School board leader can’t write

Oct 24, 2005
To be fair, this black man is more articulate than Richard Michael Daley, mayor of Chicago. Then again, I have always considered daley to be a black guy in white skin.
About this article, if blacks are so conformist, why do they subdivide themselves into street gangs? Each gang defends their "Hood."
To Jimmy Chitwood: I will remember you in my prayers this sunday. When the work gets you down, remember, you work with the smart ones!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
When you have the media telling you every single day that blacks commit crimes and do poorly in school because of poverty and social injustices it sticks in your brain. It's all a bunch of crap to be politically correct and cut the bruthas and sistahs a bunch of slack. Many of my buddies came here from Poland, didn't speak a word or English and never finished high school but rather went straight into the construction business. They now own homes, have families, and are living the "American Dream." For a negro who knows the language( at least some of them do)and has access to scholarships and some of the best schools in the world to put blame on someone else for his failures is just insane.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
screamingeagle said:
To be fair, this black man is more articulate than Richard Michael Daley, mayor of Chicago. Then again, I have always considered daley to be a black guy in white skin.
About this article, if blacks are so conformist, why do they subdivide themselves into street gangs? Each gang defends their "Hood."
To Jimmy Chitwood: I will remember you in my prayers this sunday. When the work gets you down, remember, you work with the smart ones!
The gentleman that wrote this article posted by Don is a white schoolteacher, not black. The point he made about black conformity is accurate. Sure, they can form different gangs based on territorial matters and such, but there is no discernable difference between a "crip" and a "blood". They are identical outside of their allegiance. And when confronted by an "outside" force, such as Asian or Mexican gangs, they are one big happy family.
And yes, especially after reading this article, I'm sure that all of our hearts and prayers go out to Jimmy Chitwood!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
jaxvid said:
That is all so true. Why is it so hard to get this across to other whites?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

because most Whites live as far away from blacks as they possibly can. then, they talk about how much they love diversity, because "blacks aren't different; they just look different." you can see that on the idiot box every day as proof!

as a wise man once said, "One's love of diversity is directlyrelated to one's distance from it."

furthermore, how many people do you know who actually want to know the truth? American Whites have become soft, decadent, and comfortable-enough with their rarely-revealed fears to pretend said fears don't exist. in this environment, opening their eyes to the truth would require them to make HUGE changes in their lives ... and those changes are a lot harder (at least so the sheeple currently believe) than living with their country eating itself alive.

they'd rather have cancer (but pretend they don't) than seek the cure, because the cure will hurt.

thus have the mighty fallen.

on a related note to the original post, this morning the Superintendent of Little Rock's public schools was interviewed live on the radio about the "new" and "exciting" programs being implemented in the city's schools that will help "close the achievement gap" in the city's public schools. (how many times have we heard this before?)

the highest ranking member of the Little Rock school district (a negro woman)could barely read her prepared notes, and then when she tried to speak off the notes, she was even less intelligible. they had to cut the interview short because she was so incoherent and couldn't manage to express anything that wasn't expressly written down on her cue cards.

of course, the two lily-White radio hosts didn't point out any pertinent facts regarding the "achievement gap" nor comment on the obvious problemof howa "Dr" (thebumbling semi-literate holds a PhD.)who can barely read is supposed to get a bunch of dumb black kids to suddenly learn better.

this problem appears everywhere blacks do ... yet i'm the bad guy if i makea connection or ask a question. is this the America our soldiers die for?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
jaxvid said:
That is all so true. Why is it so hard to get this across to other whites?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

because most Whites live as far away from blacks as they possibly can. then, they talk about how much they love diversity, because "blacks aren't different; they just look different." you can see that on the idiot box every day as proof!

as a wise man once said, "One's love of diversity is directlyrelated to one's distance from it."

furthermore, how many people do you know who actually want to know the truth? American Whites have become soft, decadent, and comfortable-enough with their rarely-revealed fears to pretend said fears don't exist. in this environment, opening their eyes to the truth would require them to make HUGE changes in their lives ... and those changes are a lot harder (at least so the sheeple currently believe) than living with their country eating itself alive.

they'd rather have cancer (but pretend they don't) than seek the cure, because the cure will hurt.

thus have the mighty fallen.

This is still a fairly segregated society due to white flight. Suburban and rural Whites usually have little to no contact with how the bulk of blacks live and act. What blacks there are in the country and in the suburbs are generally of a better class than the ones in the inner cities. Most of what these Whites think theyknow about blacks comes from theboob tube and movies and the "educational" system.The Whites that live amongurban blacks are more race realistic, and either learn the appropriate lessons or else give in to the dominant black "culture" and are effectively wiggerized.


Apr 13, 2005
Don Wassall said:
This is still a fairly segregated society due to white flight.  Suburban and rural Whites usually have little to no contact with how the bulk of blacks live and act.  What blacks there are in the country and in the suburbs are generally of a better class than the ones in the inner cities.  Most of what these Whites think they know about blacks comes from the boob tube and movies and the "educational" system. The Whites that live among urban blacks are more race realistic, and either learn the appropriate lessons or else give in to the dominant black "culture" and are effectively wiggerized.</div>

Don, this isn't true for a great many areas, mine included. In the Houston area it is hard to escape blacks at all no matter where you live. Four miles from my house are two large apartment complexes teeming with blacks and mestizos who send their kids to school with mine. When I grew up it was true. Many of my high school friends had no real contact with blacks at all. These same kids sometimes froze at the sight of black behavior.

Much of that teacher's experience was the same as mine 40 years ago when I entered a black elementary school. The comment about hair made me smile. Black girls LOVED our hair and would ask us if they could comb it. I remember standing in the lunch line, leaning up against the wall with a black girl lovingly combing my locks.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
It should be noted that there are different "sorts" of blacks as well. When I lived in Glendora, CA, there were black families scattered about the community, which is fairly upscale. These blacks were literate, intelligent, upper-middleclass professionals, primarily. Their children were well-behaved, and aside from their skin color, not a whole lot different than the white kids they went to school with. A couple of them were good friends of my son.
But as we moved away from that community to the "Inland Empire", we found that the blacks that cloistered together in their own communities were much closer to the examples given above in the teacher's article. As a result, we had to opt for private schooling, as the blacks in a community a mere 20 miles from our previous home were basically uncivilized.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I guess this would be an example of the 1% rule. The 1% of blacks that are intelligent enough to be discerning move away from the rabble and become "Uncle Toms", in the words of thehood ratsthat they've abandoned.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Oh my God! This story is so sickening.Black preacher is typical. Scamming clueless Whites is priority #1.

Another proud civil rights leader.

Remember a few months back when it came out that the head of the Detroit school board can barely read or write? His name is Otis Mathis, and here are a couple of emails he sent out that demonstrate his complete incompetence for the job:

If you saw Sunday's Free Press that shown Robert Bobb the emergency financial manager for Detroit Public Schools, move Mark Twain to Boynton which have three times the number seats then students and was one of the reason's he gave for closing school to many empty seats.


Do DPS control the Foundation or outside group? If an outside group control the foundation, then what is DPS Board row with selection of is director? Our we mixing DPS and None DPS row's, and who is the watch dog?

Yes, those emails were actually written by the head of the Detroit school board. After the story made national news, many on the school board defended him, saying he was just the kind of person needed as president of the Detroit school board, because he can relate to struggling students, etc. And, naturally, anyone who disagreed is a racist.

Well, Otis Mathis is no longer the head of the Detroit school board. Not because he's pretty close to being functionally illiterate. But because a female school administrator filed a complaint that during their 20 minute meeting, he spent the entire time masturbating. She also said that this wasn't the first incident. Mathis resigned shortly after that. Then he decided he wanted his job back, probably figuring, correctly, that employment prospects for a functionally illiterate pervert are somewhat limited. And one board member, a black preacher and local civil rights activist, said that Mathis should get his job back, because he's "young"Â (he's 55), and he may not have known that masturbating in front of women at work was offensive.

I'm NOT making this up:

Some board members told the Free Press that they did not want Mathis to return, but one member, the Rev. David Murray, said he would be happy for Mathis to return and that Mathis took responsibility for his bad behavior toward Gueyser.

"He's a young man; maybe he didn't know it was offensive to her,"Â Murray said of the 55-year-old Mathis. "It's not something I would do. He's a young man. That's just the way it is."Â

Plus, he be a row model for yufes!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
That story is sickening, Bart! Detroit deserves whatever pestilence befall it under this kind of "leadership."


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Actually for Detroit that guys not too bad. There are much worse.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
No doubt jaxvid. Google Clarksdale, Mississippi school board or Coahoma County school board if you want to see ignorance on parade as leadership.