Satanic Hand Signals: Got That Link ??


Nov 2, 2004
Excellent webpage during Spring 2005 showing at least a dozen major world celebrities giving the Two-Horn Satan Finger Symbol gesture. You know, the one that resembles the U. Texas "Hook 'em Horns" gesture, but really means "Satan Admirer and Follower."

The Link was available on ANU website .... I thought I had bookmarked it but let it get away (Rats!) Anybody remember where it came from, or have the link saved? I know a couple of hot converts to Nationalism waiting to be shown the light.

Many Thanks

Yuri Dmitriyevitch
Doesn't that really mean 'rock and roll?'
It does have different meanings in different contexts, but 60-year-old white men of great influence generally aren't expressing their admiration forPantera when they make it!

Articles drop off the ANU site after two months, so it can't be found there now. It appeared originally on and/or and was probably linked to elsewhere, right after Bush's secondinauguration when the gesture was made in copious amounts, with a band from the U. of Texas marching down the militarized "parade" route being the cited pretext.

A web search using the proper key words should be able to bring it up.
It does have different meanings in different contexts, but 60-year-old white men of great influence generally aren't expressing their admiration for Pantera when they make it!

Good point, Don!

But to be fair, Realgeorge did say "celebrities," which could mean any Hollywood idiot, not just political figures. It would be hilarious and alarming at the same time to see someone like Putin or Chirac make such a sign, don't you think?
The article Realgeorge is talking about has photographs ofa number of world leaders making it, including Bill Clinton, so it's not that farfetched to imagineVlady and Jacques doing same.

A notorious photograph from 11/22/63 shows LBJ giving a big happy-faced wink to a Texas Congressman right after taking the presidential oath of office, while a griefstricken Jacqueline stands nearby. Didn't really seem to be an appropriate time for that, did it? I'm sure Bigunreal knowsthe pictureI'm referring to.
Are we talking about that Rock hand-sign that Dio got from his Italian grandmother? (It was a curse, ward off curse, or some such thing.)
As far as that goes, I'm much more worried about dialectical materialism, state-ism, egalitarianism, globalism, Everybody-but-Whites-supremacism etc, than finding satanism under every rock. I doubt your master-minds behind all the anti-white anti-liberty crap even believe in the character(or much of anything else).
I believe the article on Info Wars is the one Real George was inquiring about, Bart.

I do indeed remember that wink between LBJ and congressman Albert
Thomas on Air Force One. Lady Bird also has an inappropriate smile on
her face in this same picture. Couldn't come up with much better
photographic evidence of, at the very least, the extreme insensitivity
of both LBJ and his wife. BTW, this whole swearing-in ceremony was the
catalyst for the intense feud between LBJ and RFK. RFK was furious when
he heard that LBJ had told members of the Kennedy camp that he'd
advised him, during a phone conversation, to take the oath of
office before Air Force One left Dallas. RFK had said no such thing,
and in fact the entire ceremony was unnecessary (LBJ became president
as soon as JFK died, and constitutionally could have waited to take the
oath of office). Considering his sadistic insistence on Jackie standing
beside him, this was a clear indication of what a monster LBJ was.
Sorry to rant on off-topc, but that's what I invariably do when someone
brings up the assassination of JFK...
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