Self-Sterilization to Save the Environment


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Here is a link to the sick story of a white British woman named Toni Vernelli, an environmental fascist, vegan, and animal rights activist who was medically sterilized (after eight years of pleading with doctors to perform the surgery) at the age of 27 in order to "save the environment"Â￾ from another "burden"Â￾"¦

Women Won't Have Babies Because They're Not Eco-Friendly

Some quotes from this "woman"Â￾"¦

"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet,"Â￾ says Toni, 35. "Every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of over-population."Â￾

*Selfish, huh? Yet you remain alive and well (unfortunately), using earth's resources. Yeah, if only your parents had shared your perverted viewpoint. Then, no humans or animals would be subjected to your wretched existence.

"The only person who understood how I felt was my first husband, who didn't want children either. We both passionately wanted to save the planet - not produce a new life which would only add to the problem."Â￾

*Your husband also loathes his genetic code? Female supremacism and environmental totalitariaism must attract some real "manly men."Â￾

"When I was 21, I considered sterilisation for the first time. We decided my husband would have a vasectomy instead. He was 25, just a few years older than me, but the GP allowed him to go ahead. I found it insulting that she thought that, just because I was a woman, I'd reach a point where an urge to breed would overcome all rational thought."Â￾ When Toni was 23, her marriage ended. She says: "We married very young and grew apart."Â￾

*Willfully castrated and then divorced by a miserable, twisted harpy. White males are a privileged bunch, indeed.

"I discovered that despite taking the Pill, I'd accidentally fallen pregnant by my boyfriend. I was horrified. I knew straight away there was no option of having the baby. I went to my doctor about having a termination, and asked if I could be sterilised at the same time. This time it was a male doctor. I remember saying to him: 'I want to make sure this never happens again.' He said: 'You may not want a child, but one day you may meet a man who does'. He refused to consider it. "I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world."Â￾

*Wouldn't suicide be a more "green"Â￾ option than abortion? Your flesh could provide a fitting home for maggots, slowly changing into flies within the warmth of your perverted, fetid corpse.

"I've never felt a twinge of guilt about what I did, and have honestly never wondered what might have been. After my abortion, I was more determined than ever to pursue sterilisation."Â￾

*No guilt over your abortion, huh? Such a cold-hearted Enviro-Warrior are you. You'd make a wonderful serial killer, Asian dictator, torturer, executioner, black South African male, etc. I pity those animals you supposedly "love"Â￾ so much.

"I've never doubted that I made the right decision. Ed and I married in September 2002, and have a much nicer lifestyle as a result of not having children. We love walking and hiking, and we often go away for weekends. Every year, we also take a nice holiday - we've just come back from South Africa."Â￾

*Vacationing in South Africa, are we? I wonder if you took one of those fuel-efficient jumbo jets? It would be such a shame if you and "hubby"Â￾ were to encounter the local wildlife. Yes, a little black-on-white AbductRapeTortureMurder is an appropriate end for you, little 'girl.'

Edited by: Thrashen


Mar 14, 2011
Good post Thrashen. What scares me the most in this country is the poor black population that procreates like rabbits. I dont watch a lot of tv but I do watch one show called the First 48. Its about real detectives trying to solve murders where about 98 % of the murders covered are black on black. I swear I watched one show where a 20 year old murder victim had 4 repeat 4 kids. Another slovenly looking suspect who was 25 had bragged about having 5 kids with 3 more on the way and it seems everyone of these victims or suspects had at least 3 or more kids. Obviously most of these people are on Public Assistance. Its just disgusting to watch poor people have so many kids when they cant afford to even take care of themselves. I know the more kids you have the more money you cant get from the government but all they are doing are creating more criminal babies. Obviously not all blacks are like this but I know its a burden on hard working people of all races. I am very much against Abortion but a small part of me wantsto have a law passed where anyone on public assistance should not be able to have more than one child. Im not saying the black over procreation is killing this country but it isint helping. Its no small coincidence that every major and small city in America has that " rough part of town" and invariably they are all black. Who feels safe walking inthese areas filled with so many thugs and criminals? So these liberal idiots want to sterolize themselves because they feel a guilty burden. They should come to america and see where the real burden is.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Run Stuffing LB said:
Elsewhere an 18 year old Messycan just gave birth for the sixth time.

Somehow, I suspect Toni Verminelli would not object to Messicans breeding. They are more in tune with mother earth.


Jan 28, 2011
This just proves that pure ignorance knows no bounds. Why didn't she just commit suicide? That would've lowered the "carbon footprint" a little.

I call the nutty environmental movement, the watermelon movement. It may be green on the outside, but it's red on the inside, as in commie red.

This is stupidity gone to seed.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Geez get this lady on some meds...


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This damned communist heathen doesn't realize she's a useful idiot leveraged by the PTB to push their eugenics agenda. She needs to reduce herself from the population.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Women Won't Have Babies Because They're Not Eco-Friendly


"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet,"Â￾ says Toni, 35. "Every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of over-population."Â￾

The only point of worrying about the planet is to maintain the quality of human life, present and future.


"The only person who understood how I felt was my first husband, who didn't want children either. We both passionately wanted to save the planet - not produce a new life which would only add to the problem."Â￾

I'm glad he was the only person who understood her unnatural obsession.


"When I was 21, I considered sterilisation for the first time. We decided my husband would have a vasectomy instead. He was 25, just a few years older than me, but the GP allowed him to go ahead. I found it insulting that she thought that, just because I was a woman, I'd reach a point where an urge to breed would overcome all rational thought."Â￾ When Toni was 23, her marriage ended. She says: "We married very young and grew apart."Â￾

That "urge to breed" must be a natural instinct like that found in all species. Being a natural urge it must be what the planet wants her to do. I'm not sure from what source she derives her supposedly rational thought that contradicts what her highest good (the planet) has programmed her to do.


"I discovered that despite taking the Pill, I'd accidentally fallen pregnant by my boyfriend. I was horrified. I knew straight away there was no option of having the baby. I went to my doctor about having a termination, and asked if I could be sterilised at the same time. This time it was a male doctor. I remember saying to him: 'I want to make sure this never happens again.' He said: 'You may not want a child, but one day you may meet a man who does'. He refused to consider it. "I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world."Â￾

Having a child is such a burden to the world that murdering it is justified, yet she cannot be troubled to give up the procreative act on behalf of her cause. Who is the selfish one now?

*Note: she murders a child because she "felt strongly" that it would burden the world. No proof, just her nihilistic hunch. Thank God (literally) that the post-modern woman is not the arbiter of morality.


"I've never felt a twinge of guilt about what I did, and have honestly never wondered what might have been. After my abortion, I was more determined than ever to pursue sterilisation."Â￾


"I've never doubted that I made the right decision. Ed and I married in September 2002, and have a much nicer lifestyle as a result of not having children. We love walking and hiking, and we often go away for weekends. Every year, we also take a nice holiday - we've just come back from South Africa."Â￾

Combining these two statements truly illustrates how perversely selfish this monster actually is. It seems she really killed her kid so she could go on vacation whenever she wanted. Sounds like the usual feminist justification for childlessness to me. I suppose "saving the planet" sounds better than words like nihilism and hedonism. If she really cared about her stupid cause she would have resolved to live a chaste life like a nun instead of neutering her husband, murdering her child, and finally sterilizing herself. It just shows that her "cause" is second to her sex drive and both rank above human life.

Edited by: Paleocon


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
To be fair to this "woman"Â￾"¦the vast majority of white American and white European children (particularly those born in the era of "Post Female Supremacist"Â￾ dogmas) would experience a comprehensively healthier existence without the (supposed) "love"Â￾ of a modern mother.

Conversely, without a "New Age Mommy,"Â￾ how on earth would white children manage to develop their neurotic behavior, their childish fits of rage, their habitual lying, their intense self-centeredness, their awe-inspiring materialism, their hypercritical nagging, their hypocrisy, their lack of spirituality, their lack of deep thought, their "follower"Â￾ mentality, their shameful superficiality, etc?

At the very least, "she"Â￾ had the aptitude and the sense of self-recognition to comprehend that "her"Â￾ level of maternal incompetence and depth of extreme self-abhorrence was indicative of a "woman"Â￾ entirely incapable of nurturing an individual birthed from her surgically-disfigured and emotionally-bankrupt womb.

As Paleocon astutely noted, her "environmental worship"Â￾ certainly failed to quell her animalistic urge to engage in sexual intercourse with the opposite sex"¦so much so, in fact, that she became impregnated (promptly aborting, of course).

I absolutely guarantee that I (a civil engineer / amateur farmer / white civil rights activist), live a far "greener"Â￾ life than this city-dwelling fraud. I'm positive that I've also done more good for the local wildlife, too.

Another pertinent question"¦I wonder if the aborted fetus was tossed into a traditional sanitary landfill? Poor mother earth can't seem to catch a break, even from her most love-sick (no, just "sick"Â￾) admirers.