Screw Fox


Apr 14, 2005
This guy had my full support and loyalty before this weekend's drafdt. Now all of that is out the window. Fox was the only guy with a true shot at playing CB and might be th only one in a while and he really just doesn't care. He should want to play CB as they do make more money but Fox has to be the unselfish white guy and say the right things instead of saying I played CB on the Natrinal Champion Ohio St Buckeyes the past three years and i deserve a shot there. Now Fox will be just another FS playing special teams his whole career. Good job Fox way to blow it.
I agree with you, whiteCB, but maybe the kid knew if he spoke up, his chances of playing in the NFL at all would be gone. I'm sure he knows how the game is played today, and while it would have been nice to see him speak up, I can't blame the kid at all.
While I agree it is hard to speak up,I would have liked
to see him at least demand a chance at cb.Why not use
the media going the other way.They might laugh at first
but they would run with the story.All Fox would have to
do is demand a chance at the corner first and if it
didn't work out,he would move to safety.Just like in
Pop Warner,High School,and College,the nfl is slotting
players without the opportunity.
I too, am reluctant to criticize Fox because I want him to do well. Personally he has no reason to buck the system if it will cause him to lose playing time.

However, until white players stand up and bitch like nearly all black players, then they will be treated like crap. The squeaky oil gets the grease is as true as ever. Black players will cry and moan and play like sh*t if they feel they're being treated unfairly. They just don't care.

Fox just wants to play pro ball and get a paycheck. Screw everyone else.
Fox can play wherever he wants except the line. An athlete like Fox would do fine in the backfield, as a linebacker, or as a defensive back. Free Safeties are better football players than cornerbacks in general as they are able to hit harder. Safety is much more high profile in the NFL and corners are usually considered to be less tough. Corners cannot tackle for the most part. The NFL is putting its best athletes at Safety(John Lynch, Adam Archuleta, Jason Sehorn as of right now). Its not just a race thing because top black/non-white athletes are put at Safety as well(Lawyer Milloy, Rodney Harrisson,and Troy Polamalu.The only problem is that fans think the best athletes are at cornerback(Deion Sanders, Champ Bailey, etc.)
Those are valid points about athleticism at safety, but the NFL does not keep switching white college cornerbacks (what few there are) to safety because they're too good of athletes to play cornerback, rather it's always for negative reasons -- lack of speed, not fluid enough in the hips, lack ofdecisive cutting ability, lack of fast twitch muscles, whatever excuse they can think of. Cornerback is a blacks-only speed position, and whites are continually filtered away from playing it no matter how capable they are. As far as safety, there should be many more white ones than there are. Like wide receiver, safety is a positionwhere whites would be in the majority in the NFL if developed fairly from the Pop Warner level on up.
How manyy starting white safetys are there in the NFL? Only about a half dozen. Ridiculous.
Don Wassall you hit the nail on the head. It's for negative purposes for switching fox to CB not because he is such a great athlete or good tackler. Let's pretend everyone was color blind with a resume like Fox's without a doubt he would play CB end of story.
IceSpeed said:
Fox can play wherever he wants
except the line. An athlete like Fox would do fine in the backfield, as
a linebacker, or as a defensive back. Free Safeties are better football
players than cornerbacks in general as they are able to hit harder.
Safety is much more high profile in the NFL and corners are usually
considered to be less tough. Corners cannot tackle for the most part.
The NFL is putting its best athletes at Safety(John Lynch, Adam
Archuleta, Jason Sehorn as of right now). Its not just a race thing
because top black/non-white athletes are put at Safety as well(Lawyer
Milloy, Rodney Harrisson,and Troy Polamalu.The only
problem is that fans think the best athletes are at cornerback(Deion
Sanders, Champ Bailey, etc.)

You bette r beleive it. I played for four and a half years at
Saftey in the Texas League and confirm what your saying about Safety
vs. Corners. It takes a ten or a hundred times better athelete to
paly Saftyye and "real" football palyers know it, but they can't say it
to the "media" I know two people that went to the nFL (but one's balck)
and they all tell me the truth about the coaches and what they have to
do b/c of the "media.' Total B.S.
robcat said:
Just curious, whats the Texas League?
Its a step
under the AFL (Arena Footabll League) with three different levals (A,
AA, and AAA) of teams all over the state of Texas. It's full
contact jsut like the Pros and even has NFL scouts attend the
games. It's a lot of fun and good competition if you don't
get the chance to be drafted you see a lot of ex-college players
there who are waiting for the chance.

Did you play at all and if so, what school, robcat?
I played high school hockey. There were no Jarome Iginla typeson my team!

I never knew there was anything like the Texas LEague.
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