There's a particularly annoying idiot at the gym who makes me angry/laugh/cringe almosteverytime he speaks about MMA (which is often). He, as you might expect, claims very confidently that Silva is the best P4P fighter. He also believes that JonJones is "the new direction of the sport" (whatever that means) and "gets so sick of everybody saying how good Fedor is". He suggested thatthe idea ofFedor being the best in the world (believe he meant even as a heavyweight and not just P4P)was comparable tothe ideathat thebest NFL Europe quarterback was the best quarterback in the world. It goes without saying how absurd this logic is. He went onto imply that all Fedor had going for him was an armbar (guess he's never actually watched a Fedor fight). Hebelieves Fedor is best suited for the middleweight division and even went so far as to say that "Daryl fromThe Office could beat him".
<div>Heresponds, "He's all juiced up though", when someone comments on WWE wrestler Bautista's physique but makes no suchremark when Bobby Lashley is brought up.Most of thesecomments came last night after an extended rant about everything that's wrong withSteelers QBBen Roethlisberger.</div>
<div>The consistent and pernicious hatred of strong White males by theAmerican public is alarming. </div>