Sailer strikes (out ) again


Oct 15, 2004
More idiocy from caste whore Steve Sailer as he posits that soccer is racist because it has an offside rule that prevents teams from recruiting the faster africans! Then to show how stupid about sports he really is, he insists that black defenders would have to be recruited to defend them even though the defenders are already in the defensive area.

Note how the statistic loving Sailer pulls out a one time bizzare exception to prove his shoddy theory (Slovenia needing a black woman to race; Sailer does not live in the real world where Slovenian woman are probably faster then American black females, per capita)

Then he wrestles with which race has better endurance, going back and forth and making his argument useless.

(SAILER) it a white racist conspiracy to keep the black man down? Of course not! ... Well, then again, maybe it is. Consider the strict offsides rule in soccer that drives American viewers nuts with frustration because it prevents a speedburner wide receiver from getting behind the defenders and catching a bomb from the quarterback for an easy touchdown. (Soccer aficionados can convert this sentence into soccer lingo.)

If they lessened the offsides rule, every national team in Europe would recruit black sprinters to play forward, the way Slovenia hired the 44-year-old Jamaican Merlene Ottey to sprint for them in the 2004 Olympics because even in her dotage she was still faster than any Slovenian woman. And then each European country would need blacks defenders to cover the black forwards, just as every single starting cornerback in the NFL is black.

Or consider the lack of timeouts and lack of substitutions in soccer. The game would be more exciting if the players weren't so tired all the time (and think how listless they would be if they weren't constantly faking injuries!), but these rules work to the advantage of whites over super-fast West African sprinters because whites tend to have more endurance at distance running. (By the way, Brazil had much more of an infusion of East and South Africans than the U.S., where almost all blacks came from West Africa. So, Brazil's blacks aren't as good at sprinting as America's blacks and aren't as bad at distance running.)
What an f ing dumba$$ removing off sides would make it easier for slow players because they would not have to move away from the goal. Therefor they would not need to be fast to run to the goal becase they would already be there. If off sides were eliminated defenders would not come forward and defenders would stay back thus eliminateing the back and forth action, and thus making it easear for slower players.
That article was way out there. According to his logic faster players need a head start by being off-sides???

Watching the World Cup games was like a breath of fresh air. Finally, we got to see whites line-up against blacks in a sport that relies mostly on the natural attributes of speed and quickness. If you've been listening to the caste system propaganda media machine, you would think that black players would be running circles around white players, dribbling past them with ease, and setting scoring records. But, what really happened?

In nearly every game I watched the best player on the field was white. The fastest player on the field was white. And, in the end an all white team won the final. How can this happen in the year 2006 - nearly 35 years since American football converted all of its speed positions to nearly 100% black? Edited by: Kaptain Poop
This Sailer guy is such an annoying piece of twit. White Tornado hits the bullseye. Anybody heard of a ZONE defense for crying out loud. Eliminate the offside and you would have defenders parking their rear ends near their own goal the entire game thus making the game slow and sluggish. As it is the game is fast and rewards the speedy and skilled.
Lets face it. The black athletic supremecists are at a complete loss to explain how white men won the most prestigious team sport event which requires speed and focus and skill and dazzle and heart and guts.. TS to them. Why so many whites hate white athletes is one of the biggest mysterious I know. I thought last Sunday was a day of DEEP JOY> Roger Federer beating his nemesis at Wimbledon and Italy taking the World Cup. Talk about SWEET> Lets have a party.
Is soccer a skill sport (like baseball and golf) or an athletic sport (like sprinting or American football (outside the 'white' positions))? If soccer is an athletic sport then Sailer is right.

But it isn't. Soccer is a skill sport. If you do not play from a very early age (meaning 5 or 6) you will never catch up. There isn't even a thug role to fill as in American hockey. There's no equivalent to basketball's back-to-basket center. Crouch has to handle the ball in midfield as well as try to head balls into goal. Beckham has to play credible defense.

And speaking of Beckham his goal in the WC proves soccer is a skill sport. What a baseball pitcher does with his arm Beckham can do with his foot - cause a projectile to curve, up or down, left or right, and then hit an exact spot at an exact speed.

That's at minimum a decade of single-mindedness. Four hours day, every day, in Essex kicking a ball. Nothing natural about it. Unless, of course, there is a genetic predisposition to merciless self-improvement.

One thing Sailer ignores is fast players are often neutralized by accurate and fair tackling. Zidane's little tantrum was the result of just such effective defensive tactics by the Italians (because of the honor of his mother? that's funny, Africans in France sling about mother-this and mother-that as much, if not more, than Africans in America).

Fast African strikers would not be allowed to just run where they like. They would be pushed, pulled, held, insulted, tripped. Not to mention all the thrown bananas they would have to dodge (or, on occassion, pick up and eat).
Not sure I get your point Charlie. Soccer at the highest end like the World Cup requires both top flight athleticism and skill. And while golf is a skill sport baseball demands superior athleticism depending on the position. Yes baseball and soccer and tennis are tough sports to advance in but don't for one second think these soccer players aren't world class athletes. There was world class speed out there in Germany my friend and these soccer athletes are amoung the best athletes the world has to offer regardless of which sport one discusses.
What is making the Sailers of the world awfully nervous is that the results of this World Cup exposes the caste system here in the USA. Based on the results a full grade argument should be made that white athletes deserve more nuturing and advancement ( ala cornerback )here in the USA.
sailer was wrong By removing off sides it would help slower not faster players, and you can't say speed does not play a huge role in soccer. Also were not teams full of "fast" africans playing in the tournoment, they did not do so well did they. In the Angola vs Portugal game even the anouncer had to admit the Portugies were faster. The second goal by Italy over Ghana the Italian player smoked by the Ghanan defender to get to the ball.
I guess if they took away the offsides rule Ghana would have won.
I get the impression sometimes that Sailer (and those like him) would love nothing more than to make every sport a track meet. It seems that Sailer thinks that athleticism is nothing more than footspeed. Whatever a**hole.

Furthermore, changing the rules the way he suggests changes the the game itself. The offsides rule was put in for a reason. That reason probably has something to do with making people learn to play soccer and not just rely on pure foot speed. It is not the 100 meters.

Why not change every sport so that it's a contest of footspeed? Golf, NASCAR, DARTS...Cribbage. Fastest at 100m gets 20 yds added to his drive, poll position, a free bullseye and..whatever advantage one can have in Cribbage. If we did this then the world would see just how much more athletically superior the poor, struggling black man really is. PFFFT.

It's only these darn rules of competition and sportsmanship that keep them down! I've got an idea. Instead of Sailer and the blacks complaining about rules in games that were invented by WHITE MEN why don't the blacks come up with their OWN GAMES? Then they could fix the rules however they wanted!
Seems to me charlie and poacher are in a way agreeing with Sailer's underlying premise that blacks rule in footspeed. I watched a lot of the world cup and the sport of soccer rewards foot speed so not sure why that is up for discussion. A white team won an athletic competion where footspeed (amoung other athletic attributes) plays a big role. So to keep insisting that the footspeed topic isn't relevant to Italy winning is wrong.
If an all black team or mainly black team won you could bet the media would be fawning all over the "footspeed" angle.
These are highly athletic men. most are in the 5-10" to 6-2" range. Sprinter sizes. Fabio Cannavaro is only 5'9" but he has a perfect athletic build. I watched him closely the last three games Italy played. The guy is an amazing athlete. the speed, quickness and dexterity was top flight. Anyone catch his bicycle kick in the final or the one on one move where he stole the ball from Henry? Or the play he hopped over Zindane for a header. His vertical must be near 50 inches. Wide men Gilardino and Del Piero are speedsters . The second goal against germany illustrates their speed as both broke through the germany D.
So the hell with the idea that soccer is like golf or poker. The athleticism on display at the world cup was breathtaking. Buffon was the best goalie in the tournament. The quickness and reflexes needed for that position is incredible. The closest i can think of is a hot shot to a third basemen in baseball.
Italy won the world cup---with superior athleticism and skill.
Blacks do have an edge in running, it's jot alot slimmer than most people believe. And in all complex sports and games, as opposed to pure athletics like track or weightlifting, there are too many other factors for one race to be naturally dominant, even if their freaks on the outer limits of the foot speed bell curve are 2% faster than ours.

Whites dominate strength events just as thouroughly as Blacks do the 100 meter, yet you never hear a Black being told he's too weak for football.
Not really agreeing but you when you consider that no white male has ever run the 100 in under 10 seconds...

I agree with WS' point about speed being overrated in team sports. Especially American Football. There are simply too many other factors for a player who is merely fast to be a superstar. Every year more blacks who were national class sprinters in college enter the NFL and are never heard from again. Speed is overrated.
The old "no white man has run the 100 meters in less than 10 seconds "what is that scripture now? Track and Field sprinting is a sport which requires specific training.And blacks have been training in that event like madmen the past quarter century.Sprinting is an athletic skill that needs nuturing. And white women from European stock have done well sprinting in the recent past. But back to the larger point--what the heck does that have to do with Italy winning the world cup?
The so called "specter" of black "speed" is a pretty useless device in this case given that the team that won was white. They showed off the superior abilities. And yes they showed speed. As for a white man breaking 10 seconds---properly trained in the right locations consider it done. I am not sweating out that one.
Sunshine: I'm not sure any BLACK has broken 10 seconds in the hundred meters without being juiced to the gills...but I digress.

Emmit Smith, despite an excellent record, was not particulary big and his 40 time was middle of the road. How many White guys have run as fast or faster at his size, and not been drafted?
With a large enough population enough whites can be found to match black speed. But in regards to soccer - so what?

The vast majority of goals are from set pieces; corner kicks and penalty kicks. What does speed have to do with that? Even in the open field a player still has to dribble the ball. A poor dribbler can't make up for his lack of skill with speed.

Cannavaro was displaying skill more than athleticism. Yes, he's athletic, but without skill he would not be effective.

When you watch a soccer match you notice that most everyone is standing around. They aren't moving at all. Why? Because it isn't a contest of speed, but rather one of spacing, pace, and endurance, as well as skill.

Sailer, with his 'blacks are fast' routine is maintaining access to the mainstream. He was even mentioned on Fox's Media Watch program. Which is cool because he writes lot of things which are highly useful and more people will read it than otherwise.
Speed is definetly a big part of soccer. Why run away from that fact now when an all-white team has just won the world cup? Yes, juiced-up black sprinters running in a perfectly straight line have edged out whites in sprinting contests. So What! That's not soccer. Whites still participate in soccer unlike sprinting. The quickest and fastest soccer players in the world are white. Say it loud and say it proud. It's a game a speed and WE dominate. End of story.
Let me add that power is also a part of soccer as it is in any truly althelic sport. Anybody watching Rooney play can see how physical strength is an important part of his game and is what makes him one of the best in the world. Don't forget that powerful striking kicks are a huge part of soccer. How many NFL kickers are black?
Having played soccer in my youth. I will say that speed is important to run to a point, but with that ball you can be prime Ben Johnson and a slower man will catch you. Dribbling slows you down big time. Also an all black team of West African ancestry would have an endurance problem. As much as caucasians are derided for lack of speed,West Africans have never produced a world class runner above 800 metres. 90 minutes of running is impossible to do at a sprint, you need to run at quick jog, that's not an advantage that West African blacks hold.
Kaptain Poop, Jaxvid and White Tordado and I saw the same thing-. First of all Charlie if speed doesn't matter in soccer then it doesn't matter in any sport. man oh man. Secondly the idea that blacks are faster where when how during this WC? I watched a ton of it and quite frankly overall I thought the whites were a bit faster and generally the whites seemed superior athletically speaking. And more dazzling.
Or another way. If anyone can determine that blacks seemed faster than whites during this WC stand up and be heard because I DID NOT SEE THAT. So based on the WC a HUGE event one cannot reasonably come to the conclusion that blacks are faster than whites in any which way shape or form.
Again this shadow effect and idea that blacks are quicker etc.. according to this WC seems like a lie. And keep in mind this idea over speed is not fixed. Here we are in 2006 and the whites proved on the field at least at the WC that the blacks are faster is a stinking LIE.
So I am still celebrating!!!!
I'm a fan of the Steve Sailer blog but i disagreed with him on soccer/football and sent him an email on the subject.

I suppose my main objection was to his view that time-outs and more substitutions would make the sport better. For those of us raised in Europe and Australasia sports that involve a lot of time-outs and substitutions are not taken seriously. Why respect an athlete who lacks stamina and therefore needs a lot of rests?

I hope I don't sound like an elitist but entertainment is only one part of sport to me. Although I like the tactical aspects of the NFL I generally prefer sports like soccer or rugby where the athletes are expected to display both stamina and a diversity of skills.
When comparing White Europeans to blacks from African, whites have an advantade in speed. White men hold more records in sprinting events than do men from West Africa.

It is only African American men, who have a mixture of white, black, and Indian genes who have edged out the white man. When you factor in the caste system that discourages/brainwashes American whites and the fact that many of these world class sprinters may have been involved with Balco labs, I am not that surprised that blacks have come to dominate this sport. They may be faster on average, but to think of all the untapped white American talent that never is used, you have to question their real advantage.
You have to wonder about the psychology of a man like Sailor who writes articles disparing whites even when the succeed, such as winning the world cup. It's obvious that this man derives some sort of pleasure from writing articles in praise of blacks and discrediting whites. Maybe he was picked on by all the white football players in high school. Point is, I would love to smack him around some.
Sailor makes an obvious mistake here. With the offsides rule, if the striker is faster than the defender, he can beat him to a ball even when running from a further distance. If the offside rule were eliminated, strikers and defenders would just stand near the goal the whole game. This is a surprisingly stupid thing for a man who prides himself on pointing out others' logical errors to say.

And if the lack of play stopage and substitution really hurt West Africans so much, why do they still consistantly beat more endurance-abled East Africans?

Does Sailor have any conspiracy theories for why whites now dominate heavyweight boxing?

How does he explain that only English speaking mixed blacks from the new world are great sprinters and not the many millions of blacks from Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil and especially Africa itself?Shouldn't Haiti and Nigeria be producing more world class sprinters than Jamaica and Antigua if this was as simple a matter as West African genes equal success?
He will probably point to a lack of adequate training facilities. However, I bet those countries still have more interest in the sprint than American white youth.Edited by: Alpha Male
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