Scientist says Africans less intelligent

What I have noticed is that non of Dr. Watson's critics have attacked the Weschler Adult Intelligence Test which is the most widely used tool for measuring intelligence. All Dr. Watson said was that the testing indicated that blacks were not at intelligent as white. Using the U. S. Military induction testing black recruits average 82.5 on the Weschler and whites about 100 asians around 106.
Tired old White said:
What I have noticed is that non of Dr. Watson's critics have attacked the Weschler Adult Intelligence Test which is the most widely used tool for measuring intelligence. All Dr. Watson said was that the testing indicated that blacks were not at intelligent as white. Using the U. S. Military induction testing black recruits average 82.5 on the Weschler and whites about 100 asians around 106.

I'm sure that these findings are true about IQ. I think some of the reasons whites score below Asians is b/c White culture is slipping from its old Calvinist ways to become more about worldly things, hedonistic impulse, bad discipline and materialistic values. I think the white race may even be de-evolving. Impulse for sex and smart people choosing dumb partners is playing a role.

With blacks I think they do well with creativity in the arts, but lack the same level on average of abstract reasoning, which hurts especially in math and science or any abstract concepts. This is why we see few blacks with PHDs in Chemistry, Physics and Math.

Personally I believe that the Asian value of studying hard helps them to score higher on IQ than whites. Asians also on average IMO (possibly even exceeding whites) are blessed with good memory capacity, this really pays off with hard work. I would have to say that whites IMO on average are a bit more creative though.

Edited to add: I'm sure that the lack of academic work ethic in the black community and having absent parents or fathers plays a role as well on the IQ tests.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
The 106 is actually only for Northeastern Asians( Japanese and Chinese ) Southern asians score around 90. If you split out North Western European they score around 105 to 110 depending on who you define as a NW Euro. But the point of my post is that attacking Dr. Watson or anyone else for accurately reporting the results obtained with a measuring device is pointless. If you feel the information the the IQ test produces is inaccurate prove that the IQ test is not a measure of intelligence, or that is has an unacceptable error in its construction.Edited by: Tired old White
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