

Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Arnold sure has been a HUGE disappointment to those voters who thought he was Conservative. What would we expect from a Kennedy wannabe?

[url] MNI410LK62.DTL& [/url]

"The Republican idea is a great idea, but we can't go and get stuck with just the right wing," Schwarzenegger said. "Let's let the party come all the way to the center. Let those people be heard as much as the right. Let it be the big tent we've talked about.

"Let's invade and let's cross over that (political) center," he said. "The issues that they're talking about? Let them be our issues, and let the party be known for that."
Schwarznegger means a black who help you.You can also say black slave. Did you guys know that?.My first language is a germanic one(im dutch) very similar to german and they talk that in Austria.

schwarz= black
negger= someone who help you/slave
I have heard that Schwarzenegger means 'black plowman.' This is also what Arnold himself said on the David Letterman show.
Schwarzenegger seems to be plowing the field more for gays and illegals now like the girly man he really is. Here's hoping that Skynet sends a terminator back in time to take him out. Just kidding.
Maria-"well what about politics, you said you wanted to run for governor of California"

Arnold the black plowman-"ah Maria, that would never work, you know I have Nazi relatives, ah"
Well, I'm not sure about anyone else, but whenever he makes a speech I'm always waiting for him to scream "get to da choppah!"

I guess with Arnold you never know what you'll get -- sometimes it's the cool Arnold from Commando or Predator, sometimes it's the douche Arnold from Kindergarten Cop or Twins.

Hey, remember "End of Days"?

Me neither.
From: Ernest Thode<bs113@FreeNet.Carleton.CA >
Subject: Re: Origin/Meaning of surname SCHWARZENEGGER
Date: 14 Aug 1997 16:00:22 GMT

Michael P. McDowell ( writes:
> This is a family argument question, I'm afraid, not a family genealogy
> question: Can anyone dig into a handy reference and tell me the origin
> or translation of the Austrian/German surname SCHWARZENEGGER?
> K-Mac

The origin of the surname SCHWARZENEGGER is from a place or topographic
name Schwarzenegg. Egg means "mountain ridge," schwarz means "black, dark."
Place-name surnames are very common. Think of all the -INGER names from
place-names ending in -ingen, the -BERGER names from place-names ending in
-berg, the -BURGER names from place-names ending in -burg, and so on.

This would be analogous to several other names in Austria, Switzerland,
and Alpine areas of Bavaria, such as EMMENEGGER, HONEGGER, HABEGGER, and
some of the just plain EGGERs.

To respond to the unasked question, no, it does not mean "Black Negro"
although Neger is the German word for "Negro." Nor does it mean "black
rake", although Egge is a kind of forked tool (not sure if rake is the
correct translation). That is folk etymology, not the real origin of the name
that has been localized in a mountainous area probably near a place called
Schwarzenegg for centuries.

Folk etymology sometimes leads to false assumptions. See some of the
works on German surnames. Harry DAVIS did a popularized one, I believe.
George Fenwick JONES did one. Hans BAHLOW's is available in translation.
There are many books in German as well.

Once I falsely assumed that the surname SCHMITTHAMMER came from "Smith"
plus "Hammer." I was wrong. The origin turned out to be in an area where
there were a number of villages called "Schmidtham."

Ernest THODE
Ernest Thode, Washington County Public Library,
Marietta, OH 45750-1973
American Freedom News