Scientific proof Africans don't make good soccer players


Oct 12, 2011
Newly released research

More Brainpower Seen in Soccer’s Top Scorers


Brawny athletes are rarely brainy, or so the stereotype goes. But a new study reports that soccer players actually have superior executive functions, the brain processes responsible for planning and abstract thinking. And the more elite the player, the better these functions.
The ability is called game intelligence, and it’s “very, very fundamental to the way we make decisions,” said an author of the new study, Predrag Petrovic, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. “It’s a way of quickly working with information and making decisions about the environment.”
Dr. Petrovic and his colleagues discuss their findings in the journal PLoS One.
The researchers measured executive function using a standardized test called D-KEFS, which assesses skills in problem solving, creativity and rule making. The highest scores went to soccer players from Sweden’s most elite league, followed by players from a lower division. Nonplayers who were tested finished behind both groups of players. The differences were significant, Dr. Petrovic said. Elite players performed in the top 2 percent when compared with the general population.
The researchers tracked some of the players for two seasons, and found that those with higher test scores had more goals and assists.
It isn’t clear whether athletes acquire these functions over time, or whether they are inherited.
“Our hypothesis is that it’s both,” Dr. Petrovic said. “You can’t become a good player if you don’t have strong executive functions, but at the same time you can always improve executive function if you train.”

Now we all now that psychological testing has shown Africans to be of considerably lower intelligence than everyone else in the world. Here is a table of IQ's from around the world. Now look at the countries at the bottom of the list.


The empirical evidence has been there for years - Africans sides performing poorly at the world cup, Africans producing lousy footballers compared to their population, and African players ruining traditionally European and North America national teams. Now the scientific evidence is there. I don't know what more needs to be pointed out before coaches stop picking African players.
great article!
i don't think IQ is an important thing, but it's the best thing in existence to measure "intelligence"
the best way to know that blacks are less intelligent is talking to them and living with them, though :icon_mrgreen:
I am surprised the US is still 98 with all the immigrants here. Ireland is only 93?
It's not only intelligence, although this is very important for some positions.
It's also their impulsive nature, their lack of discipline, their lack of endurance (they are good for situations where you have to let off a lot of energy in a short time - "pace", but not as good long term).

There is also a lack of basic sportsmanship and thuggish behavior that ruin the game's atmosphere. I hope football/soccer will never become a "gangsta" game like basketball is here in the US, but I see trends in this direction in some countries (France, for example).
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here's a relevant quote about dalmat, a black flop from france:

« He is quick, powerful, has a great technique and a really good shooting ability but… he doesn’t know about playing football ». The harsh words become truly cruel when they are pronounced by Arrigo Sacchi, one of the world’s most regarded coaches.

this shows the importance of intelligence in football, especially for a middlefielder
Scientific proof Africans don't make good soccer players

please can you post a link of the article about IQ's?? I'm shocked to see that the first nation makes 107 on average score! considering that an IQ of 100 is considered normal, and is on the middle of a gaussian curve, the vast majority of the world are below normal?

this being said, your articles says exactly the contrary of what an IQ measure would imply: it highlights the "decision making" process, and a 3 dimensionnal vision of the game (a bodily kinesthetic intelligence) which is not measured by actual IQ standards. That's why you encouter some completely idiot soccer players, but with great playing abilities.
in the part of article you copied on your first post, you mentionned a D-KEFS test. Maybe an international ranking scores of D-KEFS test gives a better idea of who and who isn't fit for soccer playing.