Sharks (the Undefeated) against the Jets (Caste Football)


Mar 16, 2013
Sounds like an updated version of "West Side Story" as the Undefeated is going for the throat. I make it a point to see what they are up to but Leonardfan just posted about them so I took a look. I hadn't bothered with them for a couple of weeks. Their are two glowing articles regarding the rise of the black quarterbacks. The William Rhoden piece is downright sinister as he thinks it's cute to say that 'luck" as in Andrew has run out for the future of the white QB in his baiting basking in the sunlight piece. Rhoden has been bad news for so long I don't want to waste my breath on him.

Then a slew of tennis articles revolving around the new black uprising with a similar tone basking in the prospect of black supremacy.

But it isn't really West Side story is it? That was a story about two gangs who were evenly matched. That is not the case here.

Mighty ESPN, the biggest name in sports media has put all of their weight behind The Undefeated. And who has called them out on it? No one as far as I can tell.

Caste Football operates out of a pirate ship way off shore with a very weak signal.

The Undefeated is part of the Major Leagues. Caste Football is more like a local softball league involving pizza joints and bars.

For all those smug bastards at ESPN don't get too cozy luxuriating in your black supremacy wet dream. Life doesn't always go according to script and it has a way of biting back on those who leave humility at the door.


Oct 19, 2009
Shadow, ESPN is total garbage. I no longer go to their website and I've permanently blocked all ESPN Networks on my TV's since about 2015, because I despise the Commie/white-hating network so much (along with MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, .ect). I only briefly unlock ESPN on very rare occasions. Dodgers, S.F. Giants, Mets, Phillies or Rockies games are pretty much all I've unlocked ESPN for this year, and those games are rare? So not watching ESPN for hi-lights anymore, I go to to watch hi-lights online and get better, quicker hi-lights and less of the same, trite jokes from odious veteran puke anchors. With the NFL season coming, I will remove the "parental locks" if there is at least one white friendly team playing. We'll see week to week?

According to Rhoden, "athletically superior blacks" have been on the verge of "taking over the quarterback position" since the mid-1990's. That group included Kordell, Philanderer McNair, Jeff Blake, Cunningham, Tony Banks, Charlie Batch and dozens of others enormous upsiders in high school and college at that time that were deemed ultra athletic and future NFL prospects that never did much -- Akili Smiff, Aaron Brooks, Spurgeon Wynn, Henry Burris, Quincy Carter, Micheal Bishop, Tee Martin, Chris Lewis (Stanford) the list can go on and on.

Back in 2000, 4 of the 6 starting quarterbacks in the NFC playoffs where black: McNabb; Shaun King; Jeff Blake and Duante Culpepper. Was almost 5/6... Actually should have been 5/6, as Charlie Batch and the Lions barely missed making it after losing to a bad Bears team in the final week by a field goal. In the AFC you had only one black quarterback make the playoffs -- McNair, who led his squad to the Super Bowl in 1999. Kordell and the Steelers, like Detroit, barely missed. So that was 5/12 Upsiders in the 2000 playoffs. Very easily could've been 7 of 12 and I'm sure Rhodent types thought white quarterbacks would soon be extinct then. None made it to the Super Bowl that year and very few have made it since 2000.

This is nothing new, Shadow.

P.S.: If cable companies did not force subscribers to take ESPN at exorbitant rates*, it might already be out of business**. Instead, the mostly Jewish elite that run ESPN are flush with money, confiscated from 90 year old women to their 35 year old granddaughters who just want basic cable and hate sports. So, with ill-gained billions in cash to waste, the "elites" that run ESPN will continue to hire and promote white-hating Rhodent types to attack "whites", because divide-and-conquer is embedded in their DNA.


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Mar 16, 2013
I agree Rhoden has been pushing his toxic agenda for years now. But the Undefeated site has ramped up their rhetoric to an even higher degree of late. The tennis stuff ( see Coco) is reaching orgasmic heights. Coco is very athletic and fast and very young. The perfect prodigy for the black supremacist crowd. She hits all the right notes. I do wonder given the girth of her parents if Coco will put on weight as she ages?

Even knowing his history I was startled by the Rhoden piece because of the worrisome undertones. He seems more than ever trying to go for the kill. It was very inflammatory.

I often wonder if the end game Rhoden hopes for and envisions works where white athletes (accept hockey and golf) become close to obsolete becomes reality.

What would be the full social impact of this type of future? We are more than half way to that "future" and in my opinion the affect on the general white population has been withering. See drug abuse and general despair. When a group or individuals ( in this case white folk) appear to be in decline, misery and despair are often the byproducts. If caste gets even worse in sports that misery index will continue to soar.

Picture an NFL where whites except for kickers and OL are obsolete? Is this what we want society to look like? I think white fans in general would have trouble with this scenario. They would start to tune out. Some of these rancid cats like Rhoden and his ilk are in search and destroy mode without thinking or caring about the implications of their approach.

This striving for black supremacy does not bode well for social order and ultimately will lead to a society in collapse. It is very important white athletes don't drop out. It is a fine line but a harmonious sports world with whites and blacks together is far more preferable than a sports world without whites.
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Jul 23, 2015
It is the white fan which will lead to an all black NFL. I mention that I went the NFL draft this year and talked to dozens of whites. They were much younger than me and could care less if their team was all black or not. They just wanted whatever they perceived as the best players to have a winning team. I asked would they go to games if every starter was black and ever time except once they said yes. I also got the "get the hell out my face" said to me several times. I have had a lot worse said to me in my lifetime. But, to be completely honest I came back home with the realization that whites in football are a dying breed. What has happened to our younger white people from teenagers to the 40s crowd?


Mar 16, 2013
Without question the "diehard" white fans which include those that either have season tickets or attend a few games a year on average aren't overly concerned about the racial makeup of teams. I suspect fans that go through the trouble to actually attend the draft would be diehard fans on steroids. They represent a slice of fans but there are even more of them like me who watch the games on TV.

I have never felt the compulsion to buy a cap or jersey. And I haven't attended an NFL game since I was kid. Many fans buy all the team caps etc. no matter what the racial makeup of "their" team. They support their team no matter what.

But I think there is a slow burn out there deep within the white population that recognizes the profound alienation that is the result of a league where key white players start disappearing from the scene. And I believe this has had a distressing affect on that populace.

I just don't think that the NFL can thrive in the long haul if it becomes nearly all non white. I think though there is a tipping point and we have not reached that point yet. The question is will we sooner or later?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I've yet to see White Americans reach a "tipping point" on anything a single time during the past 50 years of all-out psy-war against them, so I guess that answers your question from my perspective.

I think most DWFs will welcome black domination of the QB position as a natural evolution that was held back for many years because of negative stereotyping and racism. If the NFL goes almost 100% black then some DWFs might drift away but I think the owners and executives are too savvy to let that happen. They've stuck to pretty much the same racial formula for the past 35 years and it's been wildly successful. Even if blacks come to dominate at QB the league itself won't go completely black, Whites will still be found at the positions they're "allowed" to play -- QB, o-line, TE, the occasional WR, LB and d-lineman.

But never underestimate how much many Whites adore blacks.
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Jul 23, 2015
Don, you are spot on about whites love affair with blacks. I noticed the higher educated a white person are, the more they heep the praise and love on a black player. Not that I ever went to over 5 games, but I quit going to the Charlotte Hornets games because ever game we got stuck sitting around a bunch of blacks and their mudsharks girlfriends. This always led to verbal confrontations and a very stressful night, for the people I was with. I can not accept it and never will. This will be my last post for a couple of days because of hurricane Dorian is here early, stay safe caste members it is worse than they said it would be already.
Dec 18, 2004
I've yet to see White Americans reach a "tipping point" on anything a single time during the past 50 years of all-out psy-war against them, so I guess that answers your question from my perspective.

I think most DWFs will welcome black domination of the QB position as a natural evolution that was held back for many years because of negative stereotyping and racism. If the NFL goes almost 100% black then some DWFs might drift away but I think the owners and executives are too savvy to let that happen. They've stuck to pretty much the same racial formula for the past 35 years and it's been wildly successful. Even if blacks come to dominate at QB the league itself won't go completely black, Whites will still be found at the positions they're "allowed" to play -- QB, o-line, TE, the occasional WR, LB and d-lineman.

But never underestimate how much many Whites adore blacks.

A few months ago I glanced at NRO. There was something like "A typical American has good feelings toward racial minorities."

These "good feelings" are not returned one iota. Not one iota.

When you point this out to white people with this attitude, they are usually speechless.


Mar 16, 2013
I think the key word in this discussion is there are just enough whites in sports to prevent a tipping point. And as long as there are just enough whites then I can't foresee a tipping point where true erosion takes place.

What that level is below the just enough measurement is open to debate and I am not certain as to what that level would look like. But make no mistake there is a level. I am dead certain on that. Perhaps Don is right when he says that NFL owners are too savvy for that tipping point level to drop into a true dangerous zone. But it could still happen. Not impossible.

There are warning signs all over the place and I am going to focus on four. Just want to mention two sports are completely safe. They are both supported by white fans and feature white stars galore. In fact in this last draft two huge market teams the Devils and the Rangers picked up future superstars in the number one and number two picks in the draft. Those two sports are men's golf and the NHL.

But the other major sports while not in immanent danger are showing signs that things could turn south if white participation drops to a low level. Here are four coming previews so to speak that speak to the underlying issues that create anxiety.

1-A couple of years ago the NBA was suffering from really bad local TV ratings for bottom feeding black teams. While they pump their black stars to no end the leaden black mediocre end of the spectrum was a concern. The NBA recognizes they have a white problem. The problem is that addressing the issue is difficult. For what it is worth the draft two years ago featured 6 white first round draft including one who became rookie of the year. Even this draft four whites were chosen in the first round when it looked for a while there might be zero taken. The NBA is bad news in general but at least they are aware of their racial issues.

2-Which doesn't apply to MLB. Obviously all CF members recognize that the people who run MLB are despicable. Their horrible ways began the moment slime ball Bud Selig assumed leadership back when. MLB is trying their hardest to destroy whatever integrity is left in sports. Below are four shining examples despite the fact their modern ball parks are very nice.

A-Everyone knows including infants that the balls are juiced. MLB even had to admit it although they claim they don't know why. Sure that will pass a lie detector test.

B-They have opened up the gates and let in a tidal wave of south of the border players. All the leagues now have countless Latina players (many who are black and or mixed) clogging up rosters and there is no end in sight as MLB intends to accelerate this saturation to the point ten years from now the sport will look like a Caribbean League.

C- Their vaunted drug policy is under clouds of suspicion as many of these Latina players are sporting builds similar to NFL black DBs who are loaded up on steroids. And for years many of these players were lying about their ages and got away with it. Still not clear if that has been cleaned up.

D-They spend millions of dollars pushing for black Americans to join the cause and ritually bitch, moan, decry, whine and sob over the fact they feel there aren't enough of them making it to the Big Leagues. At least the other major sports have the decency to hide and or mask their caste ways. MLB shoves their caste thoughts up everyone's asses in broad daylight. Basically they have a sign on their yard that says No Whites Need Apply! Sadly ironic when you consider the majority of their fan base are white. In a word the people running the MLB front office are reprehensible and sickening.

3- The flag controversy in the NFL opened up a fissure between patriot white fans and spit on the military black fans and players. White fans saw first hand the ingratitude and spoiled privileged behavior of some of the black players and it revealed how influential blacks are in the locker room. The whole scene made the NFL nervous. Kind of in limbo right now but still a smoldering issue that forged some lingering resentment among white fans some of whom thought twice about paying their hard earned money to watch black players give them and the country the finger. In turns I wonder if teams smarten up and add more white players to their rosters which helps avoid these spit on the flag sentiments.

4-Perhaps the most ominous sign was the complete failure of the new football League. After one weekend of watching games I predicted it a dead deal and was right. It died on the vine in their inaugural season. Unheard of but it spoke volumes. Nobody wants to watch more black athletes play sports than is necessary. The league looked like some sort of SEC imitation and without the bells and whistles and the makeup and lighting and full spotlight that the NFL receives. Although they had plenty of exposure, white fans decided what is the point of watching another round of black athletes running up and down fields. There is only so much the white populace can take. They drew the line and don't think the NFL wasn't taking notes. This past draft was one of the more white friendly in recent memory and the 53 man rosters have followed suit. Was there any correlation? Perhaps not. Now whether that stays consistent is up in the air. Will the XFL coming up load up with black players? If they do they are destined to follow the same path of destruction.

So here we are still at the just enough (white players) stage which has held for almost a half a century. But there are enough warning signs in place that could result in a tipping point. I think most major sports recognize there is an issue. Everyone outside of MLB of course. Again what is the "low level" of white players needed ( demarcation line) for the rot and erosion to kick in for real is one question that eludes me a little bit.

I tend to be negative and suffer from real anxiety on the caste racial make up of sports ( like many members I assume) as I am sure many have noticed. Always on edge as if the sky is falling. At the same time I am always hoping for the best.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
One of the factors to keep in mind is that there are no alternatives. Where are DWFs going to turn if somehow that mythological "tipping point" is finally reached? Everything is a corporate monopoly; there are not going to be any alternatives to ESPN, the major media outlets, and the leagues themselves that are going to be fairer to White athletes and Whites in general. Iron rule number one of the system: Whites can never be presented sympathetically as a group or shown to have any positive qualities.

The partnership of ESPN and the rest of the corporate media with other corporations and the leagues themselves means the leagues can be propped up for a long time no matter how bad attendance looks, the WNBA and women's sports in general being a good example. Women's sports are increasingly shoved in our faces, not because there is a sudden large-scale interest in them, but because feminism is the most useful weapon the cultural communists currently have, even more so than the race card. That's also why every single sports outlet has hired a huge amount of women the past few years. It's part of the bigger picture. The agenda, the narrative, will continue to be pushed by too big to fail financial and ideological interests. Everything's been corporatized and communized.

And as far as that "tipping point," a good argument can be made that it was reached in a negative way in the mid-1970s when what little fight Whites had left in them after the turmoil of the late '60s and early '70s was subdued with the introduction of mindless disco and the drugs, mainstreaming of pornography, and general hedonism that went with that "lifestyle." It's been downhill ever since, and the control post-9/11 has reached the point that the controllers know they can do anything they like with no consequences. Just look at what's happened to the internet in the past two years as far as censorship and deplatforming, and under the watch of Donald Trump and the conservative Republicans. If it was possible to have a tipping point, that should have been it but of course it wasn't.


Mar 16, 2013
The future is a very difficult thing to predict especially these days Don. Rapidly changing modes create an atmosphere of uncertainty. You ask where will the white fans turn to if their league hits a "tipping point?" There could be other avenues of entertainment that we can't foresee at the moment.

I'll leave you with this. We should never underestimate the special relationship that certain star white athletes have with their fans. Roger Federer is the most beloved and worshipped tennis player I have witnessed in my lifetime. And it isn't even close. He is my all time favorite player.

The fans of the Anaheim Angels love Mike Trout beyond comprehension. And he is the most admired man in baseball harking back to an era where beloved stars like Al Kaline and Stan Musial captured the love of fans like no other. I am one of his biggest fans.

I was in a packed bar watching Argentina play France a in the World Cup last year. When Argentina scored a goal the entire bar shook like it was ready for take off. The reason for such joy? The great Lionel Messi was a member of that squad which is why the bar exploded with crazed excitement.

I am sure Carolina fans adore both CM and Luke Kuechly.

There are countless other examples and I don't need to go into the Larry Bird thing. The guy was my hero and for many white fans he was their savior.

The point being this. The great bond we have seen through the years between white fans and white stars is very strong and durable. It is important to keep in mind this positive relationship and how it can't be quickly dismissed. And why it is an important factor in the durability of big league sports as we head into the vast unknown of the future.

There is a great demand and passion to see white players flourish despite the way the media tries to sway the headlines towards black stars.

Thought I would add a strange personal touch. Every night before bed I go over the sport events of the day measuring how whites performed and such. And this time of year I think of my favorite baseball players and how they performed. And a night never goes by without me thinking about Mike Trout. Since most of their games are on the west coast I only have an inkling of how well he is doing but I usually wake up at some point in the night and flip on the TV to see how Trout performed. Then I'll go back to bed and think about it for a while. Sounds nuts. Maybe it is nuts. But it is passion and I can't be the only human being on the face of the earth that has that sort of passion towards certain white athletes.

If that passion and desire is erased where white players like Mike Trout cease to exist I can't help but think the fallout would be enormous.

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Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Iron rule number one of the system: Whites can never be presented sympathetically as a group or shown to have any positive qualities.

This is very well put. This is a key idea that we should get circulating among white people as much as we can.

Maybe some white people will start noticing what's going. Maybe they never even thought of this concept.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
If the NFL dies, a big part of it will be because of head injuries. Kids are not being allowed to play(parents) and are playing other sports. The NFL has had to make it less violent and will continue in that direction as more players die and are found to have brain injuries. The NFL is less exciting than it has ever been and I think Don would agree with me here that the only thing keeping fans interest in the NFL right now is the gambling aspect of it, including Fantasy Football in all its forms. Games are becoming increasingly difficult to watch. I now record a game and start watching it after halftime so I can fast forward through all the commercials and the bloviating of the announcers. There are plenty of pictures on the internet right now of all the empty seats so far this season.

Nothing lasts forever and football may become a peripheral sport as new generations of kids have their phones and are less physical in general. These kids may also not bother with Fantasy Football as generations and their interests change over time. My son, even though he played DI baseball doesn't bother with sports and spends his time working on new apps and startup companies. My generation played softball and even hardball during our 20's and 30's. Companies had teams and bigger companies even had inter company leagues. Here in NJ, you are more likely to see a soccer game or a cricket game than a baseball or softball game. I drive around a lot and the baseball fields hardly ever have a game going on. But the soccer fields almost always do.

Anyway, another problem football is having is the increasing lack of tolerance by the #metoo movement and players will find themselves more pariahs than role models.


Jul 23, 2015
As long as white males are the most discriminated group of people in the U.S participation in all sports will decrease. When as parents & grandparents we allow coaches to keep saying to us that our children don't have the skills to play a certain position in any sport, we pull our kids out instead of demanding to the coaches to at least give them a shot at playing the position they want to play.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
If the NFL dies, a big part of it will be because of head injuries. Kids are not being allowed to play(parents) and are playing other sports. The NFL has had to make it less violent and will continue in that direction as more players die and are found to have brain injuries. The NFL is less exciting than it has ever been and I think Don would agree with me here that the only thing keeping fans interest in the NFL right now is the gambling aspect of it, including Fantasy Football in all its forms. Games are becoming increasingly difficult to watch. I now record a game and start watching it after halftime so I can fast forward through all the commercials and the bloviating of the announcers. There are plenty of pictures on the internet right now of all the empty seats so far this season.

Nothing lasts forever and football may become a peripheral sport as new generations of kids have their phones and are less physical in general. These kids may also not bother with Fantasy Football as generations and their interests change over time. My son, even though he played DI baseball doesn't bother with sports and spends his time working on new apps and startup companies. My generation played softball and even hardball during our 20's and 30's. Companies had teams and bigger companies even had inter company leagues. Here in NJ, you are more likely to see a soccer game or a cricket game than a baseball or softball game. I drive around a lot and the baseball fields hardly ever have a game going on. But the soccer fields almost always do.

Anyway, another problem football is having is the increasing lack of tolerance by the #metoo movement and players will find themselves more pariahs than role models.

I've been saying that for years. I watch all the games as best I can on Sundays because of fantasy football. When forced to watch individual games because there are no others on (Sunday, Monday and Thursday nights), they usually stink, not to mention the endless parade of degrading commercials. I like fantasy football because it helps me stay on top of the players and which of the overachievers are playing or might play. I've never gambled on a sporting event. But the increasing number of kids being raised to be snowflakes, the domination of the sport by dysfunctional types from the ghettos, and a myriad of other problems will keep chipping away at the NFL's status as America's secular religion. A sharp decline in fantasy football might be fatal, and it won't surprise me if that takes place as the endless injuries and suspensions make fantasy more and more difficult to enjoy as a hobby.

Also, the black talent pool continues to decline, as is made manifest every season by the large number of inept players and outright busts force-fed into the NFL, which is easily seen by anyone not mesmerized by propaganda about what wonderful athletes they are. The White talent pool is also diminishing, so that also portends a negative future for the league.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Also, the black talent pool continues to decline, as is made manifest every season by the large number of inept players and outright busts force-fed into the NFL, which is easily seen by anyone not mesmerized by propaganda about what wonderful athletes they are. The White talent pool is also diminishing, so that also portends a negative future for the league.
I see this a being by design. With the black talent pool diminishing, (((they))) can't have an increasing white pool of talent that would be impossible to ignore. So go after the safety aspect which will cause less whites to participate, but not significantly impact black participation. Many other sports, particularly soccer, have very high injury and concussion incident rates in youth leagues. But those aren't quite the hammer that football is.