Scariest thing I have ever seen

dont be scared to watch it...its more haunting that JUMP OUT OF THE CLOSET scary
I did.
I can't watch.

I'm too scared.
Interesting footage, but who knows if they're all faked? A person who doesn't believe in ghosts or spirits already won't be convinced by such footage, and it isn't 'movie scary' enough to be thrilling.

I did find it interesting though. Edited by: White Shogun
i can only watch one scary film a day or i'll turn into a zombie
yall need to quit being scared and watch this... it will open your eyes to alot of stuff...
Just because nobody is commenting doesn't mean they haven't watched it. And just because people aren't watching it doesn't mean they're scared. You'd be hard pressed to find a man on this board who would be frightened by that video.

And besides that, it wasn't all that spooky in the first place.
jcolec, this video was scary enough to scare a black man white.
No disrespect but it didn't scare me in the slightest bit.There are things that scare people but everyone is different.Don't feel bad jcolec02.
all I know as that I have seen glimpses out of the corner of my eye...I belive that this is real (other than maybe the World Trade Center pics) and the music and the mood...not to mention being home alone at night when I watched it is why it scared me.
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