for US Negroes and therefore anti-White. Yep, can't possibly refute that...

As for Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Adnan Catic, and Muamer Hukic I am more than aware of their provenance and religion. I've posted about the incompatibility of Muslims and White European culture before ( so I won't repeat myself.

Ibrahimovic's jarringly Muslim name has always grated on my nerves and I don't consider him "one of us". The same goes for "Sturm" and "Huck". I have also explained that the only reason I count all Bosnian players - regardless of religion - as Whites in my soccer racial breakdowns is to avoid unnecessary confusion, additional typing and because I couldn't be bothered looking into players' backgrounds if their names aren't dead giveaways.

Right, I'm off to bed...
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
BoxingSpecialist2 -

It appears that you have edited the following gem out of your earlier reply to my last post - but luckily davidholly quoted it, so now that I have finally gotten around to typing a word or two, I'll re-quote it below :icon_lol::

Yes, I admit I wrote that and I also admit I was wrong. I must have been confused and thinking about a different country. I remember reading that Lebanese were primarily Christian, but I guess I was wrong or confused.

I admit I was wrong on that.

However, the main part of my argument had nothing to do with Lebanon at all, and was concerned with the rate of murders of Negroes on whites in USA and Muslims on whites in Germany and in that regard there was nothing wrong with my numbers or comments. I was 100% truthful and on the mark in my comparisons. Its a quite a shame that my comments have apparently gone over the heads of most here.

Did you even bother to examine the Turkish / Muslim crime links I provided in my last post?

Yes I briefly skimmed over it. When I have a chance I will take a further look then post my thoughts.
I didn't post in this thread for a few days because I had been busy, but in the future I will visit your links and post my thoughts in a day or two. I briefly skimmed over them but will take a closer look before I comment fully.
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I have never said that these murder rates are not a bad thing, but still they are irrelevant to what is happening in Germany or anywhere else in Europe.

You've said on 3 separate times in this thread that the Negro killing whites crime rate in USA is irrelevant to you as a German.

Alright, so you are literally admitting that the problems faced by whites in the USA are (in your own words) "irrelevant" to you and whites in Germany and Europe.

I don't see how you can say you are pro-white then. Maybe "pro-German" or "German nationalist" is a more appropriate term for you.

In that case I totally could understand your point of view. However, you shouldn't label yourself as being pro white if you admit you only care about a certain portion of white people.

Judging by your comments in this thread I would not say you are pro-white, you have openly admitted that American whites are irrelevant to you.

You certainly are not pro white if you feel whites in USA are "irrelevant".

Your position in this thread is more German nationalist than pro-white. You have shown a complete disregard for American whites, and thats fine, but then don't act like you're pro white. Your position is more German nationalist than pro white.

Do you also consider the Plight of white South Africans as irrelevant and you also don't care about their murder rates?

I'm not saying I disagree with you or your position, but there is no way you can say you're pro-white and also say that murder rates in USA are irrelevant.
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Jun 2, 2012
You've said on 3 separate times in this thread that the Negro killing whites crime rate in USA is irrelevant to you as a German.
I have said that it is irrelevant to the topic of this thread, which is a big difference. I am not indifferent to these victims. You on the other hand stated more than one time that you think that it’s not that bad if Muslims kill Europeans. Go figure.

I don't see how you can say you are pro-white then. Maybe "pro-German" or "German nationalist" is a more appropriate term for you.
I don’t care how you label me.
Your position in this thread is more German nationalist than pro-white.
You have shown a complete disregard for American whites, and thats fine, but then don't act like you're pro white. Your position is more German nationalist than pro white.
Oh the bitter irony……but you, the one that praises Islamic immigration into Europe, are “Pro-Whiteâ€￾. If being Pro-White includes that, then I think you are correct.
Do you also consider the Plight of white South Africans as irrelevant and you also don't care about their murder rates?
My Mom is from South Africa. I certainly don’t need any lessons on that topic from someone that lived most of his life safely in Canada.


Aug 22, 2012
You've said on 3 separate times in this thread that the Negro killing whites crime rate in USA is irrelevant to you as a German.

Alright, so you are literally admitting that the problems faced by whites in the USA are (in your own words) "irrelevant" to you and whites in Germany and Europe.

Way to intentionally misinterpret. He clearly meant that black crime rates in the US are of no concern to him because there aren't many blacks in Germany, Muslims on the other hand...


Aug 22, 2012
Yes, I admit I wrote that and I also admit I was wrong. I must have been confused and thinking about a different country. I remember reading that Lebanese were primarily Christian, but I guess I was wrong or confused.

You aren't entirely wrong, Lebanese are historically a Christian people. The case can be made that only Christians in Lebanon are really Lebanese. That said, Lebanon as a country is now majority Muslim and most people immigrating from Lebanon are Muslims.

One could say the Lebanese are very similar to the Assyrians, the name of their nation has been applied to a country that no longer represents them. This is the fate of European nations as well it seems.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I have said that it is irrelevant to the topic of this thread,

Well the discussion changed when Chris371 stated that Muslims in Germany were "the same" (his exact words) as Negroes in USA.

I demonstrated that based on the rate of crime and rate of murder, his comments were awfully inaccurate.

Muslims are infinitely safer than Negroes and after viewing my stats Im sure we can all agree on that fact.

I am not indifferent to these victims.

Could have fooled me.

You are intense with your anti-Muslim rhetoric but seem to ignore, not mention or even indirectly apologize for the disproportionately higher rate of Negro crime.

If you truly were pro white, you would recognize that 1,000 - 2,000 whites being murdered per year in USA to Negroes is a Monumentally bigger issue than your 10 or 20 whites murdered by Muslims per year in Germany.

The German "Muslim Problem" is small peanuts compared to the Negro problem in USA.

You don't recognize that and as such your position is not pro-white, but rather, pro-German.

Thats fine and I respect German nationalists, but please dont say you are pro-white when you are in fact putting German issues ahead of white issues.

You on the other hand stated more than one time that you think that it’s not that bad if Muslims kill Europeans. Go figure.

What I stated is that Germany is one of the safest countries in the world, has an extremely low murder rate, and when you compare that approximately 10 or 30 white Germans are killed by Muslims per year in Germany, to the fact that 1,000-2,000 whites are killed by Blacks in USA per year.

Yes, the extremely low rate of all types of murder in Germany is a good thing. Germany actually serves as a model for other countries such as USA, Canada, England which all have comparably higher murder rates.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Well the discussion changed when Chris371 stated that Muslims in Germany were "the same" (his exact words) as Negroes in USA.

I demonstrated that based on the rate of crime and rate of murder, his comments were awfully inaccurate.

Muslims are infinitely safer than Negroes and after viewing my stats Im sure we can all agree on that fact.

Could have fooled me.

You are intense with your anti-Muslim rhetoric but seem to ignore, not mention or even indirectly apologize for the disproportionately higher rate of Negro crime.

If you truly were pro white, you would recognize that 1,000 - 2,000 whites being murdered per year in USA to Negroes is a Monumentally bigger issue than your 10 or 20 whites murdered by Muslims per year in Germany.

The German "Muslim Problem" is small peanuts compared to the Negro problem in USA.

You don't recognize that and as such your position is not pro-white, but rather, pro-German.

Thats fine and I respect German nationalists, but please dont say you are pro-white when you are in fact putting German issues ahead of white issues.

What I stated is that Germany is one of the safest countries in the world, has an extremely low murder rate, and when you compare that approximately 10 or 30 white Germans are killed by Muslims per year in Germany, to the fact that 1,000-2,000 whites are killed by Blacks in USA per year.

Yes, the extremely low rate of all types of murder in Germany is a good thing. Germany actually serves as a model for other countries such as USA, Canada, England which all have comparably higher murder rates.

They are just as bad as negroes in the US. That is correct. Quite a few Muslims these days are blacks. You are the dumbest troll I have ever seen. Way to go Machmed!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Ok, everyone's made the relevant points they want to make. All the name calling isn't going to decide the issue or change anyone's mind. Time to lock the thread.
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