Serial killers and hunting


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Wisconsin residents are very familiar with Joel McNally. The little twirp has been writing articles and whining about rotten white people for decades. Every problem in society is the white man's fault. He seems always to ignore the massive amounts of crime committed by blacks and instead focuses on white crimes which are very rare in comparison.I would suggest to him that he should vent his anger towards the producers, writers and distributors of the movies, games and videos that give these kids theideasto go and do likewise. Those of you who teach your kids how to shoot and hunt ARE the problem. This guy is twisted.

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But there's a problem with making firearms and other forms of ordnance freely available in hopes that young blacks will use them to kill each other. Now those weapons are starting to threaten white children as well.

</TBULL /></TINIT />That's because many white communities are absolutely vehement about filling their homes with racks of deadly weapons and teaching young children how to use them at a very early age.

The only real difference between young children learning to kill small animals in the woods during hunting season and young serial killers doing the same thing to their pets is that the first one is carried out under adult supervision.
That mangina is really noxious. I can smell him all the way down here...I think he's got a yeast infection of some sort. Man, you know the country is screwed when someone with opinions like these is allowed to write for a major newspaper. My God.

For what it's worth I've provided a couple of good links concerning guns and Switzerland. Switzerland is of course overwhelmingly white and has more guns per capita than any country in the world but of course their gun crime stats are hardly comparable to ours. The reason of course is that Amerikwa has a significant race problem. With blacks being several times more likely than whites to use a gun when they commit crime. The Swiss on the other hand do not have as big a race problem as we have here and have a culture that reveres weapons and hunting. So this mangina's assertion that whites are attracted to gun violence is absolutely, spectacularly wrong.

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"How much longer are white people going to fail to take responsibility for the violence and total disregard for human life in the white community?"

From Still at Large: A Casebook of 20th Century Serial Killers Who Eluded Justice by Michael Newton

1. pp.62-63 "Death Angels" - California

"A fanatical offshoot of the Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)...Members adhere to the Black Muslim philosophy - i.e., that whites are "beasts" and "grafted devils" spawned from ancient genetic experiments...members of the cult carried their beliefs into action, purposefully striving to exterminate Caucasians...

...Together, those 15 members [of the "Death Angels"] were theoretically responsible for killing 135 men, 75 women and 60 children... The California State Attorney General's office had compiled a list of 45 murders, committed at random with cleavers, machetes, or close range gunshots, all involving white victims and black assailants...

...By early 1974, San Francisco was paralyzed with fear at the sudden rash of "Zebra" murders, committed on random white targets by black assailants, claiming 15 dead and eight wounded..."

2. pp24-26 "Ax murders - Louisiana and Texas (1911-12)"

"...Beween January 1911 and April 1912, an unidentified killer (or killers) slaughtered 49 victims in the states of Louisiana and Texas... In each case, the dead were mulattos or black members of families with mulatto children. The killers were presumed, by blacks and law enforcement alike, to be dark-skinned Negroes, selecting victims on the basis of their mixed - or "tainted" - blood..."

3. pp165-167 "Lover's Lane murders - Georgia (1977)

"While homicide detectives in New York were stalking the elusive "Son of Sam," their counterparts in Georgia were attempting to identify a killer with a similar M.O., who preyed on couples parked on darkened lanes...

...[T]he killer struck a second time, attacking in the predawn hours of February 12 [1977]. This time, his target was a teenage couple necking in Wet Manor Park... Approaching their car at 2:45 A.M., the assailant- described as a large black man - fired six shots into the car before trying to open the locked doors...


about the Zebra murders in San Francisco: [url] ders/index.html[/url]

And from

"This same type of black-on-white serial murder occurred in the Miami area in the early 1990's. The racist cult of Yahweh-ben-Yahweh began systematically killing whites in the same manor as the Death Angels. Whites were again described as subhuman "devils" by the cult leaders who urged their black followers to murder random whites. In what was strictly local news, seven whites were ritually slaughtered before the cult was stopped. The leaders of Yahweh-ben-Yahweh are also up for parole in 2002."

[emphasis added]

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I ask, can you imagine the uproar (and retaliation) that would result if the "shoe were on the other foot"?
Dear Editor: In Joel McNally's column on Saturday, he wrote: "In recent years, repeatedly in predominantly white communities, alienated students have been caught planning to slaughter the student bodies of their high schools."

How about in recent years, repeatedly in predominantly black communities, alienated youth have been caught slaughtering each other over rims or sneakers?

I am truly offended by his column.

I think he shouldn't talk as if this is a race issue. In fact, it doesn't have a lot to do with race.

"It's not easy being raised with all of the privileges and advantages white people enjoy in our society, but that does not justify resorting to deadly violence."

Is he saying that being raised white has a big advantage? Not all white people are fortunate, and not all blacks are poor!

His column was so foolish it ended up on If you aren't aware of the site, check it out. It is for news and articles that are considered foolish and funny.

Mario Sanfilippo

From Columbine to Green Bay, we are raising a generation of young, white predators who are totally devoid of conscience. Where is the outrage of white politicians against white-on-white crime?
Joel needs to realize that the Columbine killers were jews.
American Freedom News